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Class: SaveManager

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 10

Todos: Save to web server.

SaveManager manages the job of saving games. It contains all the methods needed to create the Save pop-up screen. SaveManager can save a game to a local save file, to browser cookies, or to the web server.

SaveManager is created automatically by Game. This is an internal class that authors should not need to construct or modify. However, if you'd like to try, you can find styles for the Save & Restore pop-ups in adventurejs.css. All relevant styles are prefixed with '.save_' or '.restore_'.

Private Constructor:

var foo = new adventurejs.SaveManager(game)


  • game Game
    A reference to the game instance.
Inherited Overrides

Methods Collapse all  |  Expand all


Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 566

Save game to browser cookie.

Player can name their save however they want. However, we always prepend the game name because local storage applies to all pages on a given domain, meaning that all saves for all games played at, i.e., will be saved in the same local storage. And, local storage appears not to have any method for nesting data, so we can't have a parent object or 'folder'. Instead, we need to name them in such a way that we can identify them by game.

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 512

Function that gets called by the Close button.

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 606

Todos: Everything.

Save game to server.

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 526

Todos: Investigate FileSaver.js

Save to file.

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 498

Close the Save pop-up window.

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 477

Open the Save pop-up window.

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 639

Sanitize input file name. Permitted characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, accented vowels áéíóúñü, _underscore, and -hyphen.

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 659

Make a selected tab active.
set(props) → {adventurejs.SaveManager}

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 678


  • props Object
    A generic object containing properties to copy to the DisplayObject instance.
Provides a chainable shortcut method for setting a number of properties on the instance.


adventurejs.SaveManager Returns the instance the method is called on (useful for chaining calls.)

Properties  | 

game :Object

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 37

Default value: {}

A reference back to the main Game object.
restoreClose :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 89

Default value: {}

Button element to close the Save pop-up.
saveButtons :Array

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 60

Default value: []

Collection of HTML elements: the action buttons for the different save methods.
saveDisplayTitle :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 109

Default value: {}

P element to close the Save pop-up's title bar.
savePane_Browser :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 350

Default value: {}

Div element to contain 'Save to Browser' pane.
savePane_File :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 248

Default value: {}

Div element to contain 'Save to File' pane.
savePane_Server :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 419

Default value: {}

Div element to contain 'Save to Server' pane.
savePanes :Array

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 52

Default value: []

Collection of HTML elements: the panes containing the different save methods.
saveRowInput :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 122

Default value: {}

Div element to contain the Save row input.
saveRowPanes :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 236

Default value: {}

Div element to contain Save panes.
saveRowTabs :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 152

Default value: {}

Div element to contain the Save pop-up's tabs.
saveTab_Browser :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 188

Default value: {}

Button element to navigate to 'Save to Browser' option.
saveTab_File :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 164

Default value: {}

Button element to navigate to 'Save to File' option.
saveTab_Server :HTMLElement

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 212

Default value: {}

Button element to navigate to 'Save to Server' option.
saveTabs :Array

Defined in: adventure/SaveManager.js, line 44

Default value: []

Collection of HTML elements: the tabs used to navigate between the different save methods.