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Class: Asset

Extends: adventurejs.Atom

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 5

More info: _Overview

Public Constructor:

MyGame.createAsset({ "class":"Asset", "name":"foo" })

Asset is subclassed from the foundational class Atom, and is the most basic game world class from which all other asset classes, Tangible, Substance, and Intangible, are derived. Besides setting the prototypal validation and initialization functions, it also defines many common properties used to determine how assets appear in printed statements. It's unlikely that authors would want to subclass Asset directly as it has few properties, unless it's to create a whole new low-level Asset type.

Private Constructor:

var foo = new adventurejs.Asset(game_name, name)

Though all in-game glasses use a standard constructor method under the hood, it's unlikely that you'd need to call it directly. To create an instance of the Asset class, it must be defined in a game file as a generic object. That object will be used at runtime to construct a new game class instance, which will be validated and initialized before adding it to the Game. See above for the public constructor, or see Game#createAsset to learn more.


  • game_name String
    The name of the top level game object.
  • name String
    A name for the object, to be serialized and used as ID.
Inherited Overrides




Methods Collapse all  |  Expand all


Defined in: adventure/asset/$can.js, line 7

$can() is a general method for getting at asset properties stored in asset.can.

Defined in: adventure/asset/$is.js, line 7

$is() is a generalized method for getting various asset states, usually stored in the nested object. It can also test for more complex circumstances, such as in the case of Tangibles. For example, if your game has a sword in a stone, you can test whether the sword is currently in the stone with MyGame.$("sword").is("in", "stone")

Defined in: adventure/asset/$must.js, line 7

$must() is a general method for getting at asset properties stored in asset.must.
addWordsToLookup(words, type)

Defined in: adventure/asset/addWordsToLookup.js, line 6


  • words Array
  • type String
addWordsToLookup() takes words associated with this asset and adds them to the global lookup table.

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 662

aliases() is a collection of method names that are meant for authors to use. Since they don't exist on all classes, we set up these aliases so that, if authors call them on classes they're not applicable to, they will politely return null instead of throwing a "not a function" error.
callAction(hook, asset_name, params) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/callAction.js, line 6


  • hook string
  • asset_name string
    We use here instead of in support of authors, because we're never asking them to deal in IDs, only names. Hooks will only be defined by authors, so we let them use as their identifier. We do however make an effort to see if an id has been passed instead of a name, because Ivan.
  • params object
    Arbitrary parameter object.
Check if this asset has a general verb action or reaction for the specified event, or if the asset has an action for the specific asset. If either form is found, pass it to getStringOrArrayOrFunction and return the results. If the result returns false or null it will terminate the calling verb's default behavior.


canSetVerbState(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/canSetVerbState.js, line 6


  • verb String
canSetVerbState is a method to check whether the specified verb can set state on this asset. Assumes that asset.dov[verb].enabled is true



Defined in: adventure/asset/destroy.js, line 7

Todos: What else needs to happen on destroy?

destroy is called to remove an asset from the game world.
didDoVerbs(verbs) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/didDoVerbs.js, line 6


  • verbs Array
didDoVerbs check whether any of the specified verbs has ever been applied to the asset as a direct object. This is a convenience method that relies on asset.DOVdidDo()


didIoVerbs(verbs) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/didIoVerbs.js, line 6


  • verbs Array
didIoVerbs check whether any of the specified verbs has ever been applied to the asset as an indirect object. This is a convenience method that relies on asset.IOVdidDo()


DOVallowOnce(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVallowOnce.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVallowOnce is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to allow the specified verb to act on it as a direct object only once.


DOVallowWithAnything(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVallowWithAnything.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVallowWithAnything is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as a direct object with the specified verb without any direct object.


DOVallowWithAsset(verb, asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVallowWithAsset.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • asset Object
DOVallowWithAsset is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as a direct object with the specified verb and indirect object.


DOVallowWithNothing(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVallowWithNothing.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVallowWithNothing is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as a direct object with the specified verb without any indirect object. For example, "plug in computer" where when an outlet is implied but not defined.


DOVdidDo(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVdidDo.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVdidDo is a method to check whether this asset was already used as a direct objecb by the specified verb.

_didDo is an alias meant for authors.


DOVdidDoCount(verb) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVdidDoCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVdidDoCount is a method to get a count of times this asset was used as a direct object by the specified verb.

_doCount is an alias meant for authors.


DOVdidTry(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVdidTry.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVdidTry is a method to check whether it was attempted to use this asset as a direct object by the specified verb.

_didTry is an alias meant for authors.


DOVdidTryCount(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVdidTryCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVdidTryCount is a method to get a count of times it was tried to use this asset as a direct object by the specified verb.

_tryCount is an alias meant for authors.


DOVgetConnectionCount(verb) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVgetConnectionCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Return this.dov[verb].with_params.connections.length


DOVgetConnections(verb) → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVgetConnections.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Return this.dov[verb].with_params.connections


DOVgetMaxConnections(verb) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVgetMaxConnections.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Return this.dov[verb].with_params.max_connections


DOVhasIndirectObjects(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVhasIndirectObjects.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVhasIndirectObjects is a method to check whether this asset has any particular indirect objects specified by the author for use with the specified verb.


DOVhasMaxConnections(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVhasMaxConnections.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Get whether the DOV has maximum connections.



Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVincrementDoCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVincrementDoCount is a method to increment the number of times the specified verb has acted on this asset as a direct object.

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVincrementTryCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
DOVincrementTryCount is a method to increment the number of times the specified verb has been tried on this asset as a direct object.
DOVisConnectedToAnything(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVisConnectedToAnything.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Check whether this asset is currently connected to anything directly by a verb such as plugIn or tie. For example, if this asset is a computer plugged into an outlet, this method would return true.


DOVisConnectedToAsset(verb, asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVisConnectedToAsset.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of the verb to test.
  • asset Object | String
    A game asset or asset id to test.
Check whether this asset is currently connected as a direct object to the specified indirect object by the specified verb. For example, in the case of a computer plugged into an outlet, the computer would be the direct object, and calling this method on it would return true.


DOVisConnectedToNothing(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVisConnectedToNothing.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Check whether this asset is currently connected as an indirect object to nothing by the specified verb. For example, in the case of a computer that can be plugged in, an author might prefer not to create a specific outlet into which to plug the computer. For that case we allow 'plug in computer', and store a null value to asset.dov.plugIn.with_params.connections to represent the computer's plugged in state.


DOVsetConnection(verb, asset)

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVsetConnection.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • asset Object
Set asset's direct verb param connection to specified indirect object.
DOVsetWithAsset(verb, asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVsetWithAsset.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • asset Object
DOVsetWithAsset is used to specify another asset that can be used as an indirect object with this asset as direct object. For example, if this asset is a locking chest, chest.DOVsetWithAsset('unlock', 'gold key') would add the gold key as an indirect object of the chest.


DOVsetWithClass(verb, clas) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVsetWithClass.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • clas String
DOVsetWithClass is a method to add an indirect object class to asset.dov[verb].with_classes.


DOVunsetConnection(verb, asset)

Defined in: adventure/asset/DOVunsetConnection.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • asset Object
Unset asset's direct verb param connection to specified indirect object.
getDescription(description) → {String}

Defined in: adventure/asset/getDescription.js, line 6


  • description String
Get a description, such as "look in book", where "in" has been defined as a key at "look" is always the default description.


getDescription(description) → {String}

Defined in: adventure/assets/tangibles/Exit.js, line 690


  • description String
Get a description, such as "look in book", where "in" has been defined as a key at "look" is always the default description. This is modified from asset.getDescription to allow exit descriptions to be stored on their apertures.


getIndirectDescription(indirect_aspect, indirect_asset, direct_aspect) → {String}

Defined in: adventure/asset/getIndirectDescription.js, line 6


  • indirect_aspect String
  • indirect_asset Object
  • direct_aspect String
Get indirect description, such as "look at this through magnifying glass", where "through magnifying glass" is a key at asset.descriptions["through magnifying glass"].description "look" is always the default direct object description.


getInheritance() → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 151

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#getInheritance

getInheritance is a utility method to get an asset's inheritance chain. Returns a list of class names from high to low.



Defined in: adventure/asset/$has.js, line 7

has is an alias to asset.isIn() that reverses the direct and indirect objects, to test whether that asset is in this asset.
if( MyGame.$('crown').$has('jewel') ){ // do stuff }
hasAction(hook_name, asset1_name, asset2_name) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasAction.js, line 6


  • hook_name string
  • asset1_name string
    We use here instead of to make life slightly easier for authors. Asset IDs are formed from asset names, but generally we don't expect authors to be aware of IDs. Hooks will only be defined by authors, so let them use as their identifier. We do however make an effort to see if an id has been passed instead of a name.
  • asset2_name string
Check if this asset has a general verb action or reaction for the specified event, or if the asset has an action for the specific asset.


hasClass(prop) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 131

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#hasClass


  • prop String
    Name of the class to test for.
A method to test whether the Atom is an instance of a given class.


hasDescription(description) → {String|Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasDescription.js, line 6


  • description String
See if asset has a description for an aspect, such as "look in book", where "in" has been defined as a key at "look" is always the default description.


String | Boolean
hasIndirectDescription(indirect_aspect, indirect_asset, direct_aspect) → {String|Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/hasIndirectDescription.js, line 6


  • indirect_aspect String
  • indirect_asset Object
  • direct_aspect String
Determine whether asset has an indirect description, such as "look at this through magnifying glass", where "through magnifying glass" becomes a key at asset.descriptions["through magnifying glass"]. "look" is always the default direct object description.


String | Boolean
incrementDoVerbCount(verb, index)

Defined in: adventure/asset/incrementDoVerbCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • index Int
incrementDoVerbCount takes a verb and an index and updates this asset's count of the number of times the verb has acted upon it.
incrementTryVerbCount(verb, index)

Defined in: adventure/asset/incrementTryVerbCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • index Int
incrementTryVerbCount takes a verb and an index and updates this asset's count of the number of times the verb has attempted upon it.

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 498

initialize() is the final step of creating a new game world asset, following construction and validation. The chief job of initialization is to add all of this asset's words to MyGame.world_lookup.

Because we're not doing natural language processing and everything is indexed, we want to increase the chances that the parser understands player input that is partial or has words jumbled. We add a lookup entry for every combination of an object's adjectives with its noun(s). For example we have a "green colored pencil", and we want the parser to understand "green pencil" or "colored pencil". If there are other colored pencils, we want the parser to understand "colored pencils". If there are colored pencils in three shades of green, we want the parser to understand "green pencils". We store all of these combinations to the lookup.
IOVallowOnce(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVallowOnce.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVallowOnce is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to allow the specified verb to act on it as an indirect object only once.


IOVallowWithAnything(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVallowWithAnything.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVallowWithAnything is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as an indirect object with the specified verb and any direct object.


IOVallowWithAsset(verb, asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVallowWithAsset.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • asset Object
IOVallowWithAsset is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as an indirect object with the specified verb and direct object.


IOVallowWithNothing(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVallowWithNothing.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVallowWithNothing is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to act as an indirect object with the specified verb without any direct object. Unlikely to happen but provided for completionism.


IOVdidDo(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVdidDo.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVdidDo is a method to check whether this asset was already used as an indirect objecb by the specified verb.

_iDidDo is an alias meant for authors.


IOVdidDoCount(verb) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVdidDoCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVdidDoCount is a method to get a count of times this asset was used as an indirect object by the specified verb.

_iDoCount is an alias meant for authors.


IOVdidTry(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVdidTry.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVdidTry is a method to check whether it was attempted to use this asset as an indirect object by the specified verb.

_iDidTry is an alias meant for authors.


IOVdidTryCount(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVdidTryCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVdidTryCount is a method to get a count of times it was attempted to use this asset as an indirect object by the specified verb.

_iTryCount is an alias meant for authors.


IOVgetConnectionCount(verb) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVgetConnectionCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Return this.iov[verb].with_params.connections.length


IOVgetConnections(verb) → {Array}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVgetConnections.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Return this.iov[verb].with_params.connections


IOVgetMaxConnections(verb) → {Int}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVgetMaxConnections.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Return this.iov[verb].with_params.max_connections


IOVhasDirectObjects(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVhasDirectObjects.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVhasDirectObjects is a method to check whether this asset has any particular direct objects specified by the author for use with the specified verb.


IOVhasMaxConnections(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVhasMaxConnections.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Get whether the IOV has maximum connections.



Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVincrementDoCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVincrementDoCount is a method to increment the number of times the specified verb has acted on this asset as an indirect object.

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVincrementTryCount.js, line 6


  • verb String
IOVincrementTryCount is a method to increment the number of times the specified verb has been tried on this asset as an indirect object.
IOVisConnectedToAnything(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVisConnectedToAnything.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Check whether this asset is currently connected to anything indirectly by a verb such as plugIn or tie. For example, if this asset is an outlet with a computer plugged into it, this method would return true.


IOVisConnectedToAsset(verb, asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVisConnectedToAsset.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of the verb to test.
  • asset Object | String
    A game asset or asset id to test.
Check whether this asset is currently connected as an indirect object to the specified direct object by the specified verb. For example, in the case of a computer plugged into an outlet, the outlet would be the indirect object, and calling this method on it would return true.


IOVisConnectedToNothing(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVisConnectedToNothing.js, line 6


  • verb String
    The name of a verb.
Check whether this asset is currently connected as an indirect object to nothing by the specified verb. (This seems like an unlikely situation as of this writing, but is offered for completion with DOVisConnectedToNothing which does have at least one use case.)


IOVsetConnection(verb, asset)

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVsetConnection.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • asset Object
Set asset's indirect verb param connection to specified direct object.
IOVsetWithAsset(verb, asset) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVsetWithAsset.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • asset Object
IOVsetWithAsset is used to specify another asset that can be used as a direct object with this asset as indirect object. For example, if this asset is a gold key, gold_key.IOVsetWithAsset('unlock', 'chest') would add the chest as a direct object of the gold key.


IOVsetWithClass(verb, clas) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVsetWithClass.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • clas String
IOVsetWithClass is a method to add a direct object class to asset.iov[verb].with_classes.


IOVunsetConnection(verb, asset)

Defined in: adventure/asset/IOVunsetConnection.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • asset Object
Unset asset's indirect verb param connection to specified direct object.
isDOV(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isDOV.js, line 6


  • verb String
isDOV is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to allow the specified verb to act on it as a direct object.


isIOV(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isIOV.js, line 6


  • verb String
isIOV is a method to check whether this asset is subscribed to allow the specified verb to act on it as an indirect object.


isState(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/isState.js, line 6


  • verb String
isState is a method to check whether this asset already has state set by the specified verb.


redirectVerb(oldVerb, newVerb)

Defined in: adventure/asset/redirectVerb.js, line 7


  • oldVerb String
  • newVerb String
redirectVerb is a method for setting a verb redirect on this asset, such that when one verb is called on the asset, another verb will be called instead. Example: player enters "hit person", it is redirected to "slap person".
set(props) → {Object}

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 119

Overrides from: adventurejs.Atom#set


  • props Object
    A generic object containing properties to copy to the Object instance.
Provides a chainable shortcut method for setting a number of properties on the instance.


Object Returns the instance the method is called on (useful for chaining calls.)
setDOV(verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setDOV.js, line 7


  • verb String
  • params Object
setDOV is a passthrough to setVerbSubscription with direct object specified.
setDOVs(verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setDOVs.js, line 7


  • verb String
  • params Object
setDOVs is a passthrough to send multiple verbs to setVerbSubscription with direct object specified.
setIOV(verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setIOV.js, line 7


  • verb String
  • params Object
setIOV is a passthrough to setVerbSubscription with indirect object specified.
setIOVs(verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setIOVs.js, line 7


  • verb String
  • params Object
setIOVs is a passthrough to send multiple verbs to setVerbSubscription with indirect object specified.

Defined in: adventure/asset/setKnown.js, line 7


  • bool Boolean
setKnown sets an object known.

Defined in: adventure/asset/setLinkedState.js, line 7


  • bool Boolean
setLinkedState sets an asset and its linked asset to the specified state.
setObjectOfVerbs(object_of, verb)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setObjectOfVerbs.js, line 7


  • object_of String
  • verb String
setObjectOfVerbs is a convenience method that passes a list of verb names through to setVerbSubscription.
setState(verb, bool)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setState.js, line 6


  • verb String
  • bool Boolean
Apply the specified state change to the asset.
setVerbSubscription(object_of, verb, params)

Defined in: adventure/asset/setVerbSubscription.js, line 6

Todos: phase out earlier version


  • object_of String
  • verb String | Object
    An early version takes a string, with separate params object. A later version takes an object that includes the verb name as an object key and params as value.
  • params Object
    An optional param that works with the earlier version.
setVerbSubscription constructs verb subscriptions at asset.dov / asset.iov. It's intended mostly as a private function, though it is available to authors. An early version takes a string with separate params object. A later version takes an object that includes the verb name as an object key and params as value. // valid (for now) early version this.setIOV('hold',{with_params:{max_connections:2}}); // valid later version with one verb this.setIOV( { hold: { with_params: { max_connections:2 } } } ); // valid later version with multiple verbs this.setIOVs([ { hold: { with_params: { max_connections:3 } } }, { smell: true }, ]);
setVerbSubscriptionsWithAssets(description) → {String}

Defined in: adventure/asset/setVerbSubscriptionsWithAssets.js, line 6


  • description String
Link assets that connect via verb subscriptions. For example, imagine "hit target with sword", where we have target.dov.hit.with_assets:["sword"] This pass will set sword.iov.hit.with_assets:["target"] to ensure that both assets are in sync and either can be queried.



Defined in: adventure/asset/setVerbSubscriptionsWithConnection.js, line 6

Make any connections specified in the game file. Assets can subscribe to verbs with dov[verb] and some verbs make connections between assets that they act upon, which are recorded in dov[verb].with_params.connections. Authors can preset connections in their game file, and in case they only set one of two connected assets, we want to ensure that both assets are marked as connected, so we check that here.
toggleState(verb) → {Boolean}

Defined in: adventure/asset/toggleState.js, line 6


  • verb String
Apply the specified verb's state change to the asset.



Defined in: adventure/asset/undestroy.js, line 7

undestroy is called to return a destroyed asset to the game world.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unredirectVerb.js, line 7


  • oldVerb String
unredirectVerb is a method for removing previously set verb redirects.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetDOV.js, line 7


  • verb String
unsetDOV is a passthrough to unsetVerbSubscription.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetDOVs.js, line 7


  • verbs Array
unsetDOVs is a passthrough to unsetVerbSubscription.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetIOV.js, line 7


  • verb String
unsetIOV is a passthrough to unsetVerbSubscription.

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetIOVs.js, line 7


  • verbs Array
unsetIOVs is a passthrough to unsetVerbSubscription.
unsetVerbSubscription(object_of, verb)

Defined in: adventure/asset/unsetVerbSubscription.js, line 6


  • object_of String
  • verb String
unsetVerbSubscription disables the use of the specified verb with this asset, if it has been previously set.

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 475

validate() provides an opportunity to check author-made Assets for errors before initializing them.

Properties  | 

adjectives :Getter/Setter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 295

A list of adjectives defined for this asset in the game file. Some asset classes may have predefined adjectives. If a class has predefined adjectives, and an author creates an instance of the class with custom adjectives, the custom adjectives will be appended to the predefined ones.
article_name :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 388

Getter function returns asset name preceded either by definite article or indefinite article, depending on what's set for the asset's use_definite_article_in_lists property.
articlename :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 402

Getter function returns asset name or proper name, depending on settings.
Articlename :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 422

Returns this.articlename with propercase.
can :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 51

can is a generalized container for asset boolean properties.
collection :Getter/Setter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 169

Collection is a special property that lets one object stand in for a group of objects. For example, object desk has three drawers: top_drawer, middle_drawer, bottom_drawer. desk_drawers is a scenery object attached to desk which intercepts player input like "examine drawers", so that author can return a response like "You see three drawers."
definite_article :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 200

Default value: 'the'

The asset's preferred definite article. Can be overridden in game file.
definite_name :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 360

Getter function returns asset name preceded by its definite article, example: 'the asset'.
description :*

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 441

An alias to descriptions.look.
descriptions :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 145

A list of descriptions for a variety of contexts. Only description is required, all others are optional. Most of these apply only to Tangible Asset.
  • descriptions.description -
  • descriptions.brief - used for room descriptions if player has typed "brief"
  • descriptions.verbose - used for room descriptions if player has typed "verbose"
  • descriptions.listen - used if player types "listen" or "listen to thing"
  • - used if player types "look in thing"
  • descriptions.through - used if player types "look through thing"
  • descriptions.smell - used if player types "smell thing"
  • descriptions.taste - used if player types "taste thing"
  • descriptions.touch - used if player types "touch thing"
  • descriptions.careful - used if player types "carefully examine thing"
did_do_verb :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 305

did_do_verb is used to track which verbs have acted upon this object. This is a backup of the verb counter used in verb subscriptions.
did_do_verb_count :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 314

did_do_verb_count is used to track the number of times that given verbs have acted upon this object. This is a backup of the verb counter used in verb subscriptions.
did_try_verb :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 324

did_try_verb is used to track which verbs have been tried upon this object. This is a backup of the verb counter used in verb subscriptions.
did_try_verb_count :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 333

did_try_verb_count is used to track the number of times that given verbs have been tried upon this object. This is a backup of the verb counter used in verb subscriptions.
dont_use_articles :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 227

Default value: false

An option to prevent definite/indefinite articles from appearing before an asset name. Used chiefly for characters, to prevent phrases such as "the Mrs. Beasley". Can be overridden in game file.
dov :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 73

Default value: {}

dov is a container for direct object verb subscriptions.
exclude_from_lookup :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 119

Default value: false

Almost all assets will be listed in the world_lookup table that is used to find assets from player input , with some exceptions, such as SceneryZones.
game :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 110

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#game

Returns the top level game object. Use
image :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 343

image is used to store the id of an image in game.image_lookup that is associated with this asset.
indefinite_article :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 208

Default value: 'a'

The asset's preferred indefinite article. Can be overridden in game file.
indefinite_name :Getter

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 374

Getter function returns asset name preceded by its indefinite article, example: 'an asset'.
iov :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 83

Default value: {}

iov is a container for direct object verb subscriptions.
is :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 38

is is a generalized container for asset states. Many states are / can be stored here. A chief benefit of this is being able to get specific states by testing Note that there is also an asset.$is() method which is related to this, but is a distinct function.
is.abstract :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 91

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Abstractions are universally available and bypass reachability tests.
is.collection :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 51

Default value: true

Nested property of Is

Set whether object is a collection of other object IDs.
is.destroyed :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 36

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set to true when an object is removed from the game by destruction.
is.extant :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 44

Default value: true

Nested property of Is

Set to true when an object is in the game. :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 82

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Almost all tangible assets have a singular location. Global assets are available in all locations in order to catch player input.
is.initialized :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 65

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Used at runtime to keep track of asset's initialization state.
is.known :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 27

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Todos: In games with multiple characters, any character the player takes will share this knowledge. May want an option to set this per player character.

Used to track whether player knows about an asset.
is.nameless :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 72

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Almost all assets are given a name which is then used to create their id, with some exceptions. For example, exit ids are generated by taking the name of the exit's room + the exit's direction.
is.plugged :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 29

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is plugged, like a drain.
is.pluggedIn :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/assets/Tangible_Is.js, line 36

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Set whether this asset is plugged in, like an appliance.
is.singleton :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 98

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Todos: Have only applied this to several special global assets, and have not implemented any code around it. Is it still useful?

Meant for use to distinguish some assets as being singular in the game world.
is.validated :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/asset/Asset_Is.js, line 58

Default value: false

Nested property of Is

Used at runtime to keep track of asset's validation state.
must :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 60

must is a generalized container for asset boolean properties.
Name :String

Defined in: adventure/Atom.js, line 97

Inherited from: adventurejs.Atom#Name

Name returns the name of the class instance with the first character uppercased.
name_is_proper :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 184

Default value: false

Used to determine whether to display a name or proper name.
noun :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 237

noun is a string representing the type of asset this is, for example 'mug' or 'rock'. Players can input this word to refer to any asset of its type.
noun :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 275

group is a string representing a collective category. For example, chair, bed, and desk all share a group of furniture. Players can input this word to refer to any asset of its type.
noun :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 285

synonyms is a collection of alternate words that can be used to refer to this asset. For example, an object called 'rock' might have synonyms of ['pebble', 'stone']. Players can input synonyms to refer to this asset.
plural :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 266

plural is a string representing multiple assets of this type, for example 'swords'. Players can input this word to refer to groups of assets.
print_bold :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 105

Default value: false

Set to true to have an object's name be printed bold.
print_italic :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 112

Default value: false

Set to true to have an object's name be printed italic.
pronoun :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 246

pronoun is a string representing the generic pronoun.
propername :String

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 191

The asset's proper name, as provided in the game file. Assets can have both a name and a proper name. Used chiefly for characters, so that, for example, an asset can be both 'cat' and 'Mister Whiskers'.
quirks :Object

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 94

quirks is a container for setting how to handle ambiguous verbs based on context. For example, if player inputs "stand" while sitting in a chair with quirks.stand_means_get_off set to true, player will get off the chair, as opposed to trying to stand in place on the chair.
singlePluralPairs :Array

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 254

singlePluralPairs is a collection of strings representing the singular and plural forms of this asset, for example ['mug', 'mugs']. Players can use the singular to refer to a single asset or the plural to refer to a group of assets. These are stored in pairs so we can check for correspondence between the forms.
split_name_for_world_lookup :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 128

Default value: true

Object names are split into individual words for the world_lookup table. For example, given an object named "crystal sword", adventurejs creates lookup table entries for "crystal" and "sword". This lets the game recognize either word as player input, such as "get crystal" or "swing sword".

But, an author might want to name a thing, eg, "hole in the ground", in which case we wind up with lookup table entries for "hole" and "in" and "the" and "ground", which is likely to lead to bad input parsing. To avoid name splitting, set split_name_for_world_lookup to false. The object's full name will still be added to the lookup.
use_definite_article_in_lists :Boolean

Defined in: adventure/Asset.js, line 216

Default value: false

A preference for how an asset's name appears when it is printed in certain contexts. Chiefly used for room names. For example, you might name a room 'Sitting Room', but want it to appear as 'the Sitting Room' in some contexts for narrative clarity. Can be overridden in game file.