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Tutorial explaining how to work with collections in Adventurejs. tutorial, collections

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Drawers. Windows. Statues.

vs group - use as example silverware - knives, forks, spoons *

Collection provides a way to perform some verbs on a specific group of related objects. In the example below, a Desk has three Drawers. Each drawer can be open or closed. A player might input something like examine drawers. Normally, that would lead to a disambiguation prompt such as Which did $(we) mean? 1. The top drawer, 2. the middle drawer, or 3. the bottom drawer? Here, we've made a collection for the three drawers lets players refer to the three drawers as one object.

  class: "Desk",
  name: "desk",
  place: { in: "Office" },
  descriptions: { 
    look: function()
      return "It's a heavy wooden desk. It has three drawers 
      stacked vertically. The top drawer is $( top drawer is| open or| closed ), 
      the middle drawer is $( middle drawer is| open or| closed ), 
      and the bottom drawer is $( bottom drawer is| open or| closed )." 
  adjectives: "wooden, heavy",
  class: "Drawer",
  name: "top drawer",
  synonyms: "top desk drawer, top drawer lock, lock",
  descriptions: { look: "The top drawer is $( top drawer is| open or| closed ). ", },
  adjectives: "desk",
  place: { attached: "desk" },
  dov: { unlock: { with_assets: ['tiny brass key'], }, },
  is: { locked: true, listed_in_parent: false },
  class: "Drawer",
  name: "middle drawer",
  synonyms: "middle desk drawer",
  descriptions: { look: "The middle drawer is $( middle drawer is| open or| closed ). ", },
  adjectives: "desk",
  place: { attached: "desk" },
  is: { listed_in_parent: false },
  class: "Drawer",
  name: "bottom drawer",
  synonyms: "bottom desk drawer",
  descriptions: { look: "The bottom drawer is $( bottom drawer is| open or| closed ). ", },
  adjectives: "desk",
  place: { attached: "desk" },
  is: { listed_in_parent: false },
  class: "Collection",
  name: "desk drawers",
  place: { attached: "desk" },
  collection: "top drawer, middle drawer, bottom drawer",
  synonyms: [ "drawers", "three drawers" ],
  is: { listed_in_parent: false },
  descriptions: { 
    look: function()
      var openCount = [];
      var closedCount = [];
      var complicatedMsg = "The desk has three drawers stacked vertically. "; 
      MyGame.$("top drawer").is.closed ?
        closedCount.push( "top drawer" ) : openCount.push( "top drawer" );
      MyGame.$("middle drawer").is.closed ?
        closedCount.push( "middle drawer" ) : openCount.push( "middle drawer" );
      MyGame.$("bottom drawer").is.closed ?
        closedCount.push( "bottom drawer" ) : openCount.push( "bottom drawer" );
      if( 0 === openCount.length ) 
        complicatedMsg += "All three are closed.";
      else if( 0 === closedCount.length ) 
        complicatedMsg += "All three are open.";
      else if ( 2 == openCount.length ) 
        complicatedMsg += "The "
        + openCount[ 0 ]
        + " and the "
        + openCount[ 1 ]
        + " are open. The "
        + closedCount[ 0 ]
        + " is closed. ";
      else if ( 2 == closedCount.length ) 
        complicatedMsg += "The "
        + closedCount[ 0 ]
        + " and the "
        + closedCount[ 1 ]
        + " are closed. The "
        + openCount[ 0 ]
        + " is open. ";
      return complicatedMsg

In the "desk drawers" Collection, take special note of these lines:

  name: "desk drawers",
  synonyms: [ "drawers", "three drawers" ],
  collection: "top drawer, middle drawer, bottom drawer",
  place: { attached: "desk" },
  is: { listed_in_parent: false },
  • collection is set to a list of the items that the Collection represents. This is important, because some Verb actions will be forwarded to the items in the list. In this example, open drawers will try to open each drawer in turn as if the player had input open top drawer then open middle drawer then open bottom drawer.
  • name and synonyms have been set to plural words that players are likely to use.
  • place is set to on desk, the same as the drawers, and is.listed_in_parent is set to desk so that the Collection doesn't show up in the Room description.

  • Created by Ivan Cockrum on Sunday, May 29, 2022.
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