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// detach.js
(function () {
  /*global adventurejs A*/

   * @augments {adventurejs.Verb}
   * @class detach
   * @ajsnode game.dictionary.verbs.detach
   * @ajsconstruct MyGame.createVerb({ "name": "detach", [...] });
   * @ajsconstructedby adventurejs.Dictionary#createVerb
   * @hideconstructor
   * @ajsinstanceof Verb
   * @ajsnavheading ManipulationVerbs
   * @summary Verb meaning detach one asset from another.
   * @tutorial Scripting_VerbSubscriptions
   * @tutorial Verbs_VerbAnatomy
   * @tutorial Verbs_VerbProcess
   * @tutorial Verbs_ModifyVerbs
   * @tutorial Verbs_WriteVerbs
   * @classdesc
   * <pre class="display border outline">
   * <span class="input">&gt; detach anglerfish from head</span>
   * You detach the anglerfish from your head. It wriggles angrily
   * in your hand.
   * </pre>
   * <p>
   * <strong>Detach</strong> one
   * {@link adventurejs.Tangible|Tangible}
   * {@link adventurejs.Asset|Asset} from another.
   * Requires that the Asset to be removed from has an <code>attach</code>
   * {@link adventurejs.Aspect|Aspect}.
   * To learn about Aspects, see
   * <a href="/doc/Tangibles_Aspects.html">How to Use Aspects</a>.
   * </p>
   * @ajsverbreactions doRemoveThisFromThat, doRemoveThatFromThis, doMoveThisToThat, doMoveThatToThis
   * @ajsverbphases doBeforeTry, doAfterTry, doBeforeSuccess, doAfterSuccess
  A.Preverbs.detach = {
    name: "detach",
    prettyname: "detach",
    past_tense: "detached",
    synonyms: ["detach", "disconnect"],
    unstate: "attached", // state should be determined by place
    gerund: "detaching",

     * @ajsverbstructures
     * @memberof detach
    accepts_structures: [
      "verb noun",
      "verb noun preposition noun",
      "verb noun preposition noun preposition noun",

     * @memberof detach
     * @ajsverbphrase
     * phrase1:
     * {
     *   accepts_noun:true,
     *   noun_must_be:
     *   {
     *     known: true,
     *     tangible: true,
     *     present: true,
     *     reachable: true,
     *     //visible: true,
     *   },
     * },
    phrase1: {
      accepts_noun: true,
      noun_must_be: {
        known: true,
        tangible: true,
        present: true,
        reachable: true,
        //visible: true,

     * @memberof detach
     * @ajsverbphrase
     * phrase2:
     * {
     *   accepts_noun:true,
     *   noun_must_be:
     *   {
     *     known: true,
     *     tangible: true,
     *     present: true,
     *     reachable: true,
     *     //visible: true,
     *   },
     *   accepts_preposition:true,
     *   requires_preposition: true,
     *   accepts_these_prepositions: ["from","with"],
     * },
    phrase2: {
      accepts_noun: true,
      noun_must_be: {
        known: true,
        tangible: true,
        present: true,
        reachable: true,
        //visible: true,
      accepts_preposition: true,
      requires_preposition: true,
      accepts_these_prepositions: ["from", "with"],

     * @memberof detach
     * @ajsverbphrase
     * phrase3:
     * {
     *   accepts_noun:true,
     *   noun_must_be:
     *   {
     *     in_inventory_if_takeable: true,
     *     known: true,
     *     tangible: true,
     *     present: true,
     *     reachable: true,
     *   },
     *   accepts_preposition:true,
     *   requires_preposition: true,
     *   accepts_these_prepositions: ["from","with"],
     * },
    phrase3: {
      accepts_noun: true,
      noun_must_be: {
        in_inventory_if_takeable: true,
        known: true,
        tangible: true,
        present: true,
        reachable: true,
      accepts_preposition: true,
      requires_preposition: true,
      accepts_these_prepositions: ["from", "with"],

     * @memberof detach
     * @ajsverbparams
     * with_params: {},
    with_params: {},

    doTry: function () {
      var input =;
      var verb_phrase = input.verb_phrase;
      var player =;

      var object1 = input.getAsset(1);
      var object2, object2_preposition;
      var tool, tool_preposition;

      var results, results2;
      var msg = "";

      // is direct object worn?
      if ( && object1.isDOV("remove")) {
          `D1522 | ${}.js | ${}.is.worn, infer verb remove `

      // is direct object tied?
      if (
        object1.getVerbConnectionCount("tie", "to_iov") &&
      ) {
          `D1249 | ${}.js | ${}.dov.untie, infer verb untie `

      // sentence structure: verb noun
      if (input.hasStructure("verb noun")) {
        // is object1 attached?
        if (object1.isPlacedAtAspect("attached")) {
          // infer indirect object
          object2 = object1.getPlaceAsset();
          input.setAsset(2, object2);
          input.setPreposition(2, "from");
          input.setStructure("verb noun preposition noun");
`from ${object2.articlename}`);
        } else {
          // prompt for indirect object
          input.setStructure("verb noun preposition noun");
          input.setPreposition(2, "from");
            index: 2,
            type: "noun",
            noun2: true,
            structure: "verb noun preposition noun",
`D1520 | ${}.js | soft prompt for noun2 `);
          msg += `What would $(we) like to ${} ${object1.articlename} from? `;
          return null;
      } // verb noun

      // did player input with/with or from/from ?
      if (input.getPreposition(2) === input.getPreposition(3)) {
        // we don't understand that
          `D1251 | ${}.js | expected A from B with C, received two identical prepositions `
        msg +=;
        return null;

      // did player input 'detach A with B from C'?
      if (
        "with" === input.getPreposition(2) &&
        "from" === input.getPreposition(3)
      ) {
        // swap B with C
        input.swapPhrases(2, 3);

      // 'detach A with C'? try to infer 'from B'
      // this is where detach differs from attach
      if ("with" === input.getPreposition(2) && !input.hasPhrase(3)) {
        input.swapPhrases(2, 3);
        input.setPreposition(2, "from");
        tool = input.getAsset(3);
        tool_preposition = "from";

        // is object1 attached?
        if (object1.isPlacedAtAspect("attached")) {
          // infer indirect object
          input.setAsset(2, object1.getPlaceAsset());
          input.setStructure("verb noun preposition noun preposition noun");
`from ${input.getAsset(2).articlename}`);
        } else {
          // prompt for indirect object
            index: 2,
            type: "noun",
            noun2: true,
            structure: "verb noun preposition noun preposition noun",
`D1520 | ${}.js | soft prompt for noun3 `);
          msg += `What would $(we) like to ${} ${object1.articlename} from with ${tool.articlename}? `;
          return null;

      // at this point we should have 'detach A from B' or 'detach A from B with C'
      object2 = input.getAsset(2);
      object2_preposition = input.getPreposition(2);

      // these things apply to 'verb noun preposition noun' and 'verb noun preposition noun preposition noun'

      // verb enabled for one or the other?
      if (!object1.isDOV( && !object2.isDOV( {
          `D1250 | ${}.js | neither ${} nor ${}.dov.${}.enabled `
        msg += `${object1.Articlename} can't be ${this.past_tense} from ${object2.articlename}. `;
        return null;

      // are neither of these assets be attached to the other?
      if (
        !object1.isPlacedAtAspect("attached", object2) &&
        !object2.isPlacedAtAspect("attached", object1)
      ) {
          `D1353 | ${}.js | neither asset is in the other's .aspects.attached.contents `
        msg += `${object1.Articlename} and ${object2.articlename} aren't ${this.unstate}. `;
        return null;

      // is object2 actually in object1?
      if (
        !object1.isPlacedAtAspect("attached", object2) &&
        object2.isPlacedAtAspect("attached", object1)
      ) {
        input.swapNouns(1, 2);
        object1 = input.getAsset(1);
        object2 = input.getAsset(2);

      // tool, maybe?
      tool = input.getAsset(3);
      tool_preposition = input.getPreposition(3);

      // no tool?
      if (!tool) {
        // is a tool needed?
        if (
          !object1.allowVerbWithNothing(, "dov") &&
          !object2.allowVerbWithNothing(, "dov")
        ) {
          // tool needed
          results = this.tryToInferIndirectObject({
            direct_object: object1,
            context: player,
            handle_input: false,
          results2 = this.tryToInferIndirectObject({
            direct_object: object2,
            context: player,
            handle_input: false,
          if (results.success || results2.success) {
            // found a tool
            var either_one = results.success
              ? results.success
              : results2.success;
            tool = either_one.indirect_object;
            tool_preposition = "with";
              asset: tool,
              preposition: tool_preposition,
            input.setStructure("verb noun preposition noun preposition noun");
  `${tool_preposition} ${tool.articlename}`);
          } else if (results.prompt || results2.prompt) {
            // prompt for tool
            // restructure sentence for next turn
            input.setPreposition(3, "with");
              index: 3,
              type: "noun",
              noun3: true,
              structure: "verb noun preposition noun preposition noun",
            input.setStructure("verb noun preposition noun preposition noun");
  `D1720 | ${}.js | soft prompt for noun3 `);
            msg += `What would $(we) like to ${} ${object1.articlename} from ${object2.articlename} with? `;
            return false;
        } // tool needed?
      } // no tool

      // by now we should have an input tool or an inferred tool or no tool needed

      // sentence structure: verb noun preposition noun preposition noun
      // ie: 'attach male pipe to female pipe with wrench'
      if (input.hasStructure("verb noun preposition noun preposition noun")) {
        // works with any indirect object?
        if (object1.allowVerbWithAnything(, "dov")) {
          return true;

        // indirect object not required?
        if (
          object1.allowVerbWithNothing(, "dov") &&
          object2.allowVerbWithNothing(, "dov")
        ) {

            `D1518 | ${}.js | ${} and ${}.dov.${}.with_nothing `
          msg += `${object1.Articlename} and ${object2.articlename} don't need another object to ${} them. `;
          return null;

        // indirect object usable with direct object?
        if (
          !object1.allowVerbWithAsset(, tool, "dov") &&
          !object2.allowVerbWithAsset(, tool, "dov")
        ) {

            `D1521 | ${}.js | neither ${} nor ${}.dov.${}.with_assets/with_classes includes ${} `
          msg += `${tool.Articlename} can't be used to ${} ${object1.articlename} from ${object2.articlename}. `;
          return null;
      } // verb noun preposition noun preposition noun

      return true;

    doSuccess: function () {
      var input =;
      var verb_phrase = input.verb_phrase;
      var player =;
      var object1 = input.getAsset(1);
      var object1_parent = object1.getPlaceAsset();
      var object2 = input.getAsset(2);
      var object2_preposition = input.getPreposition(2);
      var tool = input.getAsset(3);
      var tool_preposition = input.getPreposition(3);
      var results;
      var msg = "";

      // set direct object place
      if ( !== {
        // remove direct object from current parent
        results = object1.moveFrom(object2);
        if ("undefined" !== typeof results) return results;

        // add direct object to new parent
        var target = object1.isDOV("take") ? player : object2.getPlaceAsset();
        var targetprep = object1.isDOV("take")
          ? "in"
          : object2.getPlacePreposition();
        results = object1.moveTo(targetprep, target);
        if ("undefined" !== typeof results) return results;
        // @TODO object1 may need to be placed in the room
        // and what about water rooms?

      // apply state changes
      //[this.getState()] = false;

      // compose output
      msg += `$(We) ${} ${object1.articlename}`;
      msg += object2 ? ` from ${object2.articlename}` : ``;
      msg += tool ? ` with ${tool.articlename}` : ``;
      msg += ===
          ? ` and take it`
          : ` and set it ${targetprep} ${target.articlename}`;
      msg += `. `;

      // print output
      return this.handleSuccess(msg, object1);
})(); // detach