Instance of: adventurejs.Verb
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/verbs/close.js, line 6
More info: VerbSubscriptions VerbAnatomy VerbProcess ModifyVerbs WriteVerbs
> close can of snakes
You close the can of snakes, though you can never put the snakes back in the can.
Close a Tangible Asset. Requires that the Asset has asset.dov.close.enabled set to true and is false.
close demo + example code
// OpenGame.js
// ----------
/*global adventurejs A OpenGame*/
var OpenGame = new adventurejs.Game("OpenGame", "OpenGameDisplay").set({
// title, version, and author are shown in the title bar
title: "Open Game",
version: "0.0.1",
author: "Ivan Cockrum",
description: "This is my great game! Thanks for playing!",
// if this is true, lists of exits will
// show the names of rooms they lead to
show_room_names_in_exit_descriptions: true,
// if this is true, lists of exits will
// only include room names known to player
show_room_names_in_exit_descriptions_only_when_room_is_known: false,
// if this is true, lists of exits will only
// show room names for exits player has used
show_room_names_in_exit_descriptions_only_after_exit_has_been_used: false,
// if this is true, verbose room descriptions
// will only be shown on first visit
print_verbose_room_descriptions_on_first_visit: true,
// if this is true, adventurejs will print
// debug messages to the game display
print_debug_messages: true,
// set this to set a default response to
// player input that is not understood
if_parser_has_no_response_print_this: "I have no response to your input. ",
// set this to provide a default
// response to blank input
if_input_is_empty_print_this: "I didn't see any input. ",
// alternately, game can be set to print
// the current room description with
// if_input_is_empty_print_room_description: true
// Foyer
class: "Room",
name: "Open Foyer",
descriptions: {
look: `Welcome to the Open Demo, where you can try opening and closing things, and locking and unlocking and picking locks, with the verbs open, close, lock, unlock, pick. Visit the other rooms in this demo to find some demonstrations. `,
brief: `Try verbs. Open, close, lock, unlock, pick. `,
exits: {
// This is a shortcut for creating an Exit. It's useful
// for exits that don't have any special properties or
// an Aperture, which is an Exit's physical presence.
east: "Sitting Room",
}); // Open Foyer
// Player
class: "Player",
name: "Tim Hunter",
place: { in: "Open Foyer" },
is: { active: true },
// Scoring
// This is how you set score events for your game.
// You can add as few or as many as you like,
// and set points to whatever number you like.
// The names are up to you, so set them however you like.
score_events: {
"open window": 1,
"take ann": 1,
"open library door": 1,
"open top drawer": 1,
"open chest": 1,
"take andy": 1,
// Let's say you want the game to start with
// some points already set. You can do that like this.
"preset points": { points: 5, complete: true, recorded: true },
// You can set negative points too. These unset points cancel
// out the preset points above.
"unset points": { points: -5, complete: true, recorded: true },
// To attach a score event to your custom function, use
// OpenGame.scorecard.completeEvent('open window');
// You'll see these sprinkled throughout this demo code.
// AdventureJS has built-in scoring functions,
// but you may, if you like, write custom score handling.
// this returns a string
// score_message: `$(Our) score went up! `,
// this returns a custom function
// score_message: function(){
// return `Dude, you totally just got ${this.diff} points!`
// },
// Or maybe you just want to tweak the score display.
// By default score appears in 0/0 format, but let's
// say you'd like it to say "Score: 0 out of 0".
// score_format: function()
// {
// return `Score: ${this.score} out of ${}`;
// }
// score_message and score_format have access to some vars:
// - this.score (old score)
// - this.newscore (new score)
// - this.diff (difference between old/new )
// - (total of points available)
// SittingRoom.js
// ----------
/*global adventurejs A OpenGame*/
class: "Room",
article: "the",
name: "Sitting Room",
descriptions: {
look: "The sitting room has many things on which to sit. None of them are objects though, because this is not a sitting demo. I suppose we should have called it an opening room. Shut up about it already! Instead, try opening and closing things: the playground window, the library door, the chest. Oh, did I mention that there's a window and a door? ",
brief: "Don't sit. Window. Door. ",
exits: {
west: "Open Foyer",
// Sitting Room Out
class: "Exit",
direction: "out",
place: { in: "Sitting Room" },
destination: "Playground",
descriptions: {
for_exits_list: `out the window to the
travel: `$(We) climb clumsily out the window and tumble
to the playground, where you land on your bottom on a
soft tuft of grass. `,
aperture: "inside window",
// Sitting Room Out - Playground Window
class: "Window",
name: "inside window",
synonyms: ["playground window", "playground"],
place: { in: "Sitting Room" },
direction: "out",
descriptions: {
// Note that this code block uses a combination of Javascript
// native template literals and AdventureJS custom templates:
// ${OpenGame} and $(inside window). The one with {squiggly}
// brackets is Javascript. The one with (parentheses) is AdventureJS.
// These can be used in combination, with one important caveat.
// For many properties, AdventureJS can accept a string or array
// or function. AdventureJS custom templates are only evaluated
// immediately before being output. But, Javascript template
// literals used in a string are evaluated when the property
// containing the string is created. So in order to use template
// literals, it's important to wrap the string in a function
// that will only be evaluated when called by AdventureJS.
look: () => `
Through the window, $(we) can see a child's playground.
Currently the window is
$(inside window is| locked or| unlocked) and
$(inside window is| open or| closed).
!OpenGame.$("inside window").$didDo("unlock")
? `The window locks and unlocks by way of a simple
sash latch that doesn't require any key. `
: ""
OpenGame.$("inside window").$is("locked")
? "Try opening the window without first unlocking it. "
: ""
!OpenGame.$("inside window").$is("closed")
? `$(We) might just climb through it. `
: ""
// This commented block below is an alternate version.
// It may appear like it should work the same way,
// but because it has a template literal in a string property,
// it would throw an error when the game is launched.
// look: `The window is
// $(inside window is| open or| closed) and
// $(inside window is| locked or| unlocked).
// It locks by way of a simple sash latch that doesn't require any key.
// ${OpenGame.$('inside window').$is('locked')?
// 'Try entering "unlock window then open it".':''}
// Beyond the window, $(we) can see a child's playground. `,
// Here, we've set a description to use if a player
// inputs "look through window".
through: "You can see a small child's playground through the window. ",
// And here, we're redirecting "look out window"
// to "look through window" so we can capture both
// possibilities without duplicating the code.
out: function () {
return this.descriptions.through;
is: {
closed: true,
locked: true,
dov: {
// window.dov.unlock.with_nothing
// allows the window to be unlocked without use of a key.
unlock: {
with_nothing: true,
on_first_success: function () {
if (! {
// In some circumstances, when a user inputs 'open thing',
// the verb open may redirect to 'unlock thing'. If that
// happened here, we want to account for it by returning
// our custom open.on_first_success function.
} else {
return "$(We) should easily be able to open it now. ";
// lock and unlock params have to be set independently.
// This is so that you could, for instance, set it so that
// once the player unlocks it, it can't be locked again.
lock: { with_nothing: true },
open: {
// on_first_success calls this function and
// appends this string to the native verb output,
// only the first time the player opens the window.
on_first_success: function () {
OpenGame.scorecard.completeEvent("open window");
return "Now that it's open $(we) just might climb out of it. ";
// on_first_failure only prints a message
on_first_failure: `But it's just a simple sash
latch that doesn't need any key to unlock it. `,
// This inside window is linked to the outside window.
// Apertures, aka doors and windows, only exist in one room.
// For a door to be in two rooms, we actually need two doors:
// one side in one room, the other side in the other room.
// We handle each side as a unique asset. In order to keep them
// in sync we use the linked_asset property, so that if one is
// set as open, so is the other one.
linked_asset: "outside window",
// Sitting Room North
class: "Exit",
direction: "north",
place: { in: "Sitting Room" },
destination: "Library",
descriptions: {
//look: "It looks frosty that way. ",
// for_exits_list is a special description for exits,
// that lets authors customize how individual exits
// are described when the player is presented with a
// list of exits.
"through the door north to the Library",
aperture: "library door",
// Sitting Room North Door - library Door
class: "Door",
name: "library door",
place: { in: "Sitting Room" },
is: {
closed: true,
locked: true,
dov: {
//close: true, // already set for all instances of Door class
open: {
on_first_success: function () {
OpenGame.scorecard.completeEvent("open library door");
return "Now you can enter the Library. ";
// Note here how we're setting it so the library door can be
// unlocked with the brass key.
unlock: {
with_assets: ["brass key"],
with_nothing: false,
// We set the assets for each verb, lock and unlock, explicitly
// because it's common that an author might want a player to
// unlock a door and then never have to interact with it again.
// So if we want the key to also lock the door, we have to say so.
lock: {
with_assets: ["brass key"],
with_nothing: false,
linked_asset: "sitting room door",
direction: "north",
descriptions: {
look: "A lovely Victorian nine panel oak door with frosted glass and a scuffed brass lock plate. ",
through: function () {
// Here we're setting a description for "look through door"
// that returns a different value depending on whether the
// door is open or closed.
// "through" is what we call an Aspect, along with behind,
// in, on, under, and many other prepositions. Any Aspect
// can have a unique description set this way.
if (!OpenGame.$("library door").$is("closed")) {
return "Through the open door you can see shelves stuffed with books and books and books. ";
} else {
return "The glass panes in the door's upper half are quite heavily frosted, and don't reveal anything beyond. ";
// coffee table
class: "Table",
name: "coffee table",
place: { in: "Sitting Room" },
"It's a low, rectangular coffee table, apparently hand carved from oak. ",
adjectives: "wood, wooden, carved, oak",
aspects: {
on: {
player: { can: { enter: false } },
dov: {
go: {
doBeforeTry: function (params) {
// See how we're using a Verb Hook here. This is a way
// to inject custom code into a verb when it is applied
// to a particular asset. In this case by hooking into
// go.doBeforeTry, we interrupt the verb before it can
// run its default doTry conditional logic,
// and print our own failure message. This basically means:
// we don't care what the default logic has to say; you
// just don't put your fat feet on the fine furniture.
// See /doc/Scripting_VerbPhases.html for more info.
"I mean, $(we) could, but it would just be rude. ",
return false;
sit: {
// Here, we're setting sit, stand and lie to use
// the same code as go.doBeforeTry. This is one way
// you could apply the same custom logic to multiple
// verbs on an object. There are also other ways to
// achieve similar results, such as unsubscribing
// the asset from these verbs, or using verb actions.
doBeforeTry: function () {
return this.dov.go.doBeforeTry();
stand: {
doBeforeTry: function () {
return this.dov.go.doBeforeTry();
lie: {
doBeforeTry: function () {
return this.dov.go.doBeforeTry();
// Here's an example of a verb reaction.
// This will be superceded by the verb phases up above; to see
// it in action you'll have to comment out the verb phases block.
// Verb reactions are called when a particular action occurs,
// such as moving the player onto an asset, regardless of what
// verb caused it; go, or climb, or jump, or sit, or lie.
// Every verb that results in moving the player into a thing
// tries to call thing.doNestThatToThis(player).
// Verb reactions may be common or unique. doNestThatToThis is a
// very common reaction that will be called in numerous circumstances.
// See /doc/Scripting_VerbActions.html for more info.
doNestThatToThis: {
// Nesting only applies to characters.
// Tim Hunter is the name of our player character in this game.
"Tim Hunter": function () {
"Whoa there, podner! Let's keep those fat feet off the fine furniture. "
return false;
// Alternately, if you wanted the same verb effect hook to apply to
// all assets, you could define it as a function itself rather
// than creating nested objects. This is also valid.
// In this case, since the doNestThatToThis function is on the
// coffee table, it would prevent all characters from nesting.
// doNestThatToThis: function()
// {
//"Whoa there, podner! Let's keep those fat feet off the fine furniture. ");
// return false;
// },
// Library.js
// ----------
/*global adventurejs A OpenGame*/
class: "Room",
name: "Library",
descriptions: {
look: `The library is stuffed with books near
to the point of inducing claustrophia. But also cozy?
It's hard to say precisely. $(We) scan the
overflowing shelves. Sadly, none of the books are objects.
Instead, take a look at the bureau and its drawers. `,
brief: "Books. Desk. Door south. ",
}); // Library
// Sitting Room south Exit
class: "Exit",
direction: "south",
place: { in: "Library" },
destination: "Sitting Room",
descriptions: {
//look: "A heavy Victorian nine panel oak door with frosted panes. ",
"south to the Sitting Room",
aperture: "sitting room door",
// Sitting Room south door
// Exits have no physical properties. In order to apply
// physical properties to an exit, it needs an Aperture.
// Apertures can be manipulated like other tangible assets.
class: "Door",
name: "sitting room door",
place: { in: "Library" },
direction: "south",
descriptions: {
look: "It's a Victorian 9 panel oak door. ",
open: "The sitting room door is open. ",
closed: "The sitting room door is closed. ",
// Assets can have a number of descriptions to use in
// different contexts. Descriptions can be strings or
// arrays or functions. This example shows a function
// that uses native Javascript logic to return a string.
// See /doc/tutorial-Subscription.html for more info.
through: function () {
// This is one way to refer to objects in custom code:
// GameName.$( "asset name" ).is("property")
// See /doc/Scripting_CustomCode.html for more info.
if (!OpenGame.$("sitting room door").$is("closed")) {
return "Through the open door $(we) can see the Sitting Room. ";
} else {
return "$(We) can't see anything through the door's frosted panes. ";
linked_asset: "library door",
is: {
closed: true,
locked: true,
dov: {
open: true,
close: true,
unlock: { with_assets: ["brass key"] },
lock: { with_assets: ["brass key"] },
// bureau desk
class: "Desk",
name: "bureau desk",
adjectives: ["oak", "wood", "wooden", "substantial"],
synonyms: [],
place: { in: "Library" },
descriptions: {
// Note that this description is an ordinary string property. Elsewhere in this demo
// we're using traditional functions or arrow functions because they include
// Javascript template literals. This example only includes AdventureJS custom
// templates, which do not get evaluated until output, and are safe to use in strings.
// See /doc/Scripting_CustomTemplates.html for more info.
look: `
It's a substantial oak bureau desk with multiple drawers stacked vertically,
top, middle and bottom. The top drawer is $( top drawer is| open or| closed ),
the middle drawer is $( middle drawer is| open or| closed ), and the bottom
drawer is $( bottom drawer is| open or| closed ). `,
aspects: {
on: {
player: { can: { enter: false } },
// top drawer
class: "Drawer",
name: "top drawer",
adjectives: ["desk", "scratched"],
synonyms: ["lock", "lock plate", "scratches"],
// Note how we're using top_drawer.description here whereas we've used
// desk.descriptions.look above. All assets can have multiple
// descriptions. Setting asset.description is a shortcut to setting
// asset.descriptions.look, for when an asset only needs one description.
description: `The top drawer's copper lock plate
seems to be particularly scratched up.
Currently the drawer is $( top drawer is| open or| closed ). `,
place: { attached: "bureau desk" },
is: {
// Note how we're setting known:true here.
// By default, players can't interact with
// assets until they're known.
// Also by default, attached assets don't
// become known until a player examines
// the asset they're attached to.
known: true,
closed: true,
locked: true,
listed_in_parent: false,
dov: {
// AdventureJS treats 'pick' and 'unlock' as distinct verbs.
// If a player tries to use 'unlock' where 'pick' is defined,
// the parser will try to redirect to 'pick'.
pick: { with_assets: ["copper hairpin"] },
// Pick and unlock are distinct verbs, to allow authors to
// create precise situations. But, making them distinct can
// lead to finicky situations that are unpleasant for players.
// It's a fine line. We could either set it so that both verbs
// work the same way:
// unlock: { with_assets: ['copper hairpin'] },
// Or we give the player a hint, if we don't want unlock to work.
unlock: { on_failure: `$(We) might be able to pick it with something. ` },
open: {
on_first_failure: "Bet you didn't see that coming, huh? ",
on_first_success: function () {
OpenGame.scorecard.completeEvent("open top drawer");
//return " ";
// middle drawer
class: "Drawer",
name: "middle drawer",
synonyms: "middle desk drawer",
description: "The middle drawer is $( middle drawer is| open or| closed ). ",
adjectives: "desk",
place: { attached: "bureau desk" },
is: {
known: true,
closed: true,
listed_in_parent: false,
// bottom drawer
class: "Drawer",
name: "bottom drawer",
synonyms: "bottom desk drawer",
description: "The bottom drawer is $( bottom drawer is| open or| closed ). ",
adjectives: "desk",
place: { attached: "bureau desk" },
is: {
known: true,
closed: true,
listed_in_parent: false,
// drawers collection
// Collections are a special class that allows players to refer
// to a group of objects and try to apply a verb to all of them,
// or get back a combined description.
// See doc/adventurejs.Collection.html for more info.
class: "Collection",
name: "desk drawers",
place: { attached: "bureau desk" },
collection: ["top drawer", "middle drawer", "bottom drawer"],
synonyms: ["drawers", "three drawers"],
is: {
known: true,
listed_in_parent: false,
descriptions: {
look: function () {
var openCount = [];
var closedCount = [];
var msg = "";
msg += `The bureau has three drawers stacked vertically:
top, middle and bottom, each with a copper lock plate.
The top drawer's lock appears to be rather scratched up.
Currently, `;
// Note how we're using 'this' here. Under normal circumstances
// nested properties don't have access to their top level object.
// AdventureJS uses
// to ensure that asset descriptions can refer to their asset.
// Any property that relies on getStringOrArrayOrFunction()
// will have 'this' scoped to its parent asset.
// See /doc/Scripting_StringArrayFunction.html for more info.
for (var i in this.collection) {
// this.collection contains asset names.
// We want to get references to the asset objects.
// One way to do this is with GameName.$("my asset")
// See /doc/Scripting_CustomCode.html for more info.
let drawer = OpenGame.$(this.collection[i]);
// Once we have an asset reference, asset.$is(property)
// is a safe way to try to get asset properties.
? closedCount.push(
: openCount.push(;
if (0 === openCount.length) {
msg += "all three drawers are closed.";
} else if (0 === closedCount.length) {
msg += "all three drawers are open.";
} else if (2 == openCount.length) {
msg += `the ${openCount[0]} and ${openCount[1]}
are open, while the ${closedCount[0]} is closed. `;
} else if (2 == closedCount.length) {
msg += `the ${closedCount[0]} and ${closedCount[1]}
are open, while the ${openCount[0]} is open. `;
return msg;
// Playground.js
// ----------
/*global adventurejs A OpenGame*/
class: "Room",
article: "the",
name: "Playground",
descriptions: {
look: `Fireflies speckle the dusk with softly pulsing
motes of light. $(We've) come to a modest child's playground
around back of the house. The playground has many things with
which to play, but none of them are objects, and we're not
going to get into it, ok? A window leads back into the house. `,
brief: `Play here. Go window. `,
room_scenery: {
fireflies: {
enabled: true,
"Fireflies pulse gently here and there, lending a charming quality to the darkening playground. ",
grass: {
enabled: true,
"Occasional tufts of glossy medium height grass dot the yard. ",
// Playground in
class: "Exit",
direction: "in",
place: { in: "Playground" },
destination: "Sitting Room",
descriptions: {
for_exits_list: `in to the Sitting Room`,
travel: `$(We) grab hold of the window sill, scrabble awkwardly up
the siding, and heft $(ourself) over the sill and in through the window,
where $(we) tumble into the sitting room. `,
aperture: "outside window",
// outside window
class: "Window",
name: "outside window",
place: { in: "Playground" },
direction: "in",
descriptions: {
// See how this example uses a traditional function.
// Traditional functions are able to be scoped to their
// top level assets which means you can use 'this' with them.
// By contrast if you look at the code for the inside
// window description, you'll see that it uses an arrow
// function. Arrow functions are permitted, but because
// they can't be scoped to their parent asset, they
// can't use 'this'.
look: function () {
return `
Though the sitting room seemed dimly lit, as it is
now dusk outside, the light through the window seems
quite bright from out here.
The window is $(inside window is| open or| closed).
? "$(We) should be able to climb back inside. "
: "$(We'll) need to open the window if $(we) hope to get back through it. "
// We could instead have used a traditional function here,
// and those do receive scope, which would have let us use
// 'this' to refer to the window.
"The wan light of the sitting room seems quite bright from out here. ",
in: function () {
is: {
closed: true,
locked: true,
dov: {
lock: { with_nothing: true },
unlock: { with_nothing: true },
// Apertures, aka doors and windows etc, may exist in two places
// one side in one room, and another side in another room.
// We handle each side as a unique asset. In order to keep them
// in sync, meaning open/closed and locked/unlocked, we use the
// linked_asset property. This outside window asset is linked to
// its other side, a corresponding inside window asset.
linked_asset: "inside window",
// Objects.js
// ----------
/*global adventurejs A OpenGame*/
class: "Chest",
name: "small antique chest",
indefinite_article: "an",
place: { on: "coffee table" },
descriptions: {
look: function () {
let msg = `It's a small antique Victorian chest,
lacquered in a glossy prussian blue and bound with
ornate blue steel straps that are pitted with age.
Its lid is
$(small antique chest is| locked or| unlocked) and
$(small antique chest is| open or| closed). `;
if ($("small antique chest").$is("open")) {
msg += `The chest is lined with a rich egg yolk
yellow brocade that presents a startling contrast
to its dark exterior. `;
return msg;
adjectives: ["victorian", "prussian", "blue", "steel", "glossy", "old"],
synonyms: ["straps"],
is: {
locked: true,
closed: true,
dov: {
open: {
with_nothing: true,
on_first_failure: `$(We) didn't think it was going to be that easy, did $(we)? `,
on_first_success: function () {
OpenGame.scorecard.completeEvent("open chest");
//return " ";
unlock: {
with_assets: ["blue steel key"],
lock: {
with_assets: ["blue steel key"],
class: "Paper",
name: "goldenrod sheet",
description: `It's a sheet of goldenrod colored paper with
a child's drawing on it. The drawing appears to feature
a girl with fire engine red hair. The name "Copper" is
scrawled above her in big childlike letters. `,
place: { in: "top drawer" },
class: "Key",
name: "brass key",
synonyms: ["glass bead"],
article: "a",
adjectives: ["burnished", "chonky"],
place: { on: "coffee table" },
description: `It's a burnished brass key with chonky teeth
and a small glass bead mounted in the head. `,
iov: {
unlock: {
// AdventureJS offers many ways to override its default
// actions and output. If
// asset.dov.unlock.on_failure
// is a string, it will be appended to the default unlock
// failure message. In this case, we want to completely
// override the output, so we call
// is the same as OpenGame when called from a scoped function.
// on_failure: function(){
// `Whoops! This brass key doesn't unlock that ${OpenGame.getInput().getAsset(1).name}. `
// )},
on_first_failure: function () {
`Whoops! Looks like $(we) can't unlock ${
} with the brass key. `
on_success: `Now you can open the door. `,
then_destroy: `Oh no! The brass key broke! `,
// There's something missing here. We haven't set this key to
// unlock: { with_assets: ['sitting room door'] },
// to indicate that this key can open that lock.
// That's because we've already set that lock to
// unlock: { with_assets: ['brass key'] }
// When assets are linked through verb subscriptions,
// you only have to set one or the other. Two-way connections
// will be completed during game initialization.
dov: {
take: { on_first_success: "Now to find something to unlock with it. " },
}); // brass Key
class: "Key",
name: "blue steel key",
synonyms: ["blue key", "steel key"],
adjectives: ["victorian"],
iov: {
unlock: { with_assets: ["small antique chest"] },
description: "It's an ornate Victorian key made of blue steel. ",
// article: "a",
place: { in: "top drawer" },
// OpenGame.createAsset({
// class: "Key",
// name: "tiny brass key",
// description: "It's a tiny key, made of brass. ",
// article: "a",
// adjectives: ["tiny", "brass"],
// // place: { in: "Sitting Room" },
// iov: { 'unlock': {then_destroy: { with_result: "foo" }, }, },
// });
// OpenGame.createAsset({
// class: "Key",
// name: "giant brass key",
// description: "It's a giant novelty key that looks like it's made of brass. ",
// article: "a",
// adjectives: "giant, brass",
// // place: { in: "Sitting Room" },
// });
class: "Doll",
name: "Raggedy Ann doll",
place: { in: "Playground" },
descriptions: {
look: function () {
return `It's a threadworn Raggedy Ann doll, either well
loved or abandoned, it's hard to tell which.
OpenGame.$("copper hairpin").$is("attached", this)
? "A patch of her red hair is gathered into a loose pigtail by a hairpin. "
: "Her messy red hair is by turns tangled and patchy. "
} `;
aspects: {
attached: {
list_in_room: false,
list_in_examine: false,
dov: {
attach: {
with_nothing: true,
take: {
on_first_success: function () {
OpenGame.scorecard.completeEvent("take ann");
//return " ";
class: "Doll",
name: "Raggedy Andy doll",
place: { in: "small antique chest" },
descriptions: {
look: function () {
return `It's a well-loved Raggedy Andy doll in a patched
sailor suit. His red hair is partially covered by a cap
that appears to be sewn on. " } `;
dov: {
take: {
on_first_success: function () {
OpenGame.scorecard.completeEvent("take andy");
//return " ";
class: "Lockpick",
name: "copper hairpin",
synonyms: ["pin", "beads", "tines", "head"],
adjectives: ["hammered"],
article: "the",
dov: {
attach: {
with_nothing: true,
take: {
"Good catch. It looks like it might be used to pick a lock. ",
on_success: "$(We) twirl it between $(our) nimble fingers. ",
iov: {
pick: {
with_assets: ["top drawer"],
"The hairpin snaps into pieces! $(We'll) have to find Raggedy Ann a new one. ",
"And just as well, as the copper is quite soft and probably won't serve long. ",
descriptions: {
throw: "It skitters across the floor. ",
look: `The hammered copper hairpin has two tines and
a butterfly shaped head with tiny beads affixed to it, in
a vaguely art nouveau style. It's actually quite nice. `,
place: { attached: "raggedy ann doll" },
close verb logic
Verb logic falls into a few recognizable patterns.
Direction verbs tend to be simple and redirect to
. Manipulation verbs
test whether one asset is allowed
to interact with another asset. Locomotion verbs test
the player's current ability to move in a specified way.
Many verbs are similar,
but no two verbs are identical. Each verb has its quirks.
If you would like to learn more about general verb logic,
we recommend you see the
Verb Anatomy and
Verb Process pages.
Verb phases and
verb actions /
offer various hooks to customize verb behavior.
If you find that you want still more flexibility,
you may want to investigate the
method, which lets you replace entire blocks of verb code.
You can also
write verbs from scratch
if you're so inclined.
Modify Verbs
for a complete list of verb modification methods.
The following sections provide information that is specific to the
verb close
, though they include many
features which are common to most verbs.
- Verb Demo
- Sentence Structures help filter player input by defining what sentence structures
can handle. - Verb Phrases describe the direct and indirect objects that
can handle. - Verb Subscriptions enable
to act on specific assets, and provide a collection of properties for customizing those interactions. - Verb Phases offer a broad method for authors to hook into default logic and override it with custom code.
- Verb Actions offer a surgical method for authors to hook into
's default logic and inject custom code. - Verb Reactions are Verb Actions that occur as secondary effects of successfully applying
. - Verb Params contain properties that are distinct to
. Not all verbs have params. - Verb Methods lists the methods that
inherits from the Verb class. - Verb Properties lists the properties that
inherits from the Verb class.
close sequencing
close sentence structures
accepts_structures: [
"verb noun",
"verb noun preposition noun"
accepts_structures: [
"verb noun",
"verb noun preposition noun"
accepts_structures: [
"verb noun",
"verb noun preposition noun"
accepts_structures: [
"verb noun",
"verb noun preposition noun"
The parser uses multiple filtering methods to try to channel player input into useable tokens. Sentence structures are defined for each verb in order to narrow down the input that the verb can handle. For example, the verb "hit" might accept "verb noun" as in "hit troll", or "verb noun preposition noun" as in "hit troll with sword", whereas an intransitive verb like "jump" might accept "verb" as a complete sentence. This helps to filter player input. Input that isn't accepted will return a warning to the player.
A note about adverbs: though the parser does handle some adverbs, such as "carefully examine tiara" and "turn left", it excludes them from consideration in sentence structures. Due to the slipperyness of the English language, an adverb can appear in multiple positions in a sentence while still describing the same verb, which presents enough possible word combinations to make sentence structures less useful as a filtering tool. Instead, the parser puts adverbs aside and handles them separately.
- It is possible for authors to modify a verb's structures through the use of patchVerb.
- To learn more about modifying verbs, see Modify Verbs.
close phrases
accepts_noun: true,
known: true,
tangible: true,
present: true,
visible: true,
reachable: true,
accepts_noun: true,
in_inventory: true,
known: true,
accepts_preposition: true,
requires_preposition: true,
accepts_these_prepositions: ["with"],
accepts_noun: true,
in_inventory: true,
accepts_preposition: true,
requires_preposition: true,
accepts_these_prepositions: ["with"],
accepts_noun: true,
in_inventory: true,
known: true,
accepts_preposition: true,
requires_preposition: true,
accepts_these_prepositions: ["with"],
accepts_noun: true,
in_inventory: true,
known: true,
accepts_preposition: true,
requires_preposition: true,
accepts_these_prepositions: ["with"],
The AdventureJS parser uses multiple filtering methods to try to interpret player input. A phrase usually consists of a noun and/or a preposition that can be handled as a direct or indirect object. Each verb defines a unique set of phrases depending on what its logic can handle. Verbs may handle zero, one, two, or three verbs. The nested noun_must_be object sets conditional qualifiers for nouns to help narrow down assets that the verb might act upon. Input that isn't accepted will return a warning to the player.
- It is possible for authors to modify a verb's phrases through the use of patchVerb.
- To see a list of properties that can be set for phrases, see the Phrase class.
- To see a list of properties that can be set for phrase.noun_must_be, see the NounMustBe class.
- To learn more about modifying verbs, see Modify Verbs.
close verb phases
Verb phases are parts of
verb subscriptions that
allow authors to override how close
is applied
to any specific asset.
This is a broad method for customizing verb/noun interactions on a per-asset
basis. For example, an author might supply completely different logic
for "throw feather" vs "throw baseball" vs "throw anvil".
When close
is applied to an asset, it attempts to run
a sequence of methods. All verbs have a do()
and for most verbs, do()
acts as a sequencer that moves the verb
through six distinct sub-methods, or phases:
Each phase serves a specific purpose.
handles all the default conditional logic to determine whether a verb can be applied to an asset: ie, is the asset present, visible, reachable, etc?doSuccess
handles state changes and printing messages back to the player.- The other four phases,
have no default logic. Instead they offer hooks for the author to inject custom code anywhere in the life cycle of the verb action.
See below for examples of how to use verb phases for close
class: "Thing",
name: "This Asset",
dov: {
close: {
doBeforeTry: function( params )
let msg = `You're about to try to close ${this.articlename}. `;;
class: "Thing",
name: "This Asset",
dov: {
close: {
doAfterTry: function( params )
let msg = `You just tried to close ${this.articlename}! `;;
class: "Thing",
name: "This Asset",
dov: {
close: {
doBeforeSuccess: function( params )
let msg = `You're about to succeed in performing close on ${this.articlename}. `;;
class: "Thing",
name: "This Asset",
dov: {
close: {
doAfterSuccess: function( params )
let msg = `You succeeded in performing close on ${this.articlename}. `;;
Expand for example
For example, consider the verb "take" as applied to this singing sword. Imagine that an author wants the game to print a custom message when the player tries to take the sword, and a different message when the player succeeds in taking it.
class: "Sword",
name: "singing sword",
dov: {
doAfterTry: function( params )
let msg = "The sword begins to vibrate as your hand curls around its haft. ";
MyGame.print( msg );
doAfterSuccess: function( params )
let msg = "The sword bursts into song in your hand. ";
MyGame.print( msg );
Note that verb subscriptions are set distinctly for direct objects and indirect objects. All of the prior examples show verb phases applied to direct object verb subscriptions. Verb phases can also be applied to indirect object subscriptions. For example, perhaps our swinging sword had to be removed from a stone. We might want to hook into the stone's indirect object verb subscription for "remove".
class: "Thing",
name: "stone",
iov: {
doBeforeTry: function( params )
let msg = "Will the stone judge you worthy enough to remove the sword? "
MyGame.print( msg );
doAfterSuccess: function( params )
let msg = "With the sword removed, the stone bursts into rubble! ";
MyGame.print( msg );
- To learn more, see Verb Phases.
- Verb Phases are related to but distinct from Verb Actions, which offers a more surgical method to hook into the doTry and doSuccess phases, on a per object basis.
close verb actions
These verb actions are available for the verb close
Expand any item to see a code example.
If close is called with only a direct object, as in
"close lantern", the
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset
interactions. If
If close is called with only a direct object, as in
"light lantern", the
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If doCloseThis is found to be an object rather than a function,
If close is called with a direct object, a preposition,
and an indirect object, as in "light lantern with candle",
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If close is called with a direct object, a preposition,
and an indirect object, as in "light lantern with candle",
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If close is called with only a direct object, as in
"close lantern", the
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset
interactions. If
If close is called with only a direct object, as in
"light lantern", the
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If doCloseThis is found to be an object rather than a function,
If close is called with a direct object, a preposition,
and an indirect object, as in "light lantern with candle",
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If close is called with a direct object, a preposition,
and an indirect object, as in "light lantern with candle",
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If close is called with only a direct object, as in
"close lantern", the
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset
interactions. If
If close is called with only a direct object, as in
"light lantern", the
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If doCloseThis is found to be an object rather than a function,
If close is called with a direct object, a preposition,
and an indirect object, as in "light lantern with candle",
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If close is called with a direct object, a preposition,
and an indirect object, as in "light lantern with candle",
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If close is called with only a direct object, as in
"close lantern", the
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset
interactions. If
If close is called with only a direct object, as in
"light lantern", the
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If doCloseThis is found to be an object rather than a function,
If close is called with a direct object, a preposition,
and an indirect object, as in "light lantern with candle",
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
If close is called with a direct object, a preposition,
and an indirect object, as in "light lantern with candle",
Verb actions can have nested functions for specific asset interactions.
looks for direct_object.tryCloseThis
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThis()';
is found to be an object rather than a function, the
method checks the object
for a nested function that matches the player asset's name.
(Since no indirect object was given, the player is assumed
to be the indirect object.) For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThis: {
"My Hero": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThis["My Hero"]()';
looks for direct_object.doCloseThis()
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThis()';
method checks the object for a nested
function using the player asset's name. (Since no indirect object was
given, the player is assumed to be the indirect object.)
For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThis: {
"My Hero": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThis["My Hero"]()';
tryCloseThis[Preposition]That +
method looks for
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThisWithThat: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
tryCloseThatWithThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis()';
is found to be an
object rather than a function, the verb.handleActions()
looks for first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()
The indirect object will also be checked for
second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()
The two methods are equivalent. Which to use is purely up to
author's choice. For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThisWithThat: {
"Second Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
tryCloseThatWithThis: {
"First Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()';
doCloseThis[Preposition]That +
method looks for
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThisWithThat: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
doCloseThatWithThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis()';
is found to be an
object rather than a function, the verb.handleActions()
looks for first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()
The indirect object will also be checked for
second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()
The two methods are equivalent. Which to use is purely up to
author's choice. For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThisWithThat: {
"Second Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
doCloseThatWithThis: {
"First Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()';
looks for direct_object.tryCloseThis
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThis()';
is found to be an object rather than a function, the
method checks the object
for a nested function that matches the player asset's name.
(Since no indirect object was given, the player is assumed
to be the indirect object.) For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThis: {
"My Hero": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThis["My Hero"]()';
looks for direct_object.doCloseThis()
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThis()';
method checks the object for a nested
function using the player asset's name. (Since no indirect object was
given, the player is assumed to be the indirect object.)
For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThis: {
"My Hero": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThis["My Hero"]()';
tryCloseThis[Preposition]That +
method looks for
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThisWithThat: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
tryCloseThatWithThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis()';
is found to be an
object rather than a function, the verb.handleActions()
looks for first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()
The indirect object will also be checked for
second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()
The two methods are equivalent. Which to use is purely up to
author's choice. For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThisWithThat: {
"Second Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
tryCloseThatWithThis: {
"First Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()';
doCloseThis[Preposition]That +
method looks for
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThisWithThat: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
doCloseThatWithThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis()';
is found to be an
object rather than a function, the verb.handleActions()
looks for first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()
The indirect object will also be checked for
second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()
The two methods are equivalent. Which to use is purely up to
author's choice. For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThisWithThat: {
"Second Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
doCloseThatWithThis: {
"First Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()';
looks for direct_object.tryCloseThis
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThis()';
is found to be an object rather than a function, the
method checks the object
for a nested function that matches the player asset's name.
(Since no indirect object was given, the player is assumed
to be the indirect object.) For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThis: {
"My Hero": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThis["My Hero"]()';
looks for direct_object.doCloseThis()
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThis()';
method checks the object for a nested
function using the player asset's name. (Since no indirect object was
given, the player is assumed to be the indirect object.)
For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThis: {
"My Hero": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThis["My Hero"]()';
tryCloseThis[Preposition]That +
method looks for
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThisWithThat: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
tryCloseThatWithThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis()';
is found to be an
object rather than a function, the verb.handleActions()
looks for first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()
The indirect object will also be checked for
second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()
The two methods are equivalent. Which to use is purely up to
author's choice. For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThisWithThat: {
"Second Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
tryCloseThatWithThis: {
"First Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()';
doCloseThis[Preposition]That +
method looks for
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThisWithThat: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
doCloseThatWithThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis()';
is found to be an
object rather than a function, the verb.handleActions()
looks for first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()
The indirect object will also be checked for
second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()
The two methods are equivalent. Which to use is purely up to
author's choice. For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThisWithThat: {
"Second Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
doCloseThatWithThis: {
"First Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()';
looks for direct_object.tryCloseThis
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThis()';
is found to be an object rather than a function, the
method checks the object
for a nested function that matches the player asset's name.
(Since no indirect object was given, the player is assumed
to be the indirect object.) For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThis: {
"My Hero": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThis["My Hero"]()';
looks for direct_object.doCloseThis()
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThis()';
method checks the object for a nested
function using the player asset's name. (Since no indirect object was
given, the player is assumed to be the indirect object.)
For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThis: {
"My Hero": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThis["My Hero"]()';
tryCloseThis[Preposition]That +
method looks for
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThisWithThat: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
tryCloseThatWithThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis()';
is found to be an
object rather than a function, the verb.handleActions()
looks for first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()
The indirect object will also be checked for
second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()
The two methods are equivalent. Which to use is purely up to
author's choice. For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
tryCloseThisWithThat: {
"Second Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.tryCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
tryCloseThatWithThis: {
"First Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.tryCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()';
doCloseThis[Preposition]That +
method looks for
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThisWithThat: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
doCloseThatWithThis: function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis()';
is found to be an
object rather than a function, the verb.handleActions()
looks for first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()
The indirect object will also be checked for
second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()
The two methods are equivalent. Which to use is purely up to
author's choice. For example:
class: "Thing",
name: "First Thing",
doCloseThisWithThat: {
"Second Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action first_thing.doCloseThisWithThat["Second Thing"]()';
class: "Thing",
name: "Second Thing",
doCloseThatWithThis: {
"First Thing": function (params) {
let msg = 'Called verb action second_thing.doCloseThatWithThis["First Thing"]()';
Verb actions provide hooks that allow authors to inject custom code in response to specific combinations of verb/preposition/noun. There are a lot of them and clearly some are redundant; in its defense, it's a deliberate effort to offer a menu of precise injection points for authors' custom code. To use a verb action, just use the verb action name as a method on any asset. Below is a generic example of how to code a verb action.
Expand for example
In this example, the pistol asset has two verb actions.
will be called when a player inputs "shoot pistol". -
will be called when a player inputs "shoot television with pistol".
class: "Player",
name: "Elvis",
class: "Weapon",
name: "pistol",
doShootThis: {
let msg = `You fire the pistol! BANG! `;
"television": function {
let msg = `You fire the pistol at the television! BANG!
The television explodes with sparks and a screech of static. `;
class: "Electronics",
name: "television",
Verb actions are called by the verb.handleActions()
method, which looks for those nested functions and calls
whatever function it finds.
Each verb has a unique set of actions, which mirror the
sentence structures the verb
can handle. For instance, the verb lock
handles "verb noun" and "verb noun preposition noun",
and so it handles tryLockThis
The difference between try
actions and
actions is one of timing.
actions fire immediately
before a verb's doTry phase,
which provides an opportunity to supersede a verb's
default conditional logic before it tests whether the verb
can be applied to the assets.
actions fire immediately
before a verb's doSuccess phase,
which provides an opportunity to supersede or append the verb's
state changes and output to the player.
It's common for sentence structures to be mutated during
a verb's doTry
phase, as doTry
may reorder a player's input to make it conform with the verb's logic.
This means that the try
and do
actions may differ within the same turn. You can check the
browser's Javascript console to see which actions are being
- See Verb Actions to learn more.
- In addition to verb actions, there are verb reactions, which are a set of non-verb-specific hooks that fire as side effects of a verb's doSuccess phase. See Verb Reactions for a complete list of them.
- Verb actions and reactions are related to but distinct from Verb Phases, which allow authors to broadly override entire phases of a verb.
close verb reactions
Verb reactions
provide hooks that allow authors to inject custom code
into side effects caused by successful verb operations.
Consider the verb drop
Inputting "drop lantern" will result in two events –
removing the lantern from the player and moving it to the room –
which causes these four verb reactions:
• lantern.doRemoveThisFromThat(player)
• player.doRemoveThatFromThis(lantern)
• lantern.doMoveThisToThat(room)
• room.doMoveThatToThis(lantern)
There are four reactions because each asset in the interaction is checked for custom code pertaining to the other. This may seem redundant, but it's done in a deliberate effort to provide flexibility to authors. If you prefer to attach custom code to the lantern, you can. If you prefer to attach custom code to the player, you can. You're welcome to organize your code in whichever way serves you best.
Expand for example
In this example, imagine that an author would like
the game to print a custom message whenever Elvis enters or leaves
the building, regardless of what verb is used. Authors
can hook into any of the doRemoveThisFromThat
, doMoveThisToThat
or doMoveThatToThis
verb reactions.
Below is a generic example of how to code a verb reaction.
class: "Player",
name: "Elvis",
class: "Room",
name: "The Building",
"Elvis": function()
MyGame.print("Elvis has entered The Building! ");
"Elvis": function()
MyGame.print("Elvis has left The Building! ");
- Verb reactions aren't specific to any particular verb; they may be called by many verbs. See Verb Reactions for a complete list of them.
- Verb reactions work the same way as Verb Actions. The only differences are that verb reactions are non-specific and only fire at the end of a verb's doSuccess phase.
- Verb actions and reactions are related to but distinct from Verb Phases, which allow authors to broadly override entire phases of a verb.
close subscriptions
An asset must be subscribed to a verb for that verb to act upon that asset (with some exceptions). Though verbs are universal, each asset's verb subscriptions are distinct objects that can be used to customize how a given verb interacts with a given asset. To say it another way, a verb subscription is a collection of properties that defines how a verb should be applied to an asset; which allow authors to override a verb's default behaviors on a per-asset basis.
It's important to note that verb subscriptions need to be declared as direct or indirect, depending on whether the asset will be used as a direct object or indirect object. In the case of "unlock lock with key", the lock is the direct object and the key is the indirect object, and each asset needs to be subscribed to unlock in the appropriate way. (It's allowed, and a common pattern, to subscribe assets directly and indirectly to the same verb.)
Expand for example
class: "Lock",
name: "lock",
dov: { unlock: true },
class: "Key",
name: "key",
iov: { unlock: true },
As shown in the above example, dov: { unlock: true }
is the minimum that is required to subscribe an asset to a verb. However, verb subscriptions have many properties that can be used to customize how this verb is applied to this asset. (Setting any property eliminates the need to set verb: true
. ) Below is a list of verb subscription properties that authors may find useful.
allows for some verbs to be performed automatically if context calls for it; for example, when unlocking a door in order to pass through it. This takes precedence over global settings.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { automatically: true } }, });
if automatically is set true, this sets it so that a verb can only be applied automatically after a player has already used it manually. This is to prevent automatic use of tools from breaking puzzles. For example, imagine one door with many keys but only one that works; if choosing the right key is part of the puzzle, this option prevents players from simply saying "unlock door" and having the right key automatically selected for them.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { automatically_after_use: true } }, });
Verb phases provide methods to override default verb behaviors. See the verb phases section on this page to learn more aboutclose
's verb phases.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { doBeforeTry: function (e) { console.log("close.doBeforeTry"); }, } }, });
Verb phases provide methods to override default verb behaviors. See the verb phases section on this page to learn more aboutclose
's verb phases.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { doAfterTry: function (e) { console.log("close.doAfterTry"); }, } }, });
Verb phases provide methods to override default verb behaviors. See the verb phases section on this page to learn more aboutclose
's verb phases.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { doBeforeSuccess: function (e) { console.log("close.doBeforeSuccess"); }, } }, });
Verb phases provide methods to override default verb behaviors. See the verb phases section on this page to learn more aboutclose
's verb phases.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { doAfterSuccess: function (e) { console.log("close.doAfterSuccess"); }, } }, });
allows changing the state of an asset's responsiveness to a given verb. If set false, a subscribed asset will not respond to the verb. This is useful for temporarily disabling verbs for specific assets; for example, if you had a door that could not be unlocked until another action was completed. Authors can enable or disable an individual verb subscription viaasset.setDOV(verbname)
Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { enabled: true } }, });
is an optional parameter. It is set as a string by default, but authors may provide a string or array or function to be served by getStringOrArrayOrFunction(). The resulting string will be appended to the verb's default success message.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { on_success: "You close the thing. " } }, });
is an optional parameter. It is set as a string by default, but may provide a string or array or function to be served by getStringOrArrayOrFunction(). The resulting string will be appended to the verb's default success message the first time it is applied to this asset.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { on_first_success: "You close the thing the first time. " } }, });
is an optional parameter. It is set as a string by default, but may provide a string or array or function to be served by getStringOrArrayOrFunction(). The resulting string will be appended to the verb's default failure message.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { on_failure: "You failed to close the thing. " } }, });
is an optional parameter. It is set as a string by default, but may provide a string or array or function to be served by getStringOrArrayOrFunction(). The resulting string will be appended to the verb's default failure message the first time it is applied to this asset.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { on_first_failure: "You failed to close the thing the first time. " } }, });
if true, the verb can only be applied once to the asset. The verb subscription will be disabled after use.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { once: true } }, });
allows author to specify that this asset should be destroyed after using. If then_destroy is set, the asset will be destroyed after a single use regardless of how once is set. By default, then_destroy is set to a boolean. It may optionally be set to string or array or function subject to getStringOrArrayOrFunction(). If any of those types are found, they will be called and returned as results.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { then_destroy: true } }, });
pertains only to indirect objects. If true, this asset can be used as an indirect object of this verb with any direct object.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", iov: { close: { with_anything: true } }, });
allows author to specify particular assets that can interact with this one using the given verb. For example "unlock door with key" where the specified key is the only asset that can unlock door. This works distinctly for direct and indirect verb subscriptions. So, for instance, in "unlock door with key", the door might have a direct object subscription, while the key has an indirect object description.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Door", name: "gold door", dov: { unlock: { with_assets: [ "gold key" ] } }, }); MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Key", name: "gold key", iov: { unlock: { with_assets: [ "gold door" ] } }, });
allows author to specify particular classes that can interact with this asset using the given verb. For example "unlock door with skeleton key" where any instance of the class SkeletonKey can unlock door. This works distinctly for direct and indirect verb subscriptions. So, for instance, in "unlock door with skeleton key", the door might have a direct object subscription, while the key has an indirect object description.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Door", name: "red door", dov: { unlock: { with_classes: [ "SkeletonKey" ] } }, }); MyGame.createAsset({ class: "SkeletonKey", name: "skeleton key", iov: { unlock: { with_classes: [ "Door", "Chest" ] } }, });
pertains only to direct objects. If true, the specified verb can be applied to the direct object without the use of any indirect object.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { with_nothing: true } }, });
is used to contain a set of parameters that are specific to this particular verb. For example, plugIn includeswith_params.max_connections
for setting limits on how many other assets this asset can be plugged in to. See the with_params section on this page to learn more aboutclose
's parameters.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { with_params: { close_property: value } } }, });
allows author to explicitly permit certain prepositions to be used with a verb on this object. For instance: "knock over umbrella stand" might fail with a message of "you can't knock over the umbrella stand"; settingumbrella_stand.dov.knock.with_prepositions = ["over"]
will allow the action to succeed.Expand for example
MyGame.createAsset({ class: "Thing", name: "universal widget", dov: { close: { with_prepositions: [ "through", "over" ] } }, });
- To learn more about working with verb subscriptions, see Verb Subscriptions.
- These are most, but not all, of the properties of a verb subscription. For full reference, see the VerbSubscription class.
close params
Some verbs may have custom params. When an asset subscribes to such a verb, the verb's params are mirrored in the asset's verb subscription, where they are unique to that asset. To put it another way: while each verb may have a unique set of params, each asset may have its own customized version of those params.
with_params: {},
For example, consider this setting of the verb plugIn:
MyGame.dictionary.verbs.plugIn.with_params.max_connections = 1
By default, assets that can be plugged in will take this setting and can only be plugged in to one other asset. Now imagine that an author wants to create a power cord that needs to be plugged in to both a computer and an outlet. The author can achieve that by customizing the cord's subscription to plugIn.
Expand for example
class: "Cable",
name: "power cord",
dov: { plugIn: { with_assets: ['computer','outlet'], with_params: { max_connections: 2 }, }, },
class: "Computer",
name: "PC",
iov: { plugIn: { with_assets: ['power cord'], }, },
class: "ElectricalOutlet",
name: "outlet",
iov: { plugIn: { with_assets: ['power cord'], }, },
In this example, the power cord verb subscription's max_connections setting overrides the verb's max_connections setting, allowing the player to plug the power cord into two assets. The computer and the outlet don't have any custom value set for max_connections; they'll receive the default value, meaning they each can have only one asset plugged into them.
- It is possible for authors to modify a verb's params through the use of patchVerb.
- To learn more about modifying verbs, see Modify Verbs.
Private Constructor:
MyGame.createVerb({ "name": "close", [...] });
close is a predefined instance of Verb that gets constructed automatically at runtime. It is defined in the library as a generic object, and then passed to Dictionary#createVerb for construction, validation, and initialization. Because this is predefined, authors should not need to create new instances. For information on modifying predefined Verbs, see Modify Verbs.
- Index
- Methods
- Properties
- Inherited from Verb canBeIntransitive
- Inherited from Verb do
- Inherited from Verb doSuccess
- Inherited from Verb doTry
- Inherited from Verb enqueueCollection
- Inherited from Verb getState
- Inherited from Verb handleActions
- Inherited from Verb handleFailure
- Inherited from Verb handleSuccess
- Inherited from Verb hasState
- Inherited from Verb hasStructure
- Inherited from Verb hasVerbSubscriptionConnection
- Inherited from Verb initialize
- Inherited from Verb set
- Inherited from Verb setState
- Inherited from Verb setVerbConnection
- Inherited from Verb tryDestroyAfterUsing
- Inherited from Verb tryDestroyDirectObjectAfterUsing
- Inherited from Verb tryDestroyIndirectObjectAfterUsing
- Inherited from Verb tryToInferIndirectObject
- Inherited from Verb tryToPutThisInThatAspect
- Inherited from Verb unsetVerbConnection
- Inherited from Verb validate
- Inherited from Verb accepts_adverbs
- Inherited from Verb accepts_direction
- Inherited from Verb accepts_number
- Inherited from Verb accepts_string
- Inherited from Verb accepts_structures
- Inherited from Verb Overrides from Verb adjectives
- Inherited from Verb article
- Inherited from Verb can_span
- Inherited from Verb default_direction
- Inherited from Verb dictionary
- Inherited from Verb direction_preposition
- Inherited from Verb doVerb
- Inherited from Verb doVerbFromThis
- Inherited from Verb doVerbThatFromThis
- Inherited from Verb doVerbThatWithThis
- Inherited from Verb doVerbThis
- Inherited from Verb doVerbThisFromThat
- Inherited from Verb doVerbThisWithThat
- Inherited from Verb doVerbWithThis
- Inherited from Verb enqueue_collections
- Inherited from Verb extends
- Inherited from Verb game
- Inherited from Verb gerund
- Inherited from Verb in_can_mean_on
- Inherited from Verb input_substitutions
- Inherited from Verb is_compass_direction
- Inherited from Verb is_direction
- Inherited from Verb is_relative_direction
- Inherited from Verb let_verb_handle_disambiguation
- Inherited from Verb let_verb_handle_remaining_input
- Inherited from Verb name
- Inherited from Verb Name
- Inherited from Verb override_verb_failure_msg
- Inherited from Verb override_verb_success_msg
- Inherited from Verb past_tense
- Inherited from Verb phrase1
- Inherited from Verb phrase2
- Inherited from Verb phrase3
- Inherited from Verb player_must_be
- Inherited from Verb Overrides from Verb posture
- Inherited from Verb prettyname
- Inherited from Verb related
- Inherited from Verb requires_number
- Inherited from Verb requires_string
- Inherited from Verb state
- Inherited from Verb state_strings
- Inherited from Verb synonyms
- Inherited from Verb tryVerbFromThis
- Inherited from Verb tryVerbThatFromThis
- Inherited from Verb tryVerbThatWithThis
- Inherited from Verb tryVerbThis
- Inherited from Verb tryVerbThisFromThat
- Inherited from Verb tryVerbThisWithThat
- Inherited from Verb tryVerbWithThis
- Inherited from Verb type
- Inherited from Verb unstate
- Inherited from Verb verb_noun_prep
- Inherited from Verb verb_noun_prep_noun
- Inherited from Verb verb_noun_prep_noun_prep_noun
- Inherited from Verb verb_noun_prep_prep_noun
- Inherited from Verb verb_prep_noun
- Inherited from Verb verb_prep_noun_prep_noun
- Inherited from Verb verb_prep_noun_prep_noun_prep_noun
- Inherited from Verb verb_prep_prep_noun
- Inherited from Verb verb_prep_prep_prep_noun
Methods Collapse all |
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2340
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#canBeIntransitive
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 1045
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#do
do ->
- doBeforeTry (hook for authors)
- doTry
- doAfterTry (hook for authors)
- doBeforeSuccess (hook for authors)
- doSuccess
- doAfterSuccess (hook for authors)
A Verb instance isn't required to use all of these methods. Some Verbs may bypass Verb.doTry because no special conditions are required to apply the Verb. Some specialized Verbs such as oops and undo override entirely and don't use any submethods.
The other four submethods – Verb.doBeforeTry, Verb.doAfterTry, Verb.doBeforeSuccess, and Verb.doAfterSuccess – exist to provide optional hooks for authors to add custom interactions with individual Assets. For more information about Verb Actions and Verb Phases, see Verb Actions and Verb Phases.
And so, the first thing does is to verify that each method exists on the Verb instance. If the submethod exists, it is called. Each submethod sends a return to
If the Verb is acting on a collection, a false return means that the Asset currently being acted on has responded in a way that blocks further parsing, and brings this turn to a halt. A null return means that the Asset currently being acted on has concluded its own parsing, but not in such a way as to block further parsing, and moves on to the next Asset.
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 1479
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doSuccess
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 1236
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doTry
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2005
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#enqueueCollection
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2358
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#getState
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 1251
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#handleActions
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2049
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#handleFailure
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2148
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#handleSuccess
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2349
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#hasState
hasStructure() → {boolean}
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2376
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#hasStructure
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2506
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#hasVerbSubscriptionConnection
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 1970
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#initialize
Todos: How does patchVerb handle initialization?
set(props) → {adventurejs.Verb}
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2037
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#set
A generic object containing properties to copy to the DisplayObject instance.
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2367
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#setState
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2386
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#setVerbConnection = ['socket'] = ['computer']
tryDestroyAfterUsing(object_of, asset) → {Object}
Defined in: adventure/asset/tryDestroyAfterUsing.js, line 6
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryDestroyAfterUsing
String -
tryDestroyDirectObjectAfterUsing(asset) → {Boolean|string}
Defined in: adventure/asset/tryDestroyDirectObjectAfterUsing.js, line 6
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryDestroyDirectObjectAfterUsing
This is intended to provide a hook for authors
to easily destroy an object after a single use, such as a key
that only works once and then breaks or disappears.
tryDestroyIndirectObjectAfterUsing(asset) → {Boolean|string}
Defined in: adventure/asset/tryDestroyIndirectObjectAfterUsing.js, line 6
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryDestroyIndirectObjectAfterUsing
This is intended to provide a hook for authors
to easily destroy an object after a single use, such as a key
that only works once and then breaks or disappears.
tryToInferIndirectObject(direct_object, handle_input) → {Object}
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 1540
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryToInferIndirectObject
Object -
If true, updates the global input object per standard specs used by most (but not all) of the verb instances that call this method.
tryToPutThisInThatAspect(direct_object, preposition, indirect_object) → {Object}
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 1750
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryToPutThisInThatAspect
Object -
String -
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 2447
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#unsetVerbConnection = ['socket'] = ['computer']
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 1963
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#validate
Properties |
accepts_adverbs :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 428
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#accepts_adverbs
Default value: []
accepts_direction :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Phrase.js, line 26
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#accepts_direction
accepts_number :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Phrase.js, line 40
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#accepts_number
accepts_string :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Phrase.js, line 19
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#accepts_string
accepts_structures :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 422
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#accepts_structures
Default value: []
adjectives :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 299
Overrides from: adventurejs.Verb#adjectives
article :Boolean
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 384
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#article
Default value: false
can_span :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 236
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#can_span
default_direction :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 163
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#default_direction
Default value: ""
dictionary :Object
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 143
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#dictionary
Default value: {}
direction_preposition :Boolean
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 396
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#direction_preposition
Default value: ""
doVerb :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 564
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doVerb
doVerbFromThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 580
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doVerbFromThis
doVerbThatFromThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 620
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doVerbThatFromThis
doVerbThatWithThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 604
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doVerbThatWithThis
doVerbThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 572
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doVerbThis
doVerbThisFromThat :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 612
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doVerbThisFromThat
doVerbThisWithThat :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 596
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doVerbThisWithThat
doVerbWithThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 588
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#doVerbWithThis
enqueue_collections :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 483
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#enqueue_collections
Default value: false
if true allows a verb to
unbundle the members of a collection in order to queue up
separate actions for each. For example, "gems" is a collection
that refers to three unique assets; "diamond", "emerald"
and "ruby". If take.enqueue_collections is true, "take gems"
will act individually on the diamond, the emerald and the ruby.
Only applies to direct object.
extends :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 171
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#extends
Default value: ""
game :Object
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 136
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#game
Default value: {}
gerund :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 200
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#gerund
in_can_mean_on :Boolean
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 351
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#in_can_mean_on
Default value: false
input_substitutions :Object
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 434
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#input_substitutions
Default value: {}
is_compass_direction :Boolean
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 367
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#is_compass_direction
Default value: false
is_direction :Boolean
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 360
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#is_direction
Default value: false
is_relative_direction :Boolean
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 375
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#is_relative_direction
Default value: false
let_verb_handle_disambiguation :Boolean
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 331
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#let_verb_handle_disambiguation
Default value: false
let_verb_handle_remaining_input :Boolean
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 340
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#let_verb_handle_remaining_input
Default value: false
name :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 179
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#name
Default value: ""
Name :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 499
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#Name
Default value: []
override_verb_failure_msg :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 446
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#override_verb_failure_msg
Default value: undefined
override_verb_success_msg :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 455
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#override_verb_success_msg
Default value: undefined
past_tense :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 194
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#past_tense
phrase1 :Object
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 404
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#phrase1
Default value: {}
phrase2 :Object
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 410
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#phrase2
Default value: {}
phrase3 :Object
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 416
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#phrase3
Default value: {}
player_must_be :Object
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 315
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#player_must_be
Default value: {}
posture :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 206
Overrides from: adventurejs.Verb#posture
prettyname :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 186
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#prettyname
requires_number :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Phrase.js, line 47
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#requires_number
requires_string :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Phrase.js, line 33
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#requires_string
state :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 247
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#state
is an optional property for verbs that apply
state to assets, such as close and lock. For example, "close door"
will set to true. When used, state will contain the
state to be set true on an asset. In the case of close, its state
would be "closed".
state_strings :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 267
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#state_strings
is an optional property for verbs that is
used to provide string substitutions for authors using the string
substitution form of $(sink drain is| plugged or| unplugged).
Because "unplugged" isn't a proper verb state, we'll use this as a
reverse lookup to test whether the asset, sink_drain in this case,
is subscribed to the relevant verb and has the specified state.
state_strings only apply to direct objects.
synonyms :Getter/Setter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 628
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#synonyms
Default value: []
tryVerbFromThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 524
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryVerbFromThis
tryVerbThatFromThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 556
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryVerbThatFromThis
tryVerbThatWithThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 540
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryVerbThatWithThis
tryVerbThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 508
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryVerbThis
tryVerbThisFromThat :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 548
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryVerbThisFromThat
tryVerbThisWithThat :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 532
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryVerbThisWithThat
tryVerbWithThis :Getter
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 516
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#tryVerbWithThis
type :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 151
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#type
Default value: ""
unstate :String
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 257
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#unstate
is an optional property for verbs that unset
state from assets, such as open and unlock. For example, "open door"
will set to false. When used, unstate will contain the
state to be set false on an asset. In the case of open, its unstate
would be "closed".
verb_noun_prep :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 694
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_noun_prep
Default value: []
verb_noun_prep_noun :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 858
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_noun_prep_noun
Default value: []
Though verb_prep_noun and verb_noun_prep_noun look similar, the reason they are separate fields is because we have to use different regex patterns to find each type in user input.
verb_noun_prep_noun_prep_noun :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 947
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_noun_prep_noun_prep_noun
Default value: []
verb_noun_prep_prep_noun :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 905
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_noun_prep_prep_noun
Default value: []
verb_prep_noun :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 735
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_prep_noun
Default value: []
verb_prep_noun_prep_noun :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 652
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_prep_noun_prep_noun
Default value: []
verb_prep_noun_prep_noun_prep_noun :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 993
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_prep_noun_prep_noun_prep_noun
Default value: []
verb_prep_prep_noun :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 776
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_prep_prep_noun
Default value: []
verb_prep_prep_prep_noun :Array
Defined in: adventure/dictionary/Verb.js, line 817
Inherited from: adventurejs.Verb#verb_prep_prep_prep_noun
Default value: []