// shine.js
(function () {
/*global adventurejs A*/
"use strict";
* @augments {adventurejs.Verb}
* @class shine
* @ajsnode game.dictionary.verbs.shine
* @ajsconstruct MyGame.createVerb({ "name": "shine", [...] });
* @ajsconstructedby adventurejs.Dictionary#createVerb
* @hideconstructor
* @ajsinstanceof Verb
* @ajsnavheading ManipulationVerbs
* @summary Verb meaning shine a tangible asset.
* @ajssynonyms shine
* @tutorial Scripting_VerbSubscriptions
* @tutorial Verbs_VerbAnatomy
* @tutorial Verbs_VerbProcess
* @tutorial Verbs_ModifyVerbs
* @tutorial Verbs_WriteVerbs
* @classdesc
* <pre class="display border outline">
* <span class="input">> shine candle in cave</span>
* The flickering candle light reveals... a slathering horror!
* No, wait, that's just your reflection the slick cave wall.
* </pre>
* <p>
* Shine a {@link adventurejs.Tangible|Tangible}
* {@link adventurejs.Asset|Asset}. Asset must have
* asset.dov.shine.enabled
* set to true. There's no particular
* code to handle shine, so any special results will need
* to be custom coded through a method such as setting a
* verb override for the Asset. To learn about verb hooks,
* see <a href="/doc/Scripting_VerbPhases.html">Verb Phases</a>.
* </p>
* @ajsverbphases doBeforeTry, doAfterTry, doBeforeSuccess, doAfterSuccess
A.Preverbs.shine = {
name: "shine",
prettyname: "shine",
past_tense: "shone",
synonyms: ["shine"],
state: "shone",
* @ajsverbstructures
* @memberof shine
accepts_structures: ["verb noun", "verb noun preposition noun"],
* @memberof shine
* @ajsverbphrase
* phrase1:
* {
* accepts_noun:true,
* requires_noun:true,
* noun_must_be:
* {
* known: true,
* tangible: true,
* present: true,
* reachable: true,
* },
* },
phrase1: {
accepts_noun: true,
requires_noun: true,
noun_must_be: {
known: true,
tangible: true,
present: true,
reachable: true,
* @memberof shine
* @ajsverbphrase
* phrase2:
* {
* accepts_noun: true,
* accepts_preposition: true,
* requires_preposition: true,
* noun_must_be:
* {
* known: true,
* tangible: true,
* present: true,
* reachable: true,
* },
* },
phrase2: {
accepts_noun: true,
accepts_preposition: true,
requires_preposition: true,
noun_must_be: {
known: true,
tangible: true,
present: true,
reachable: true,
* @memberof shine
* @ajsverbparams
* with_params: {},
with_params: {},
doTry: function () {
var input = this.game.getInput();
var direct_object = input.getAsset(1);
var indirect_object = input.getAsset(2);
var indirect_preposition = input.getPreposition(2);
var player = this.game.getPlayer();
var results;
var msg = "";
// parsed sentence structure: verb
if (input.hasStructure("verb")) {
// parsed sentence structure: verb noun
if (input.hasStructure("verb noun")) {
} // verb noun
// verb enabled?
if (!direct_object.isDOV(this.name)) {
`F1774 | ${this.name}.js | ${direct_object.id}.dov.${this.name}.enabled is false `
msg += `$(We) can't ${this.name} ${direct_object.articlename}. `;
return null;
// verb state? skip it
// if( this.hasState() && direct_object.isState(this.name) )
// {
// this.game.debug(`XXXX | ${this.name}.js | ${
// direct_object.id
// }.is.${this.getState()} is ${direct_object.isState(this.name)}`);
// msg += `${direct_object.Articlename} is already ${this.getState()}. `;
// this.handleFailure(msg);
// return false;
// }
// single use direct object?
if (
direct_object.DOVallowOnce(this.name) &&
) {
`F1830 | ${this.name}.js | ${direct_object.id}.dov.${this.name}.once and ${direct_object.id}.dov.${this.name}.did_do `
msg += `${direct_object.Articlename} has already been ${this.past_tense}. `;
return false;
// parsed sentence structure: verb noun
if (input.hasStructure("verb noun")) {
// indirect object required?
if (direct_object.DOVallowWithNothing(this.name)) {
return true;
// indirect objects available?
if (!direct_object.DOVhasIndirectObjects(this.name)) {
`F1793 | ${this.name}.js | ${direct_object.id}.dov.${this.name}.with_nothing is false `
msg += `$(We) don't know of a way to ${this.name} ${direct_object.articlename}. `;
return false;
// infer indirect object?
results = this.tryToInferIndirectObject(direct_object, true);
if (results.prompt) {
this.game.debug(`F1794 | ${this.name}.js | soft prompt for noun2 `);
msg += `What would $(we) like to ${this.name} ${direct_object.articlename} on? `;
return false;
} else if (results.success) {
indirect_object = results.indirect_object;
indirect_preposition = "with";
} // verb noun
// parsed sentence structure: verb noun preposition noun
if (input.hasStructure("verb noun preposition noun")) {
// works with any indirect object?
if (direct_object.DOVallowWithAnything(this.name)) {
return true;
// indirect object not required?
if (direct_object.DOVallowWithNothing(this.name)) {
`F1775 | ${this.name}.js | ${direct_object.id}.dov.${this.name}.with_nothing `
msg += `$(We) can't ${this.name} ${direct_object.articlename} ${indirect_preposition} ${indirect_object.articlename}. `;
return null;
// indirect object usable with direct object?
if (!direct_object.DOVallowWithAsset(this.name, indirect_object)) {
`F1795 | ${this.name}.js | ${direct_object.id}.dov.${this.name}.with_assets/with_classes does not include ${indirect_object.id} `
msg += `$(We) can't ${this.name} ${direct_object.articlename} ${indirect_preposition} ${indirect_object.articlename}. `;
return null;
// can indirect object be used?
if (!indirect_object.isIOV(this.name)) {
`F1910 | ${this.name}.js | ${indirect_object.id}.iov.${this.name}.enabled is false `
msg += `$(We) can't ${this.name} anything ${indirect_preposition} ${indirect_object.articlename}. `;
return false;
// single use indirect object?
if (
indirect_object.IOVallowOnce(this.name) &&
) {
`F1816 | ${this.name}.js | ${indirect_object.id}.iov.${
}.once and ${indirect_object.id}.iov.${this.name}.do_count is ${
} `
msg += `${indirect_object.Articlename} has already been used to ${this.name} something. `;
return null;
} // verb noun preposition noun
return true;
doSuccess: function () {
var input = this.game.getInput();
var direct_object = input.getAsset(1);
var direct_preposition = input.getPreposition(1);
var indirect_object = input.getAsset(2);
var indirect_preposition = input.getPreposition(2);
var player = this.game.getPlayer();
var results;
var msg = "";
this.game.debug(`F1773 | ${this.name}.js | print doSuccess `);
// apply state changes
// none
// compose output
msg += `$(We) ${this.name}`;
msg += `${direct_preposition ? " " + direct_preposition : ""}`;
msg += `${direct_object ? " " + direct_object.articlename : ""}`;
msg += `${indirect_preposition ? " " + indirect_preposition : ""}`;
msg += `${indirect_object ? " " + indirect_object.articlename : ""}`;
msg += `. `;
// print output
this.handleSuccess(msg, direct_object);
return true;
})(); // shine