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Tutorial explaining how to create a room in AdventureJS. tutorial, create a room

Get Started:Create a Room

Creating a room uses exactly the same process as creating a player.

// game constructor block...
  class: "Room",
  name: "Dungeon Antechamber",
  description: "You're in a dingy dungeon antechamber. Every surface seems to be made of pitted cobblestones. ",
  class: "Player",
  name: "Mighty Hero",
  is: { active: true, },
  place: { in: "Dungeon Antechamber" },

We included the player constructor again so you could take special note of this particular property that we're setting on the player:

    place: { in: "Dungeon Antechamber" },

This is how to place things in AdventureJS. We'll get into specifics shortly, but it's worth noting that players are unique in that, if you don't set a place, their place will be set automatically to the first room available. Other assets, if not given a place, will exist in a limbo outside the game world, until moved somewhere.

Now we have a player and a room, but not much else. Let's add another room.

// game constructor block...
  class: "Room",
  name: "Dungeon Antechamber",
  description: "You're in a dingy dungeon antechamber. Every surface seems to be made of pitted cobblestones. ",
  class: "Player",
  name: "Mighty Hero",
  is: { active: true, },
  place: { in: "Dungeon Antechamber" },
  class: "Room",
  name: "Central Chamber",
  description: "You're in the central chamber of the dungeon, a round room with a high stone ceiling. Paths in several directions are blocked by fallen stones. ",

Psych! If you tried to play that, you will have found yourself in the Dungeon Antechamber but with no way to reach the new room. What we need now are some exits!

NEXT: Create a Exit