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Instance of: adventurejs.Exit

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/exits/GlobalExitEnter.js, line 6

More info: NextSteps_GlobalScenery

Runtime node:

global_enter is an instance of Exit. GlobalExits provide a way to return an error message when a player tries to travel in a direction that has no Exit. Messages can be customized by Room, by Zone, or for the entire Game. GlobalExit objects are enabled by default, but can be disabled or customized, as in the examples below.


Here's an example of how to set GlobalExit descriptions per Room. Though global Assets are, in fact, global, the descriptions you set for them in a Room are local to that Room, so that each Room can set different descriptions. Room settings take precedence over Zone settings or global settings.

  class: "Room",
  name: "Middleditch",
    north: "Northditch",
    south: "Southditch",
    global_east: { enabled: true, description: "The walls of the ditch block passage. ", },
    global_west: { enabled: true, description: "You can't climb the steep ditch walls. ", },

Here's an example of how to set GlobalExit descriptions per Zone. Zones can be shared by multiple Rooms. Room settings take precedence over Zone settings, and Zone settings take precedence over global settings.

  class: "Zone", 
  name: "Outside Moria",
    global_north: { 
      enabled: true, 
      description: "Passage to the north is blocked by a vertical cliff face. ",
    global_south: { 
      enabled: true, 
      description: "The waters to the south are unpassable due to the watcher in the water. ",
  class: "Room",
  name: "Thin Sandy Shore",
  zone: "Outside Moria",
  descriptions: { 
    look: "You feel eyes upon you as you traverse this thin sandy shore 
    between the cliff face and the murky lake. ", 
  exits: {
    west: "Western edge of shore",
    east: "Eastern edge of shore"

Here's an example of how to set GlobalExit descriptions for anywhere in the game. These will be presented in every Room, unless overridden by Zone or Room settings.

  global_up: { enabled: true, description: "Until you learn to fly, there's no way up. ", },
  global_down: { enabled: true, description: "You smoosh your face against the ground. ", },

To learn more, see Global Scenery.

Private Constructor:

MyGame.createGlobalExits({ "name": "global_enter", [...] });

global_enter is a predefined instance of Exit that gets constructed automatically at runtime. It is defined in the library as a generic object, and then passed to Game#createGlobalExits for construction, validation, and initialization. Because this is predefined, authors should not need to create new instances. For information on modifying global Exits, see Global Scenery.

GlobalExit are instances of adventurejs.Exit (and not a unique global class). Global assets can be referenced from anywhere in the game world and exist primarily to catch player inputs that refer to things that might be present, but aren't. For example, if a player enters "examine east exit" in a room which hasn't got one.

Authors can modify global_enter via their game files through the use of adventurejs.Game#setGlobalDescriptions.

Inherited Overrides




Methods Collapse all  |  Expand all


Defined in: adventure/asset/$can.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#$can

$can() is a general method for getting at asset properties stored in asset.can.
$contains(id) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$contains.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#$contains


  • id String
Check whether this asset contains the specified asset. Works with tangibles and substances.


$is(property, asset)

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$is.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#$is

Todos: Leaving open the possibility for other params.


  • property String
  • asset Object
$is() is a convenience method for authors that provides an easy way to test for various conditions.
  • assetA.$is("reservoir")
    asking, is this asset a substance reservoir such as a lake or desert?
  • assetA.$is("broken")
    asking, is this asset broken?
  • assetA.$is("carried")
    asking, is this asset in the player's inventory?
  • assetA.$is("closed")
    asking, is this asset closed?
  • assetA.$is("dead")
    asking, is this character dead?
  • assetA.$is("held", assetB)
    asking, is this asset held by that asset, as in a bannister held by player?
  • assetA.$is("holding", assetB)
    asking, is this asset holding that asset, as in player holding a rope?
  • assetA.$is("in"|"on"|"under"|"behind"|"attached", assetB)
    accepts any preposition, asking, is this asset in that aspect of that asset?
  • assetA.$is("inhands")
    asking, is this asset in the player's hands?
  • assetA.$is("known")
    asking, is this asset known by player?
  • assetA.$is("locked")
    asking, is this asset locked?
  • assetA.$is("nested in", assetB)
    nested in, specific to character classes, asking, is this asset nested in that asset?
  • assetA.$is("open")
    asking, is this asset open?
  • assetA.$is("plugged")
    asking, is this asset plugged?
  • assetA.$is("present")
    asking, is this asset present in player's location?
  • assetA.$is("reachable")
    asking, is this asset reachable by player?
  • assetA.$is("sealed")
    asking, is this asset sealed?
  • assetA.$is("takeable")
    asking, can this asset be taken?
  • assetA.$is("unlocked")
    asking, is this asset unlocked?
  • assetA.$is("unplugged")
    asking, is this asset unplugged?
  • assetA.$is("unsealed")
    asking, is this asset unsealed?
  • assetA.$is("visible")
    asking, is this asset visible to player?
  • assetA.$is("worn")
    asking, is this asset being worn?
  • assetA.$is("zipped")
    asking, is this asset zipped?
$moveTo(aspect, asset)

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$moveTo.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#$moveTo


  • aspect String
  • asset Object
$moveTo is an author shortcut that is similar to moveTo but which bypasses onMoveThatToThis, avoiding the consequences of any verb actions.

Defined in: adventure/asset/$must.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#$must

$must() is a general method for getting at asset properties stored in asset.must.
$quirks() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/$quirk.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#$quirks

$quirk() is a general method for getting at asset properties stored in asset.quirks.


addAssetAt() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/addAssetAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#addAssetAt

Add specified asset id to the contents of specified aspect on this asset. Returns contents if aspect exists, or null.


addWordsToLookup(words, type)

Defined in: adventure/asset/addWordsToLookup.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#addWordsToLookup


  • words Array
  • type String
addWordsToLookup() takes words associated with this asset and adds them to the global lookup table.

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 807

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#aliases

aliases() is a collection of method names that are meant for authors to use. Since they don't exist on all classes, we set up these aliases so that, if authors call them on classes they're not applicable to, they will politely return null instead of throwing a "not a function" error.
allowVerbOnce(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/allowVerbOnce.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#allowVerbOnce


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
allowVerbOnce is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to allow the specified verb to act on it as only once.


allowVerbWithAnything(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/allowVerbWithAnything.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#allowVerbWithAnything


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
allowVerbWithAnything is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as a direct object with the specified verb without any direct object.


allowVerbWithAsset(verb, asset, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/allowVerbWithAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#allowVerbWithAsset


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • asset Object
    A game asset.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
allowVerbWithAsset is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as an object with the specified verb and object.


allowVerbWithNothing(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/allowVerbWithNothing.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#allowVerbWithNothing


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
allowVerbWithNothing is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as a direct object with the specified verb without any indirect object. For example, "plug in computer" where when an outlet is implied but not defined.


allowVerbWithPreposition(verb, prep, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/allowVerbWithPreposition.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#allowVerbWithPreposition


  • verb String
    A verb name.
  • prep String
    A preposition.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
Return whether the specified preposition is explicitly allowed for this verb and object.


areAnscestorsClosed() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/areAnscestorsClosed.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#areAnscestorsClosed

Checks to see if this asset's containing parent(s) is closed. Takes into account nesting doll situations and looks all the way up the chain. Useful for determining whether a player can interact with a nested object.


areAnscestorsKnown() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/areAnscestorsKnown.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#areAnscestorsKnown

Checks to see if this asset and its containing parent(s) are known to player. Takes into account nesting doll situations and looks all the way up the chain. Useful for determining whether a player can "see" a nested object.


areAnscestorsOpen() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/areAnscestorsOpen.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#areAnscestorsOpen

Checks to see if this asset's containing parent(s) is open. Takes into account nesting doll situations and looks all the way up the chain. Useful for determining whether a player can interact with a nested object.


areAnscestorsUnknown(nestlevel) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/areAnscestorsUnknown.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#areAnscestorsUnknown


  • nestlevel int
Checks to see if this asset or its containing parent(s) are unknown to player. Takes into account nesting doll situations and looks all the way up the chain. Useful for determining whether a player can "see" a nested object.


callAction(action, asset2, asset3, params) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/callAction.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#callAction


  • action string
  • asset2 string
    We use here instead of in support of authors, because we're never asking them to deal in IDs, only names. Hooks will only be defined by authors, so we let them use as their identifier. We do however make an effort to see if an id has been passed instead of a name, because Ivan.
  • asset3 string
  • params object
    Arbitrary parameter object.
Check if this asset has a general verb action or reaction for the specified event, or if the asset has an action for the specific asset. If either form is found, pass it to getStringOrArrayOrFunction and return the results. If the result returns false or null it will terminate the calling verb's default behavior.


canBePut(aspect, asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/canBePlacedInAspectOfAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#canBePut


  • aspect String
  • asset Object
Check whether this asset can be placed within the specified aspect of the specified asset. This takes into account the with_assets and with_classes properties.


canContainAssetAt(object) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/canContainAssetAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#canContainAssetAt


  • object Object
Check whether this asset can be attached to specified other asset.


canContainSubstance() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/canContainSubstance.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#canContainSubstance

Determine whether asset can contain any substance.


canDoVerbAutomatically(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/canDoVerbAutomatically.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#canDoVerbAutomatically


  • verb String
canDoVerbAutomatically is a method to check whether the specified verb can be performed automatically. Assumes that asset.dov[verb].enabled is true.


canNestPlayerAt(aspect) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/canNestPlayerAt.js, line 8

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#canNestPlayerAt


  • aspect String
    A Tangible Aspect ID.
Ask if player can nest in an aspect of this asset.


canPlayerReachThatFromThis(object) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/canPlayerReachThatFromThis.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#canPlayerReachThatFromThis


  • object Object
Check whether that asset can be reached by player when nested in this asset.


canSetVerbState(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/canSetVerbState.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#canSetVerbState


  • verb String
canSetVerbState is a method to check whether the specified verb can set state on this asset. Assumes that asset.dov[verb].enabled is true


containsAnyAsset() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/containsAnyAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#containsAnyAsset

Check whether this asset contains any assets in any aspects.


containsAnyAssetAt(aspect) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/containsAnyAssetAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#containsAnyAssetAt


  • aspect String
Check whether this asset contains any assets at the specified aspect.


containsAnySubstance() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/containsAnySubstance.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#containsAnySubstance

Check whether this asset contains any substance.


containsAnySubstanceAt(aspect) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/containsAnySubstanceAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#containsAnySubstanceAt


  • aspect String
Check whether this asset contains any substance at specified aspect.


containsAsset(id) → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/containsAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#containsAsset


  • id String
Check whether this asset contains the specified asset at any aspect.


containsAssetAt(id, aspect) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/containsAssetAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#containsAssetAt


  • id String
  • aspect String
Check whether this asset contains the specified asset at the specified aspect.


containsSubstance(id) → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/containsSubstance.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#containsSubstance


  • id String
Check whether this asset contains the specified substance.


containsSubstanceAt(id, aspect) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/containsSubstanceAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#containsSubstanceAt


  • id String
  • aspect String
Check whether this asset contains the specified substance at the specified aspect.



Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 1134

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#destroy

Remove this asset from the world before calling superclass.destroy.
didDoVerbs(verbs) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/didDoVerbs.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#didDoVerbs


  • verbs Array
didDoVerbs check whether any of the specified verbs has ever been applied to the asset as a direct object. This is a convenience method that relies on asset.didVerb()


didIoVerbs(verbs) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/didIoVerbs.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#didIoVerbs


  • verbs Array
didIoVerbs check whether any of the specified verbs has ever been applied to the asset as an indirect object. This is a convenience method that relies on asset.iDidVerb()


didVerb(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/didVerb.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#didVerb


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
didVerb is a method to check whether this asset was already used as an object by the specified verb.

$did is an alias for authors.


didVerbCount(verb, ov) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/didVerbCount.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#didVerbCount


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
didVerbCount is a method to get a count of times this asset was used as a direct object by the specified verb.

$didCount is an alias for authors.


findNestedAssetsWithClass(instanceClass) → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/findNestedAssetsWithClass.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#findNestedAssetsWithClass


  • instanceClass String
Find instances of specified class within this asset, for example find all coins within a purse. Returns an array of assets.


findNestedAssetsWithProperty(property) → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/findNestedAssetsWithProperty.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#findNestedAssetsWithProperty


  • property String
Find assets that have a particular property, for example find all assets emitting light. Returns an array of assets.


findNestedIndirectObjects(verb, direct_object) → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/findNestedIndirectObjects.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#findNestedIndirectObjects


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • direct_object Object | String
    An asset or asset ID of a direct object that the player has tried to perform an indirect verb on.
Returns a list of assets nested in this asset, if any, that can perform the specified verb upon the specified asset as defined in the target asset.dov[verb].with_assets/with_classes property. Works with verbs including open & close, pick, lock & unlock, and seal & unseal.


Array An array of indirect objects, if found.
get(property, qualifier)

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$get.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#get


  • property String
  • qualifier String
Utility function that provides an easy way for authors to test for various conditions.
  • all - list things anywhere in this
  • behind - list things behind this
  • in - list things in this
  • on - list things on this
  • under - list things under this
  • attached - list things attached to this
getAllContents() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getAllContents.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getAllContents

Returns an array of all content in any location


getAllNestedContents() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getAllNestedContents.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getAllNestedContents

Get list of other assets nested within this one.


getAncestorId() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getAncestorId.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getAncestorId

Get the ID of this asset's topmost parent, excluding Room.


getAnySubstanceThisContains() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getAnySubstanceThisContains.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getAnySubstanceThisContains

Get the substance, if any, contained in this asset.


getAspectAt(aspect) → {Object|Null}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getAspectAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getAspectAt


  • aspect string
    The aspect to get.
Get aspect at specified preposition.


Object | Null
getClassInheritance() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 150

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#getClassInheritance

getClassInheritance is a utility method to get an asset's class inheritance chain. Returns a list of class names from high to low.


getClosedAnscestors() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getClosedAnscestors.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getClosedAnscestors

Get a list of this asset's containing parent(s) that are closed. Takes into account nesting doll situations and looks all the way up the chain. Useful for determining whether a player can interact with a nested object.


getContentsAt() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getContentsAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getContentsAt

Returns an array of all content in the specified aspect.


getCountOfListableContentsAt(where) → {int}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getCountOfListableContentsAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getCountOfListableContentsAt


  • where String
Get a count of assets within this asset that are listable in this asset's description, for example when player examines this.


getDepth() → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getDepth.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getDepth

Get this asset's depth.


getHeight() → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getHeight.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getHeight

Get this asset's height.


getListableContents() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getListableContents.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getListableContents

Get an array of assets within this asset that are listable in this asset's description, for example when player examines this.


getNestOrPlaceAsset() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getNestOrPlaceAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getNestOrPlaceAsset

Get asset's parent asset. If asset is character and nested, returns nest asset, otherwise returns room asset.


getNestOrPlacePreposition() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getNestOrPlacePreposition.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getNestOrPlacePreposition

Get preposition of asset's parent aspect. If it's a character and is nested, returns nest asset preposition, otherwise returns room asset preposition.


getOpenOrClosed() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getOpenOrClosed.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getOpenOrClosed

Print a string representing open / closed state of this asset.


getPlaceAspect() → {Object|null}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getPlaceAspect.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getPlaceAspect

Returns the aspect object of this asset's parent asset or null.


Object | null
getPlaceAsset() → {Object|Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getPlaceAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getPlaceAsset

Get the object of this asset's parent asset.


Object | Boolean
getPlaceAssetId() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getPlaceAssetId.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getPlaceAssetId

Returns the ID of asset's parent or a blank string.


getPlacePreposition() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getPlacePreposition.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getPlacePreposition

Returns the aspect id of this asset's parent asset, or a blank string.


getPrettyPlacePreposition() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getPrettyPlacePreposition.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getPrettyPlacePreposition

Returns a printable version of the aspect id of this asset's parent asset. Intedned mostly for "attached" which should print as "attached to".


getPrintableListOfContents(params) → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getPrintableListOfContents.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getPrintableListOfContents


  • params Object
Get a printable list of assets within all Aspects of this asset, for example to append to asset description when player inputs "examine this". Returns a string.


getRoomAsset() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getRoomAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getRoomAsset

Get the asset of the room this asset is in.


getRoomId() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getRoomId.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getRoomId

Get the ID of the room this asset is in.


getRopesThatBlockTravel() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getRopesThatBlockTravel.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getRopesThatBlockTravel

Check if player is holding a rope, or tied by a rope, that is tied at the other end, preventing player from leaving room. Return a list of assets that meet this qualification.


getSubstanceAt() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getSubstanceAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getSubstanceAt

Get the substance, if any, contained in this asset.


getThingThisIsTiedToPlayerBy() → {Object}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getThingThisIsTiedToPlayerBy.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getThingThisIsTiedToPlayerBy

Assuming this asset is tied to the player asset by means of a third thing, get that third thing. Returns an asset object.


getTiedThingsThatDragOnTravel() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getTiedThingsThatDragOnTravel.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getTiedThingsThatDragOnTravel

Check if player is holding a rope, or tied by a rope, that is tied at the other end to an asset that can travel with player. Return a list of assets that meet this qualification.


getVerbConnectionCount(verb, to_ov) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/getVerbConnectionCount.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#getVerbConnectionCount


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • to_ov String
    Connection to direct or indirect objects of verb.
Return the number of assets connected to this asset via the specified verb.


getVerbConnections(verb, to_ov) → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/asset/getVerbConnections.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#getVerbConnections


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • to_ov String
    Connection to direct or indirect objects of verb.
Return an array of asset ids connected to this asset via the specified verb.


getVerbMaxConnections(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/getVerbMaxConnections.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#getVerbMaxConnections


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
Get the maximum number of connections allowed by the specified verb, inclusive of direct and indirect subscriptions.


getVerbParam(verb, param) → {*}

Defined in: adventure/asset/getVerbParam.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#getVerbParam


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • param String
    The name of a param in with_params.
Return the value of the specified parameter in the specified verb subscription.


getVessel() → {Object|Null}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getVessel.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getVessel

Get substance container. This is dodgy because, in theory, any aspect can contain substance, but in practice we only use "in".


Object | Null
getVesselAt(aspect) → {Object|Null}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getVesselAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getVesselAt


  • aspect string
    The aspect to check.
Get substance container at specified preposition.


Object | Null
getVesselPreposition() → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getVesselPreposition.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getVesselPreposition

Get this asset's substance location. This is somewhat ambiguous because in theory an asset can have multiple substance locations but in practice we clearly prefer 'in'.


getWidth() → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getWidth.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getWidth

Get this asset's width.


getY() → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getY.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getY

Get this asset's global y.


getYBottom() → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getYBottom.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getYBottom

Get this asset's global bottom y based on its y and height, which may be negative.


getYRange() → {Object}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getYRange.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getYRange

Get this asset's bottom y and top y based on its y and height, which may be negative.


getYTop() → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/getYTop.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#getYTop

Get this asset's global top y based on its y and height.



Defined in: adventure/asset/$has.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#has

has is an alias to asset.isWithin() that reverses the direct and indirect objects, to test whether that asset is in this asset.
if( MyGame.$('crown').$has('jewel') ){ // do stuff }
hasAction(hook_name, asset1_name, asset2_name) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasAction.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#hasAction


  • hook_name string
  • asset1_name string
    We use here instead of to make life slightly easier for authors. Asset IDs are formed from asset names, but generally we don't expect authors to be aware of IDs. Hooks will only be defined by authors, so let them use as their identifier. We do however make an effort to see if an id has been passed instead of a name.
  • asset2_name string
Check if this asset has a general verb action or reaction for the specified event, or if the asset has an action for the specific asset.


hasAspectAt(aspect) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasAspectAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasAspectAt


  • aspect String
Determine whether asset has an aspect at specified preposition.


hasClass(prop) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 130

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#hasClass


  • prop String
    Name of the class to test for.
A method to test whether the Atom is an instance of a given class.


hasContentsAtAspect(aspect) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasContentsAtAspect.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasContentsAtAspect


  • aspect String
Determine whether asset has contents at the specified aspect.


hasDescription(identifier) → {String|Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasDescription.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#hasDescription


  • identifier String
See if asset has a description for an identifier, such as "look in book", where "in" has been defined as a key at "look" is always the default identifier.


String | Boolean
hasDirectObjects(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasDirectObjects.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#hasDirectObjects


  • verb String
hasDirectObjects is a method to check whether this asset has any particular direct objects specified by the author for use with the specified verb.


hasIndirectDescription(indirect_aspect, indirect_asset, direct_aspect) → {String|Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasIndirectDescription.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#hasIndirectDescription

  • Yes

Todos: delete


  • indirect_aspect String
  • indirect_asset Object
  • direct_aspect String
Determine whether asset has an indirect description, such as "look at this through magnifying glass", where "through magnifying glass" becomes a key at asset.descriptions["through magnifying glass"]. "look" is always the default direct object description.


String | Boolean
hasIndirectObjects(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasIndirectObjects.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#hasIndirectObjects


  • verb String
hasIndirectObjects is a method to check whether this asset has any particular indirect objects specified by the author for use with the specified verb.


hasListableContents() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasListableContents.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasListableContents

Todos: transparent containers

Check whether this asset has any listable contents.


hasPlace() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasPlace.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasPlace

Determine whether asset has a place.


hasPropertyOnAspectAt() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasPropertyOnAspectAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasPropertyOnAspectAt

  • this will likely go away
Determine whether asset has specified property on specified aspect. Useful for testing whether properties exist before trying to assign to them.


hasRopesThatBlockTravel() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasRopesThatBlockTravel.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasRopesThatBlockTravel

Determine if player is holding or tied by any ropes that block travel to other rooms.


hasTiedThingsThatDragOnTravel() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasTiedThingsThatDragOnTravel.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasTiedThingsThatDragOnTravel

Check if player is holding a rope, or tied by a rope, that is tied at the other end to an asset that can travel with player. Returns a boolean indicating whether any asset meets this qualification.


hasVerbMaxConnections(verb, to_ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasVerbMaxConnections.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#hasVerbMaxConnections

Todos: dov/iov or both


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • to_ov String
    Connection to direct or indirect objects of verb.
Get whether the asset's specific verb connections are at the maximum set by verb.with_params.max_connections.


hasVerbParam(verb, param) → {*}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasVerbParam.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#hasVerbParam


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • param String
    The name of a param in with_params.
Return a boolean to indicate whether the specified parameter exists in the specified verb subscription.


hasVessel() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasVessel.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasVessel

Determine whether asset has any aspect with a vessel.


hasVesselAtAspect(aspect) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/hasVesselAtAspect.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#hasVesselAtAspect


  • aspect String
Determine whether asset has substance at an aspect at specified preposition.


iDidVerb(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/iDidVerb.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#iDidVerb


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
iDidVerb is a method to check whether this asset was already used as an indirect objecb by the specified verb.

$iDidDo is an alias for authors.


iDidVerbCount(verb, ov) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/iDidVerbCount.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#iDidVerbCount


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
iDidVerbCount is a method to get a count of times this asset was used as an indirect object by the specified verb.

$iDidCount is an alias for authors.


incrementDoVerbCount(verb, ov)

Defined in: adventure/asset/incrementDoVerbCount.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#incrementDoVerbCount


  • verb String
  • ov String
    "dov" or "iov" representing a direct or indirect object.
incrementDoVerbCount takes a verb and an object and updates this asset's count of the number of times the verb has acted upon it.
incrementTryVerbCount(verb, index)

Defined in: adventure/asset/incrementTryVerbCount.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#incrementTryVerbCount


  • verb String
  • index Int
incrementTryVerbCount takes a verb and an index and updates this asset's count of the number of times the verb has attempted upon it.
initialize(game) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 1111

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#initialize


  • game Object
Inherited from superclass Asset. Tangible adds initialization methods that are used for all Tangible assets, including:
  • link related objects
  • register parts


isAttached(asset) → {boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$isAttached.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isAttached


  • asset Object | String
    Can be string or object.
isAttached tests whether one asset is specifically in the behind aspect of another asset. This is a one-to-one check that doesn't take nesting into consideration.
if( MyGame.$('trophy').$isAttached('plaque') ){ // do stuff }


isBehind(asset) → {boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$isBehind.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isBehind


  • asset Object | String
    Can be string or object.
isBehind tests whether one asset is specifically in the behind aspect of another asset. This is a one-to-one check that doesn't take nesting into consideration.
if( MyGame.$('killer').$isBehind('curtain') ){ // do stuff }


isConnectedToAnything(verb, to_ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isConnectedToAnything.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#isConnectedToAnything


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • to_ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
Check whether this asset is currently connected to anything by a verb such as plugIn or tie. For example, if this asset is a computer plugged into an outlet, this method would return true.


isConnectedToAsset(verb, asset, to_ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isConnectedToAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#isConnectedToAsset


  • verb String
    The name of the verb to test.
  • asset Object | String
    A game asset or asset id to test.
  • to_ov String
    Connection to direct or indirect objects of verb.
Check whether this asset is currently connected as a direct object to the specified indirect object by the specified verb. For example, in the case of a computer plugged into an outlet, the computer would be the direct object, and calling this method on it would return true.


isConnectedToNothing(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isConnectedToNothing.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#isConnectedToNothing


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
Check whether this asset is currently connected as an indirect object to nothing (aka null) by the specified verb. For example, in the case of a computer that can be plugged in, an author might prefer not to create a specific outlet into which to plug the computer. For that case we allow 'plug in computer', and write a null value to to represent the computer's plugged in state.


isDOV(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isDOV.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#isDOV


  • verb String
isDOV is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to allow the specified verb to act on it as a direct object.


isIn(asset) → {boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$isIn.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isIn


  • asset Object | String
    Can be string or object.
isIn tests whether one asset is specifically in the in aspect of another asset. This is a one-to-one check that doesn't take nesting into consideration.
if( MyGame.$('rabbit').$isIn('hat') ){ // do stuff }


isIOV(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isIOV.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#isIOV


  • verb String
isIOV is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to allow the specified verb to act on it as an indirect object.


isOn(asset) → {boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$isOn.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isOn


  • asset Object | String
    Can be string or object.
isOn tests whether one asset is specifically in the on aspect of another asset. This is a one-to-one check that doesn't take nesting into consideration.
if( MyGame.$('fishbowl').$isOn('credenza') ){ // do stuff }


isOV(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isOV.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#isOV


  • verb String
isOV is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to allow the specified verb to act on it as either a direct or indirect object.


isPlacedAtAspect() → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/isPlacedAtAspect.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isPlacedAtAspect

Verify that asset is in the specified aspect. For example, cap.isPlacedAtAspect( 'attached' )


isPlacedAtAspectAndAsset(aspect, asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/isPlacedAtAspectAndAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isPlacedAtAspectAndAsset


  • aspect String
  • asset String
Determine whether asset has a place. Can be used to test against specific aspects and parent assets. For example, cap.isPlacedAtAspectAndAsset( 'attached', 'pen' )


isUnder(asset) → {boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$isUnder.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isUnder


  • asset Object | String
    Can be string or object.
isUnder tests whether one asset is specifically in the under aspect of another asset. This is a one-to-one check that doesn't take nesting into consideration.
if( MyGame.$('monster').$isUnder('bed') ){ // do stuff }


isVerbState(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isVerbState.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#isVerbState


  • verb String
isVerbState is a method to check whether this asset already has state set by the specified verb.


isWithin(asset) → {boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$isWithin.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isWithin


  • asset Object | String
    Can be string or object.
isWithin tests whether one asset is in (any aspect of) another asset.
if( MyGame.$('jewel').$isWithin('crown') ){ // do stuff }


isWithinYRange(asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/isWithinYRange.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#isWithinYRange


  • asset Object
Determine whether this asset's y position is within another asset's y range, aka its height from its y position.


iTriedVerb(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/iTriedVerb.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#iTriedVerb


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
iTriedVerb is a method to check whether it was attempted to use this asset as an indirect object by the specified verb.

$iTried is an alias for authors.


iTriedVerbCount(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/iTriedVerbCount.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#iTriedVerbCount


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
iTriedVerbCount is a method to get a count of times it was attempted to use this asset as an indirect object by the specified verb.

$iTryCount is an alias for authors.



Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/linkRegisteredParts.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#linkRegisteredParts

linkRegisteredParts does the bulk of the work for registerParts. The base method defined in Tangible is blank. Subclasses that can make use of it will override the method as needed.
moveFrom(asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$moveFrom.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#moveFrom


  • asset Object
$moveFrom is an author shortcut that is similar to moveFrom but which bypasses onRemoveThatFromThis, avoiding the consequences of any verb actions.


moveTo(aspect, asset)

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/moveTo.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#moveTo


  • aspect String
  • asset Object
moveFrom is an alias to onMoveThatToThis but with asset and this reversed purely for syntactic convenience.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onAddSubstanceToThis.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onAddSubstanceToThis


  • asset Object
Called when a substance asset is added to this, providing an opportunity to override default behavior through the use of verb effect hook doAddSubstanceToThis.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onChangeGravity.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onChangeGravity

Called when there is a change in gravity, providing an opportunity to override default behavior through the use of verb effect hook doChangeGravity.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onChangeMoisture.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onChangeMoisture

Todos: This should probably take a moisture value rather than an asset.


  • asset Object
Called when there is a change in moisture level, providing an opportunity to override default behavior through the use of verb effect hook doChangeMoisture.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onChangeTemperature.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onChangeTemperature

Called when there is a change in temperature, providing an opportunity to override default behavior through the use of verb effect hook doChangeTemperature.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onMoistenThisWithThat.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onMoistenThisWithThat


  • asset Object
Called when an asset is moistened with a liquid substance, providing an opportunity to override default behavior through the use of verb effect hook doMoistenThisWithThat.
onMoveThatToThis(asset, where) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onMoveThatToThis.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onMoveThatToThis


  • asset Object
  • where String
Called when another asset is added to this. Provides opportunities to override default behavior through the use of verb reactions doMoveThisToThat and doMoveThatToThis.


onNestThatToThis(player) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onNestThatToThis.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onNestThatToThis


  • player Object
Called when a player asset is nested to this. Provides an opportunity to override default behavior through the use of verb reactions doNestThatToThis.


onRemoveThatFromThis(asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onRemoveThatFromThis.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onRemoveThatFromThis


  • asset Object
Called when another asset is removed from this. Provides opportunities to override default behavior through the use of verb reactions doRemoveThisFromThat and doRemoveThatFromThis.



Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onSubtractSubstanceFromThis.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onSubtractSubstanceFromThis


  • asset Object
Called when a substance is subtracted from this, providing an opportunity to override default behavior through the use of verb reactions doSubtractSubstanceFromThis.
onTieThisToThat(asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onTieThisToThat.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onTieThisToThat


  • asset Object
Called when this asset is tied to another asset. Provides opportunities to override default behavior through the use of verb reactions doTieThisToThat and doTieThatToThis.


onUnnestThatFromThis(player) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onUnnestThatFromThis.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onUnnestThatFromThis


  • player Object
Called when player is unnested from this asset. Provides an opportunity to override default behavior through the use of verb reactions doUnnestThatFromThis.


onUntieThisFromThat(asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/onUntieThisFromThat.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#onUntieThisFromThat


  • asset Object
Called when this asset is untied from another asset. Provides opportunities to override default behavior through the use of verb reactions doUntieThisFromThat and doUntieThatFromThis.


placePreventsNesting(player) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/placePreventsNesting.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#placePreventsNesting


  • player Object
Check whether the specified asset can be nested to this while this is in its current location.


put(preposition, indirect_object)

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/$put.js, line 8

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#put


  • preposition String
  • indirect_object Object | String
    asset object or name/id
put places one asset inside another, bypassing onMoveThatToThis and subsequent doMoveThatToThis/doMoveThisToThat.
redirectVerb(oldVerb, newVerb)

Defined in: adventure/asset/redirectVerb.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#redirectVerb


  • oldVerb String
  • newVerb String
redirectVerb is a method for setting a verb redirect on this asset, such that when one verb is called on the asset, another verb will be called instead. Example: player enters "hit person", it is redirected to "slap person".

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/registerParts.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#registerParts

registerParts is a shortcut method for use with complex objects that have interlinked parts. For example, a sink of class Drainable can have a faucet, a drain, and multiple handles, each of which interact with the base object or other objects in the collection in different ways. Registering parts with the base object offers an opportunity to create object references and share variables.
removeAssetAt() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/removeAssetAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#removeAssetAt

Remove specified asset id from the contents of specified aspect on this asset. Returns contents if aspect exists, or null.



Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/removeThatFromThis.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#removeThatFromThis


  • asset Object
Removes an asset from another asset. It's not meant to be called directly, but is the last piece, or bedrock, of the removal process after checking for custom logic.
set(props) → {Object}

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 118

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#set


  • props Object
    A generic object containing properties to copy to the Object instance.
Provides a chainable shortcut method for setting a number of properties on the instance.


Object Returns the instance the method is called on (useful for chaining calls.)

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setAllAspectsContentsKnown.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setAllAspectsContentsKnown

This function will try to set all aspect contents of this asset known.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setAllAspectsContentsSeen.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setAllAspectsContentsSeen

This function will try to set all aspect contents of this asset seen.
setAspectAt(aspect) → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setAspectAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setAspectAt


  • aspect string
    The aspect to add.
Add an aspect at the specified aspect on this asset.



Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setAspectContentsKnown.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setAspectContentsKnown

When player knows an asset, call this function to make its contents known. Generally, contents of behind/in/on/under are listed automatically and known, whereas attachments may go unlisted in room descriptions. This function is chiefly for setting is.known for attachments, but can be applied to any aspects.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setAspectContentsSeen.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setAspectContentsSeen

When player sees an asset, call this function to make its contents known. Generally, contents of behind/in/on/under are listed automatically and seen, whereas attachments may go unlisted in room descriptions. This function is chiefly for setting is.seen for attachments, but can be applied to any aspects.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setAttachmentsKnown.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setAttachmentsKnown

Attachments may go unlisted in room descriptions unlike other assets. It's assumed that the author will include them in their parent's description. For example "The desk has a drawer" where drawer is an attachment. When these assets go unlisted, they miss being marked as seen / known like other assets. This function explicitly sets is.known / is.seen properties for attachments.
setDOV(verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setDOV.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setDOV


  • verb String
  • params Object
setDOV is a passthrough to setVerbSubscription with direct object specified.
setDOVs(verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setDOVs.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setDOVs


  • verb String
  • params Object
setDOVs is a passthrough to send multiple verbs to setVerbSubscription with direct object specified.
setIOV(verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setIOV.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setIOV


  • verb String
  • params Object
setIOV is a passthrough to setVerbSubscription with indirect object specified.
setIOVs(verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setIOVs.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setIOVs


  • verb String
  • params Object
setIOVs is a passthrough to send multiple verbs to setVerbSubscription with indirect object specified.

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setIs.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setIs


  • bool Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/setLinkedState.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setLinkedState


  • bool Boolean
setLinkedState sets an asset and its linked asset to the specified state.
setObjectOfVerbs(object_of, verb)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setObjectOfVerbs.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setObjectOfVerbs


  • object_of String
  • verb String
setObjectOfVerbs is a convenience method that passes a list of verb names through to setVerbSubscription.
setPlace(aspect, asset_id) → {Object}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setPlace.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setPlace


  • aspect String
  • asset_id String
Set an asset's place, aka parent asset and aspect. This is how one thing is put inside another. cap.setPlace( 'attached', 'pen' );


setPosition(params) → {Object}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setPosition.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setPosition


  • params Object
Set this asset's global position.


setVerbSubscription(object_of, verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setVerbSubscription.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setVerbSubscription

Todos: phase out earlier version


  • object_of String
  • verb String | Object
    An early version takes a string, with separate params object. A later version takes an object that includes the verb name as an object key and params as value.
  • params Object
    An optional param that works with the earlier version.
setVerbSubscription constructs verb subscriptions at asset.dov / asset.iov. It's intended mostly as a private function, though it is available to authors. An early version takes a string with separate params object. A later version takes an object that includes the verb name as an object key and params as value. // valid (for now) early version this.setIOV('hold',{with_params:{max_connections:2}}); // valid later version with one verb this.setIOV( { hold: { with_params: { max_connections:2 } } } ); // valid later version with multiple verbs this.setIOVs([ { hold: { with_params: { max_connections:3 } } }, { smell: true }, ]);
setVerbSubscriptionsWithAssets(description) → {String}

Defined in: adventure/asset/setVerbSubscriptionsWithAssets.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setVerbSubscriptionsWithAssets


  • description String
Link assets that connect via verb subscriptions. For example, imagine "hit target with sword", where we have target.dov.hit.with_assets:["sword"] This pass will set sword.iov.hit.with_assets:["target"] to ensure that both assets are in sync and either can be queried.


setVerbWithAsset(verb, asset, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/setVerbWithAsset.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setVerbWithAsset


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • asset Object
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
setVerbWithAsset is used to specify another asset that can be used as an object with this asset. For example, if this asset is a locking chest, chest.setVerbWithAsset('unlock', 'gold key', 'iov') would add the gold key as an indirect object of the chest.


setVerbWithClass(verb, klass, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/setVerbWithClass.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#setVerbWithClass


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • klass String
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
setVerbWithClass is a method to add an indirect object class to asset.dov[verb].with_classes.


setVesselAt(aspect) → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setVesselAt.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setVesselAt


  • aspect string
    The aspect to add.
Add a substance container at the specified aspect on this asset.


setX(value) → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setX.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setX


  • value Float
Set this asset's global x position.


setY(value) → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setY.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setY


  • value Float
Set this asset's global y position.


setZ(value) → {Float}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/setZ.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#setZ


  • value Float
Set this asset's global x position.


toggleState(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/toggleState.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#toggleState


  • verb String
Apply the specified verb's state change to the asset.


triedVerb(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/triedVerb.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#triedVerb


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
triedVerb is a method to check whether it was attempted to use this asset as a direct object by the specified verb.

$tried is an alias for authors.


triedVerbCount(verb, ov) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/triedVerbCount.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#triedVerbCount


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
  • ov String
    Direct or indirect object of verb.
triedVerbCount is a method to get a count of times it was tried to use this asset as a direct object by the specified verb.

$triedCount is an alias for authors.



Defined in: adventure/asset/undestroy.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#undestroy

undestroy is called to return a destroyed asset to the game world.
unfasten() → {string}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangible/unfasten.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#unfasten

unfasten tries several methods for unfastening.



Defined in: adventure/asset/unredirectVerb.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#unredirectVerb


  • oldVerb String
unredirectVerb is a method for removing previously set verb redirects.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetDOV.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#unsetDOV


  • verb String
unsetDOV is a passthrough to unsetVerbSubscription.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetDOVs.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#unsetDOVs


  • verbs Array
unsetDOVs is a passthrough to unsetVerbSubscription.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetIOV.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#unsetIOV


  • verb String
unsetIOV is a passthrough to unsetVerbSubscription.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetIOVs.js, line 6

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#unsetIOVs


  • verbs Array
unsetIOVs is a passthrough to unsetVerbSubscription.
unsetVerbSubscription(object_of, verb)

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetVerbSubscription.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#unsetVerbSubscription


  • object_of String
  • verb String
unsetVerbSubscription disables the use of the specified verb with this asset, if it has been previously set.
validate(game) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 1046

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#validate


  • game Object
Inherited from superclass Asset. Tangible adds validation methods that are used for all Tangible assets, including:
  • check for implied dependencies and make them explicit
  • check for proper asset location
  • set parent associations



Defined in: adventure/asset/validateVerbConnections.js, line 5

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#validateVerbConnections

Validate any connections specified in the game file. Assets can subscribe to verbs with dov[verb] and some verbs can make connections between assets that they act upon. Connections are stored in["array of asset ids"]. Authors can preset connections in their game file, so we validate any preset connections here.

Properties  | 

absorption_quantity :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 346

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#absorption_quantity

Default value: 0

Set the amount of liquid an asset has absorbed. No particular logic has been implemented around absorption.
adjectives :Getter/Setter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 328

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#adjectives

A list of adjectives defined for this asset in the game file. Some asset classes may have predefined adjectives. If a class has predefined adjectives, and an author creates an instance of the class with custom adjectives, the custom adjectives will be appended to the predefined ones.
allow_these_vehicles :Array

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit.js, line 321

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#allow_these_vehicles

Default value: []

If this.allow_vehicles is false, any vehicle names listed here will be excepted.
allow_vehicles :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit.js, line 309

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#allow_vehicles

Default value: true

Set whether player may travel through this exit while in a vehicle.
aperture :String

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit.js, line 297

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#aperture

Default value: ""

Set an ID representing an Aperture. Used chiefly for Exit class to set a physical component corresponding to the exit.
append_written_strings_to_description :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 440

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#append_written_strings_to_description

Default value: false

Set whether strings written on this asset are appended to its description.
article_name :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 410

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#article_name

Getter function returns asset name preceded either by definite article or indefinite article, depending on what's set for the asset's use_definite_article_in_lists property.
articlename :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 424

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#articlename

Getter function returns asset name or proper name, depending on settings.
Articlename :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 491

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#Articlename

Returns this.articlename with propercase.
articlename_is :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 451

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#articlename_is

Getter function returns asset name or proper name plus is or are, depending on settings.
Articlename_is :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 500

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#Articlename_is

Returns this.articlename_is with propercase.
articlename_isnt :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 461

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#articlename_isnt

Getter function returns asset name or proper name plus isn't or aren't, depending on settings.
Articlename_isnt :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 509

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#Articlename_isnt

Returns this.articlename_isnt with propercase.
articlename_was :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 471

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#articlename_was

Getter function returns asset name or proper name plus was or were, depending on settings.
Articlename_was :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 518

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#Articlename_was

Returns this.articlename_was with propercase.
articlename_wasnt :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 481

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#articlename_wasnt

Getter function returns asset name or proper name plus wasn't or weren't, depending on settings.
Articlename_wasnt :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 527

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#Articlename_wasnt

Returns this.articlename_wasnt with propercase.
aspects :Object

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 80

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#aspects

Default value: {}

Containing object for Aspects, aka "in", "out", "under", "behind" etc.
buoyancy :float

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 338

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#buoyancy

Default value: 0

Todos: Implement.

Set an asset's percent of buoyancy. No logic has been implemented around this.
can :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 50

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#can

can is a generalized container for asset boolean properties.
can.be_swung_at :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 415

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#can.be_swung_at

Default value: true

Nested property of Can

Set whether this asset can be swung at another asset, as in swinging a bat at a ball.
collection :Getter/Setter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 192

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#collection

Collection is a special property that lets one object stand in for a group of objects. For example, object desk has three drawers: top_drawer, middle_drawer, bottom_drawer. desk_drawers is a scenery object attached to desk which intercepts player input like "examine drawers", so that author can return a response like "You see three drawers."
control_target_id :String

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/things/GraduatedController.js, line 77

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#control_target_id

Default value: ""

Used by GraduatedController class to set target for the controller.
default_aspect :String

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 112

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#default_aspect

Default value: "on"

It's possible for player to become nested to an asset without a specified preposition. In such cases, this default aspect is used.
definite_article :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 223

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#definite_article

Default value: 'the'

The asset's preferred definite article. Can be overridden in game file.
definite_name :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 369

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#definite_name

Getter function returns asset name preceded by its definite article, example: 'the asset'.
deny_these_vehicles :Array

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit.js, line 341

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#deny_these_vehicles

Default value: []

If this.allow_vehicles is true, any vehicle names listed here will be excepted.
description :*

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 556

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#description

An alias to descriptions.look.
descriptions :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 168

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#descriptions

A list of descriptions for a variety of contexts. Only description is required, all others are optional. Most of these apply only to Tangible Asset.
  • descriptions.description -
  • descriptions.brief - used for room descriptions if player has typed "brief"
  • descriptions.verbose - used for room descriptions if player has typed "verbose"
  • descriptions.listen - used if player types "listen" or "listen to thing"
  • - used if player types "look in thing"
  • descriptions.through - used if player types "look through thing"
  • descriptions.smell - used if player types "smell thing"
  • descriptions.taste - used if player types "taste thing"
  • descriptions.touch - used if player types "touch thing"
  • descriptions.careful - used if player types "carefully examine thing"
did :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 338

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#did

did is used to track which verbs have acted upon this object.
dimensions :Object

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 558

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#dimensions

Default value: {}

direction :String

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/things/Aperture.js, line 80

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#direction

Default value: ""

Todos: Use lookup table for this? In a GUI this would be a pull-down menu.

Set a direction for this asset. Chiefly used with Aperture class to set directions apertures. Takes a direction string, ie "north", "northeast", "down".
dont_use_articles :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 250

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#dont_use_articles

Default value: false

An option to prevent definite/indefinite articles from appearing before an asset name. Used chiefly for characters, to prevent phrases such as "the Mrs. Beasley". Can be overridden in game file.
dov :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 72

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#dov

Default value: {}

dov is a container for direct object verb subscriptions.
emits :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 506

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#emits

Default value: false

Todos: Write logic for this.

Set properties for a variety of things a tangible asset can emit.
exclude_from_lookup :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 142

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#exclude_from_lookup

Default value: false

Almost all assets will be listed in the world_lookup table that is used to find assets from player input , with some exceptions, such as SceneryZones.
exit :String

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/things/Aperture.js, line 89

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#exit

Default value: ""

Set an ID representing an Exit. Used chiefly for Aperture class to set an exit corresponding to an aperture.
game :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 109

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#game

Returns the top level game object. Use
image :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 352

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#image

image is used to store the id of an image in game.image_lookup that is associated with this asset.
indefinite_article :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 231

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#indefinite_article

Default value: 'a'

The asset's preferred indefinite article. Can be overridden in game file.
indefinite_name :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 396

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#indefinite_name

Getter function returns asset name preceded by its indefinite article, example: 'an asset'.
iov :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 90

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#iov

Default value: {}

iov is a container for direct object verb subscriptions.
is :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 37

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is

is is a generalized container for asset states. Many states are / can be stored here. A chief benefit of this is being able to get specific states by testing Note that there is also an asset.$is() method which is related to this, but is a distinct function.
is.abstract :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 90

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.abstract

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Abstractions are universally available and bypass reachability tests.
is.buttoned :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 135

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.buttoned

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is buttoned.
is.closed :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit_Is.js, line 37

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#is.closed

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

The Exit class has no intrinsic open/closed states, and instead looks for a linked adventurejs.Aperture asset. closed is a paired property. Setting open = true also sets close = false, and if this exit's aperture has a linked asset, open and close are set for that asset as well.
is.cold_source :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 218

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.cold_source

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether asset is a cold source.
is.collection :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 50

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.collection

Default value: true

Nested property of Is

Set whether object is a collection of other object IDs.
is.connected_by :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 232

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.connected_by

Default value: {}

Nested property of Is

Set whether asset is connected by verbs to other assets.
is.deep_nest :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 188

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.deep_nest

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether player can nest inside this asset when this asset is in an aspect of another asset (as opposed to being a direct child of a room). For example, a carousel horse might be on a carousel platform.
is.destroyed :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 35

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.destroyed

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set to true when an object is removed from the game by destruction.
is.distant :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 97

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.distant

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is distant. Originally meant to help define scenery assets, but mostly superseded by other scenery handling and no logic has been written for it.
is.extant :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 43

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.extant

Default value: true

Nested property of Is

Set to true when an object is in the game.
is.false_nest :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 197

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.false_nest

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

is.fixed :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 142

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.fixed

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is fixed in its place, such as drawers in a desk. (This may be redundant to can_be_taken.)
is.getLinkedApertureState :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit_Is.js, line 108

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#is.getLinkedApertureState

Nested property of Is

The Exit class is a simple class used primarily to facilitate travel between two locaions. It's not treated as a physical thing and doesn't have any of the intrinsic states that you would associate with a door. If an exit needs a physical manifestation, it can be paired with a linked adventurejs.Aperture asset. It's the Aperture that contains all the state information. In order to support queries like we redirect the getter/setter to the specified property on the linked Aperture. :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 81

Inherited from:

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Almost all tangible assets have a singular location. Global assets are available in all locations in order to catch player input.
is.heat_source :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 211

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.heat_source

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether asset is a heat source.
is.hidden :Getter|Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 42

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.hidden

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Todos: add logic to test conditions?

Set whether this asset is hidden.
is.hollow :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 67

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.hollow

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is hollow. Used to determine whether player can look in asset.
is.initialized :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 64

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.initialized

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Used at runtime to keep track of asset's initialization state.
is.known :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 26

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.known

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Todos: In games with multiple characters, any character the player takes will share this knowledge. May want an option to set this per player character.

Used to track whether player knows about an asset.
is.light_source :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 204

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.light_source

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether asset is a light source.
is.listed_in_parent :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 90

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.listed_in_parent

Default value: true

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is listed in its parent's description.
is.listed_in_room :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 74

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.listed_in_room

Default value: true

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is listed in the current room description.
is.locked :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit_Is.js, line 53

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#is.locked

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

The Exit class has no intrinsic locked/unlocked states, and instead looks for a linked adventurejs.Aperture asset. locked is a paired property. Setting locked = true also sets unlocked = false, and if this exit's aperture has a linked asset, locked and unlocked are set for that asset as well.
is.nameless :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit.js, line 288

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#is.nameless

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Exit instances aren't named in the usual way. Instead they're given an id that is parent room + direction.
is.on :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 225

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.on

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether asset is on.
is.plugged :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 28

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.plugged

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is plugged, like a drain.
is.pluggedIn :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 35

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.pluggedIn

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is plugged in, like an appliance.
is.plural :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 107

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.plural

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Define whether an asset is plural, as opposed to singular, in the sense of eyeglasses vs a drinking glass. Used to help select pronouns.
is.reservoir :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 249

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.reservoir

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Get whether this asset has a vessel that is a reservoir.
is.screwed :Boolean|Int

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 121

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.screwed

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is screwed.
is.sealed :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit_Is.js, line 69

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#is.sealed

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

The Exit class has no intrinsic sealed/unsealed states, and instead looks for a linked adventurejs.Aperture asset. sealed is a paired property. Setting sealed = true also sets unsealed = false, and if this exit's aperture has a linked asset, sealed and unsealed are set for that asset as well.
is.setLinkedApertureState :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit_Is.js, line 85

Inherited from: adventurejs.Exit#is.setLinkedApertureState

Nested property of Is

The Exit class is a simple class used primarily to facilitate travel between two locations. It's not treated as a physical thing and doesn't have any of the intrinsic states that you would associate with a door. If an exit needs a physical manifestation, it can be paired with a linked adventurejs.Aperture asset. It's the Aperture that contains all the state information. In order to support queries like we redirect the getter/setter to the specified property on the linked Aperture.
is.singleton :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 97

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.singleton

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Todos: Have only applied this to several special global assets, and have not implemented any code around it. Is it still useful?

Meant for use to distinguish some assets as being singular in the game world.
is.supported :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 57

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.supported

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is supported. Used in conjuction with can.swing_on_if_holding_and_supported to determine whether player can swing on the asset in its current state. Meant for assets like two-ended ropes which must be tied to a supporting structure.
is.typing_target :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 50

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.typing_target

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is a typing target, as in a screen for a keyboard.
is.unleavable :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 171

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.unleavable

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether player can leave this asset. Useful for keeping player from leaving, such as if they're on a carousel horse while the carousel is in motion.
is.unlisted_but_list_children :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 81

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.unlisted_but_list_children

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset's children are listed in the current room description. Meant for situations where a parent asset is part of the room description, to avoid listing the parent asset twice.
is.validated :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset_Is.js, line 57

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#is.validated

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Used at runtime to keep track of asset's validation state.
is.viewport :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 180

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.viewport

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset can be looked through, like a window or a telescope.
is.watertight :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 105

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.watertight

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Todos: Write logic for this. Is this the same as airtight?

Set whether this asset is watertight. No logic has been written for this.
is.worn :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 114

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.worn

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is being worn by player or other characters.
is.zipped :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 128

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#is.zipped

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is zipped.
list_group :int

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 666

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#list_group

Default value: 0

Todos: Implement this or remove it.

Meant for handling screen output, by breaking listed items into subgroups to be divided into paragraphs, but not implemented.
location_required :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 532

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#location_required

Default value: false

Set whether this asset must have a location. Chiefly for use with Aperture class. Apertures must have a location because they're tied to Exits. Other assets can exist without a location, though unlocated tangible assets won't be available to player.
location_unneccessary :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 541

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#location_unneccessary

Default value: false

Explicitly set whether this asset can exist without a location. Chiefly for use with Room class. Rooms will not have a location.
min_light_required_to_see :float

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 549

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#min_light_required_to_see

Default value: 0.5

Todos: Write logic for this in selectVisible.js

Set the minimum light required to see this asset. Meant for situations with variable lighting where some objects might be hidden in shadow.
must :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 59

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#must

must is a generalized container for asset boolean properties.
must.hold_to_read :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Must.js, line 54

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#must.hold_to_read

Default value: false

Nested property of Must

Set whether this asset must be held to be read, as with a small book.
must.hold_to_see_through :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Must.js, line 33

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#must.hold_to_see_through

Default value: false

Nested property of Must

Set whether this asset must be held to look through, as with a telescope.
must.hold_to_see_with :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Must.js, line 26

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#must.hold_to_see_with

Default value: false

Nested property of Must

Set whether this asset must be held to look with, as with a binocular.
must.let_go_after_swing :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Must.js, line 61

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#must.let_go_after_swing

Default value: false

Nested property of Must

Set whether player will let go of this asset after swinging on it. Meant for situations such as when player swings from a vine and lets go upon landing.
must.wear_to_see_through :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Must.js, line 47

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#must.wear_to_see_through

Default value: false

Nested property of Must

Set whether this asset must be worn to look through, as with glasses.
must.wear_to_see_with :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Must.js, line 40

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#must.wear_to_see_with

Default value: false

Nested property of Must

Set whether this asset must be worn to look with, as with glasses.
Name :String

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 96

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#Name

Name returns the name of the class instance with the first character uppercased.
name_is_proper :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 207

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#name_is_proper

Default value: false

Used to determine whether to display a name or proper name.
noun :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 260

Inherited from: adventurejs.Asset#noun

noun is a string representing the type of asset this is, for example 'mug' or 'rock'. Players can input this word to refer to any asset of its type.
on_tie_to_drag_behind_rope :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 465

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#on_tie_to_drag_behind_rope

Default value: false

If player uses a rope in inventory to tie to an object that is not in inventory, this sets whether the object gets dragged behind when player leaves the current room.
on_tie_to_this_take_this :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 456

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#on_tie_to_this_take_this

Default value: false

Set whether this is taken into player inventory when another asset is tied to it. For example, on tying a string that is in inventory to a tin can that is not in inventory, it's assumed that player would then pick up the can.
parts :Array

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible.js, line 762

Inherited from: adventurejs.Tangible#parts

Default value: []

Some Tangible subclasses come pre-coded to handle certain "parts", classes which can automatically be registered with each other to form complex associations. For example, a Sink can have matching Faucet,