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// Zone.js
(function () {
  /*global adventurejs A*/

   * @ajspath adventurejs.Atom.Asset.Zone
   * @augments adventurejs.Asset
   * @class adventurejs.Zone
   * @ajsconstruct MyGame.createAsset({ "class":"Zone", "name":"foo", [...] })
   * @ajsconstructedby adventurejs.Game#createAsset
   * @ajsnavheading BaseClasses
   * @param {String} game_name Name of top level game instance that is scoped to window.
   * @param {String} name Instance name.
   * @summary Set UniversalScenery descriptions for groups of Rooms.
   * @tutorial NextSteps_GlobalScenery
   * @tutorial CreateSceneEvents
   * @classdesc
   * <p>
   * <strong>Zone</strong> is a low-level subclass of
   * {@link adventurejs.Asset|Asset} with just a couple
   * of properties: zone_events and zone_scenery. Use
   * Zone to define customized sets of global Assets that
   * can be shared by any number of
   * {@link adventurejs.Room|Rooms}. For instance, you might
   * create a desert Zone which describes a starry night sky,
   * a blood moon, and exits that are blocked by
   * sand dunes in every direction that hasn't got a defined
   * Exit, with random gusts of blown sand and shimmering heat haze.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * There are three types of predefined global Assets:
   * {@link adventurejs.Scenery|Scenery},
   * {@link adventurejs.Wall|Walls}, and
   * {@link adventurejs.Exit|Exits} (aka NoExits).
   * Game comes with a number of predefined global Assets:
   * {@link global_air|air},
   * {@link global_moon|moon},
   * {@link global_sky|sky},
   * {@link global_sun|sun},
   * {@link global_stars|stars},
   * {@link global_ceiling|ceiling},
   * {@link global_sound|sound},
   * {@link global_rain|rain},
   * {@link global_trees|trees}, and
   * {@link global_wind|wind}; Walls for each of 12 directions; and
   * NoExits for each of 18 directions. (NoExits are only called
   * if the Room hasn't got an actual Exit in the given direction.)
   * Scenery and Walls are disabled by default and must be
   * enabled to use. NoExits are enabled by default,
   * and can be disabled or customized.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * In addition to scenery, authors can create sets of
   * random (or sequential) events that will print at any
   * specified frequency. (<i>Events</i> here means in-game events,
   * such as a periodic car alarm or a twinkling light, as opposed
   * to JavaScript events.) A few random Room events can help to
   * spice up frequently visited locations. Look to the bottom
   * of the following example to see how events are set up.
   * </p>
   * <h3 class="examples">Example:</h3>
   * <p>
   * In this example, we've defined a room with its
   * <code class="property">zone</code> property set
   * to "Desert Zone", where we've set custom
   * descriptions for a couple of Game's predefined global
   * Assets, and given it some random events.
   * </p>
   * <pre class="display"><code class="language-javascript">MyGame.createAsset({
   *   class: "Room",
   *   name: "Eastern Sands",
   *   zone: "Desert Zone",
   *   description: "It's swelteringly hot here. ",
   *   exits: {
   *     west: "Western Sands",
   *     north: "Nothing but sand dunes that way. ",
   *   },
   * });
   * MyGame.createAsset({
   *   class: "Zone",
   *   name: "Desert Zone",
   *   zone_scenery:
   *   {
   *     global_sky: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "Even the sky is burnt to a pale sandy color. ",
   *     },
   *     global_sun: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "The sun burns is punishingly bright. ",
   *     },
   *   },
   *   zone_events: [
   *     {
   *       frequency: .1,
   *       randomize: true,
   *     },
   *     "You hear the distant shriek of a desert hawk. ",
   *     "A flurry of sand trickles down a nearby dune. ",
   *     "A shimmer of heat haze rises up from the sands. "
   *   ],
   * });
   * </code></pre>
   * <p>
   * To learn more about customizing global Assets, see
   * <a href="/doc/NextSteps_GlobalScenery.html">Global Scenery</a>.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * This longer version below shows all of the available global Assets.
   * It's a pretty long list and it might look intimidating, but don't panic!
   * It's all optional.
   * In this example, we've expanded the
   * "Desert Zone" with all of the Game's predefined
   * global Assets. Note where the Room has
   * <code class="property">exits.west</code> set to
   * an actual Exit, which overrides the west NoExit
   * set in Desert Zone. Similarly, the Room has a
   * custom error message set for
   * <code class="property">exits.north</code>, and
   * this also overrides the north NoExit set in Desert Zone.
   * </p>
   * <pre class="display"><code class="language-javascript">MyGame.createAsset({
   *   class: "Room",
   *   name: "Eastern Sands",
   *   zone: "Desert Zone",
   *   description: "It's swelteringly hot here. ",
   *   exits: {
   *     west: "Western Sands",
   *     north: "Nothing but sand dunes that way. ",
   *   },
   * });
   * MyGame.createAsset({
   *   class: "Zone",
   *   name: "Desert Zone",
   *   zone_scenery:
   *   {
   *     global_air: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "The air is hot and dry. ",
   *     },
   *     global_moon: { enabled: false,
   *       description: "The sun makes it impossible to see it. ",
   *     },
   *     global_sky: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "Even the sky is burnt to a pale sandy color. ",
   *     },
   *     global_sun: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "The sun burns is punishingly bright. ",
   *     },
   *     global_stars: {
   *       enabled: false,
   *       description: "Invisible under this brilliant sun. ",
   *     },
   *     global_floor: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "Endless sand. ",
   *     },
   *     global_ceiling: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_sound: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "You can hear a constant dry breeze. ",
   *     },
   *     global_east_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_west_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_north_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_northeast_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_northwest_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_south_wall: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "A crumbling sandstone wall divides the entire region,
   *       blocking any passage to the south. ",
   *     },
   *     global_southeast_wall: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "The crumbling sandstone wall stretches away
   *       to the east, blocking any southeast passage. ",
   *     },
   *     global_southwest_wall: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       descriptions: "The crumbling sandstone wall stretches away
   *       to the west, blocking any southwest passage. ",
   *     },
   *     global_aft_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_port_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_starboard_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_fore_wall: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_east: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "Nothing but endless sand lies to the east. ",
   *     },
   *     global_west: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "Only trackless wastes lie to the west. ",
   *     },
   *     global_north: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "Tall dunes block passage to the north. ",
   *     },
   *     global_northeast: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "Towering dunes block any passage to the northeast. ",
   *     },
   *     global_northwest: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "Sand dunes prevent passage to the northwest. ",
   *     },
   *     global_south: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "The crumbling southern wall blocks all passage. ",
   *     },
   *     global_southeast: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "The endless sandstone wall lies southeast. ",
   *     },
   *     global_southwest: {
   *       enabled: true,
   *       description: "The sandstone wall prevents passage to the southwest. ",
   *     },
   *     global_aft: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_port: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_starboard: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *     global_fore: { enabled: false, description: "", },
   *   },
   *   zone_events: [
   *     {
   *       frequency: .1,
   *       randomize: true,
   *     },
   *     "You hear the distant shriek of a desert hawk. ",
   *     "A flurry of sand trickles down a nearby dune. ",
   *     "A shimmer of heat haze rises up from the sands. "
   *   ],
   * });
   * </code></pre>
  class Zone extends adventurejs.Asset {
    constructor(name, game_name) {
      super(name, game_name);
      this.class = "Zone";

      this.exclude_from_lookup = true;

      this.zone_events = [];

      this.zone_scenery = {
        global_air: { enabled: false, description: "It smells like air. " },
        global_moon: { enabled: false, description: "It's the moon. " },
        global_sky: { enabled: false, description: "The sky. " },
        global_sun: { enabled: false, description: "The sun. " },
        global_stars: { enabled: false, description: "The stars. " },
        global_floor: { enabled: false, description: "The floor. " },
        global_ceiling: { enabled: false, description: "The ceiling. " },
        global_sound: { enabled: false, description: "No particular sound. " },
        global_rain: { enabled: false, description: "A light spring rain. " },
        global_wind: { enabled: false, description: "A mighty wind. " },
        global_trees: {
          enabled: false,
          description: "Can't see the forest for 'em. ",
        global_clouds: { enabled: false, description: "Dark clouds. " },
        global_lightning: {
          enabled: false,
          description: "Distant lightning. ",
        global_mountains: {
          enabled: false,
          description: "Snow capped mountains. ",
        global_mountain: { enabled: false, description: "Mount Doom. " },

        global_east_wall: { enabled: false, description: "The east wall. " },
        global_west_wall: { enabled: false, description: "The west wall. " },
        global_north_wall: { enabled: false, description: "The north wall. " },
        global_northeast_wall: {
          enabled: false,
          description: "The northeast wall. ",
        global_northwest_wall: {
          enabled: false,
          description: "The northwest wall. ",
        global_south_wall: { enabled: false, description: "The south wall. " },
        global_southeast_wall: {
          enabled: false,
          description: "The southeast wall. ",
        global_southwest_wall: {
          enabled: false,
          description: "The southwest wall. ",
        global_aft_wall: { enabled: false, description: "The aft wall. " },
        global_port_wall: { enabled: false, description: "The port wall. " },
        global_starboard_wall: {
          enabled: false,
          description: "The starboard wall. ",
        global_fore_wall: { enabled: false, description: "The fore wall. " },

        global_east: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the east. ",
        global_west: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the west. ",
        global_north: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the north. ",
        global_northeast: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the northeast. ",
        global_northwest: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the northwest. ",
        global_south: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the south. ",
        global_southeast: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the southeast. ",
        global_southwest: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the southwest. ",
        global_aft: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the aft. ",
        global_port: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the port. ",
        global_starboard: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the starboard. ",
        global_fore: {
          enabled: true,
          description: "There's no exit to the fore. ",

    initialize(game) {

      // add to list of rooms, which we use for "go to room";

      if (this.zone_events && this.zone_events.array) {
        // ensure that we have use_saf setting
        if ("undefined" === typeof this.zone_events.use_saf) {
          this.zone_events.use_saf = true;

        // ensure that we have randomize setting
        if ("undefined" === typeof this.zone_events.randomize) {
          this.zone_events.randomize =

        // ensure that we have index
        if ("undefined" === typeof this.zone_events.index) {
          this.zone_events.index = 0;

        // ensure that we have frequency setting
        if ("undefined" === typeof this.zone_events.frequency) {
          this.zone_events.frequency = 0;

      return true;
  adventurejs.Zone = Zone;