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// getPrintableObjectList.js

(function() {
  /*global adventurejs A*/ 
  "use strict";

	var p = adventurejs.Game.prototype;

   * @method adventurejs.Game#getPrintableObjectList
   * @memberOf adventurejs.Game
   * @param {Object} objects An array of object ID strings.
   * @param {Object} exclusions An array of of object ID strings to exclude.
   * @returns {String} A formatted string.
   p.getPrintableObjectList = function Game_getPrintableObjectList( params ) 
  {'log','high',"Tangible.js > "" getPrintableObjectList", 'Tangible' );
		//console.log( "getPrintableObjectList", params.objects );
    var objects = params.objects;
    var exclusions = params.exclusions;
    var list = "";
    var definite = false;

    if( "undefined" !== typeof params.article 
    && "definite" === params.article ) 
      definite = true;

    // remove any exclusions from objects list
    if( "undefined" !== typeof exclusions ) 
      // convert params string to array if needed
      if( "string" === typeof exclusions ) 
        exclusions = [ exclusions ];
      objects = objects.filter( 
          return exclusions.indexOf( objects ) < 0; 

    for( var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++ ) 
      // objects is a list of ids - get the full object 
      var object = this.getAsset( objects[i] );


      if( i > 0 && i < objects.length - 1 ) 
        list += ", ";
      if( objects.length > 1 && i === objects.length-1 ) 
        list += " and ";
      list += definite?object.definite_name:object.indefinite_name;
      //list += " ";
      //list +=;
		return list;