// Input.js
(function () {
/*global adventurejs A*/
"use strict";
* @class adventurejs.Input
* @ajsinternal
* @ajsnavheading FrameworkReference
* @summary Framework class, used as a property of the parser instance, that stores a turn's parsed input.
* @classdesc
* <p>
* <strong>Input</strong> is a special class constructed by
* {@link adventurejs.Parser#parseInput|Parser.parseInput()},
* and used to store each turn's input and all of
* the metadata that is generated for it, including the verb and noun(s)
* that were parsed, whether a disambiguation was called for,
* whether a soft prompt was made, whether a noun was assumed
* based upon context, and other data. This is an internal class
* that authors should not need to construct.
* </p>
class Input {
constructor(params) {
this.game_name = params.game_name || "";
this.game.log("log", "high", "Input.js > new input created", "Parser");
* Save the original input string for later reference.
* @var {String} adventurejs.Input#input
* @default ""
this.input = ""; // original input
* The end result of parsing is a set of verified words -
* verbs, nouns and prepositions - which can be used by verbs.
* @var {Object} adventurejs.Input#verified_sentence
* @default {}
this.verified_sentence = {};
* Property used by handleWord() to pass data to
* parseMultipleInputs().
* @var {Array} adventurejs.Input#parsed_word
* @default { 'enabled':false }
this.parsed_word = { enabled: false };
* We use this as an intermediary step to store the
* parsed, typed input before we verify it.
* @var {Array} adventurejs.Input#parsed_sentence
* @default []
this.parsed_sentence = [];
* This is a simple representation of the parsed input
* for comparison purposes. Verbs may have their
* accepts_structures property set to a list of valid
* sentence structures. This gives us another way to
* validate input, by comparing it to a verb's capabilities.
* @var {Array} adventurejs.Input#verified_sentence_structure
* @default ""
this.verified_sentence_structure = "";
* Object for managing strings that author appends/overrides/prepends
* to native output.
* @var {Object} adventurejs.Input#printer
* @default {append:[],prepend:[],override:[],appended:[],prepended:[],overridden:[]}
// this.append_to_next_print = [];
this.printer = {
append: [],
prepend: [],
override: [],
appended: [],
prepended: [],
overriden: [],
* The original unparsed player's input string.
* @var {String} adventurejs.Input#unparsed_input
* @default ""
this.unparsed_input = "";
* The parsed version of the player's input string.
* @var {String} adventurejs.Input#parsed_input
* @default
this.parsed_input = "";
* Optional string containing a space delimited list of
* CSS classes to apply to the printed output.
* @var {String} adventurejs.Input#output_class
* @default ""
this.output_class = "";
* If player only input one word, store that here,
* because we parse single words differently from multiple words.
* @var {String} adventurejs.Input#found_word
* @default ""
this.found_word = "";
* A string representing the verb that was found in player input.
* @var {String} adventurejs.Input#input_verb
* @default ""
this.input_verb = "";
* If parser found an unknown word, store it here.
* @var {String} adventurejs.Input#unknown_word
* @default undefined
this.unknown_word = undefined;
* We're making a soft prompt with this turn, asking for clarification of a verb or noun.
* @var {Boolean} adventurejs.Input#soft_prompt
* @default { 'verb':null, 'noun1':false, 'noun2':false, 'noun3':false, 'enabled':false, 'satisfied':false }
this.soft_prompt = {
verb: null,
input_verb: null,
noun1: false,
noun2: false,
noun3: false,
nouns: [],
preposition1: false,
preposition2: false,
preposition3: false,
prepositions: [],
enabled: false,
satisfied: false,
structure: "",
* When we call for disambiguation, we ask for noun1, noun2, or noun3.
* We save the index here so we can refer to, for ex: "disambiguate["noun"+disambiguate.index].
* @var {int} adventurejs.Input#disambiguate
* @default { 'index':null, 'noun1':false, 'noun2':false, 'noun3':false }
this.disambiguate = {
index: null,
noun1: false,
noun2: false,
noun3: false,
enabled: false,
nouns: [],
* It's possible to redirect from one verb to another within a
* single turn. We save each verb's id in verb_chain, to check
* that we're not stuck in a circular loop.
* @var {Array} adventurejs.Input#verb_chain
* @default []
this.verb_chain = [];
* In some instances we want to allow a verb to be reused, such as
* when we're redirecting between nouns rather than verbs.
* @var {Boolean} adventurejs.Input#allow_circular_verb
* @default false
* @todo Should this also be an Array and sync indexes with verb_chain?
this.allow_circular_verb = false;
* A method for passing arbitrary properties along with a verb redirect.
* For ex: close_with may redirect to lock_with, and we may want to pass
* a param such as "autoClose=true".
* @var {Object} adventurejs.Input#verb_params
* @default {}
this.verb_params = {};
* During parsing we replace substrings with other substrings.
* Here we keep a record of the source substrings.
* @var {Object} adventurejs.Input#replacements
* @default {}
this.replacements = {};
* If player inputs quoted strings, we save them here. Ex:
* 'type "foo" on typewriter', we save "foo" as an unparsed string.
* @var {Array} adventurejs.Input#strings
* @default []
this.strings = [];
* During parse we perform regex to join verb phrases.
* For example, if player inputs
* "write name on paper with pencil",
* joinVerbNounPrepNounPrepNouns() would find and join
* "write_on_with paper pencil".
* When we do a replacement, we're saving the original
* string and the original verb. Here we save the fomr
* of the verb phrase, ie verb_noun_prep_noun_prep_noun,
* for use in verb logic.
* @var {Array} adventurejs.Input#joint
* @default []
this.joint = "";
// on startup we want to establish a populated turn before the first turn
// we're probably just setting it to "wait"
if (params && params.verb) {
this.input = params.verb;
this.found_word = params.verb;
this.input_verb = params.verb;
this.parsed_input = params.verb;
this.unparsed_input = params.verb;
* Getter function that returns the top level game object. Use <code class="property">this.game</code>.
* @var {Getter} adventurejs.Input#game
* @returns {adventurejs.Game}
get game() {
return window[this.game_name] || false;
* Lets author append an arbitrary string to this turn's output.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#appendToOutput
* @param {String} msg Arbitrary string to append to next print.
* @returns {boolean}
appendToOutput(msg) {
if ("string" !== typeof msg) return false;
return true;
* Lets author override this turn's output.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#overrideOutput
* @param {String} msg Arbitrary string to override next print.
* @returns {boolean}
overrideOutput(msg) {
if ("string" !== typeof msg) return false;
return true;
* Lets author prepend an arbitrary string to this turn's output.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#prependToOutput
* @param {String} msg Arbitrary string to prepend to next print.
* @returns {boolean}
prependToOutput(msg) {
if ("string" !== typeof msg) return false;
return true;
* Get verb from the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#hasVerb
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
hasVerb(index) {
var bool = false;
if (!index) index = 1;
if (this.verified_sentence["verb" + index]) {
bool = true;
return bool;
* Get verb from the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getVerb
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
getVerb(index) {
var verb = false;
if (!index) index = 1;
if (this.verified_sentence["verb" + index]) {
verb = this.verified_sentence["verb" + index].verb;
return verb;
* Get dictionary verb from the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getDictionaryVerb
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
getDictionaryVerb(index) {
var verb = false;
if (!index) index = 1;
if (this.verified_sentence["verb" + index]) {
verb = this.verified_sentence["verb" + index].verb;
verb = this.game.getVerb(verb);
return verb;
* Set the specified verb in the verified sentence.
* We're only ever taking one verb, but provisioning
* for more in the future in the case of structures
* such as "tell person to go north".
* @method adventurejs.Input#setVerb
* @param {String} value
setVerb(index, value) {
if (!index) index = 1;
if (!this.verified_sentence["verb" + index]) {
this.verified_sentence["verb" + index] = {};
this.verified_sentence["verb" + index].verb = value;
* Set the specified phrase in the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setPhrase
* @param {int} index
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} value
setPhrase(index, phrase) {
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index] = A.clone.call(
* Delete the specified phrase in the verified sentence
* and renumber any higher numbered phrases.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#deletePhrase
* @param {int} index
deletePhrase(index) {
if (!this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index]) return;
delete this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index];
if (this.getPhraseCount() > index) {
for (let i = index + 1; i <= this.getPhraseCount(); i++) {
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + (i - 1)] =
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + i];
delete this.verified_sentence["phrase" + i];
return true;
* Reset the verified sentence structure (after revising verified_sentence).
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#resetStructure
resetStructure(index) {
this.verified_sentence_structure = "";
if (this.verified_sentence.verb1?.verb) {
this.verified_sentence_structure += "verb";
for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
let phrase = this.verified_sentence["phrase" + i];
if (phrase && phrase.preposition)
this.verified_sentence_structure += " preposition";
if (phrase && phrase.noun) this.verified_sentence_structure += " noun";
return true;
* Get the specified phrase from the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getPhrase
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object}
getPhrase(index) {
var phrase = this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index];
return phrase || {};
* Get a count of nouns.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getNounCount
* @returns {int}
getNounCount() {
var count = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
if (
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + i] &&
(this.verified_sentence["phrase" + i].noun ||
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + i].parsedNoun)
) {
return count;
* Does the specified phrase exist in the verified sentence?
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#hasPhrase
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Boolean}
hasPhrase(index) {
if (this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index]) return true;
return false;
* Try to get a noun string from the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getNoun
* @param {int} index
* @returns {String|Boolean}
getNoun(index) {
return this.getInPhrase(index, "noun");
* Set a noun string from the verified sentence.
* Be careful to avoid letting noun and parsedNoun
* fall out of sync.
* By contrast, setAsset() will set both noun and
* parsedNoun.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setNoun
* @param {int} index
* @param {String} value
* @returns {String|Boolean}
setNoun(index, value) {
return this.setInPhrase(index, "noun", value);
* Try to get an exclusion string from the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getExclusion
* @param {int} index
* @returns {String|Boolean}
getExclusion(index) {
return this.getInPhrase(index, "exclusion");
* Set an exclusion string in the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setExclusion
* @param {int} index
* @param {String} value
* @returns {String|Boolean}
setExclusion(index, value) {
return this.setInPhrase(index, "exclusion", value);
* Try to get an asset from the parsedNoun in the
* specified phrase in the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getAsset
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
getAsset(index) {
var asset = null;
var parsedNoun = this.getInPhrase(index, "parsedNoun");
// qualified_object_id is only available when a singular match is found
//if(parsedNoun) asset = this.game.getAsset( parsedNoun.qualified_object_id );
// object_id is available when multiple matches are found
// it doesn't seem we should want multiple matches here,
// but some verbs for example "take all keys but blue key"
// result not only in multiple matches but in stacked input
// @TODO reexamine this
if (parsedNoun) asset = this.game.getAsset(parsedNoun.object_id);
return asset;
* Set the asset in the specified phrase. Asset means
* Asset-classed object, but we store here a ParsedNoun
* which is its own classed object that includes metadata
* about the Asset object.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setAsset
* @param {Int} index
* @param {Object} parsedNoun
setAsset(index, asset) {
if (!this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index]) {
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index] = {};
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].parsedNoun =
new adventurejs.ParsedNoun(asset);
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].noun = asset.id;
* When player refers to a substance, some verbs will try
* to identify a vessel containing that substance.
* Save that vessel id here.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setVessel
* @param {Int} index
* @param {Object} asset
setVessel(index, asset) {
if (!this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index]) {
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index] = {};
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].vessel = asset.id;
* When player refers to a substance, some verbs will try
* to identify a vessel containing that substance.
* Get that vessel id. Returns null if not found.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setVessel
* @param {Int} index
* @param {Object} asset
getVessel(index) {
return this.getInPhrase(index, "vessel");
* Create a new phrase at the lowest available phrase number.
* Assumed is always true.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setNewPhrase
* @param {Object} params
* @returns {Int}
setNewPhrase(params) {
var index = 1;
if (this.hasPhrase(1)) index = 2;
if (this.hasPhrase(2)) index = 3;
if (this.hasPhrase(3)) index = 4; // @TODO throw error
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index] = {};
if (params.preposition) {
this.verified_sentence_structure += " preposition";
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].preposition =
if (params.asset) {
this.verified_sentence_structure += " noun";
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].parsedNoun =
new adventurejs.ParsedNoun(params.asset);
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].noun = params.asset.id;
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].assumed = true;
return index;
* Get the number of phrases in the input.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getPhraseCount
getPhraseCount() {
var index = 0;
if (this.hasPhrase(1)) index = 1;
if (this.hasPhrase(2)) index = 2;
if (this.hasPhrase(3)) index = 3;
// we don't handle 4 phrases yet, but maybe in future?
return index;
* Try to get a preposition from the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getPreposition
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
getPreposition(index) {
return this.getInPhrase(index, "preposition");
* Set verified preposition.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setPreposition
* @param {int} index
* @param {string} value
setPreposition(index, value) {
return this.setInPhrase(index, "preposition", value);
* Try to get a direction from the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getDirection
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
getDirection(index) {
return this.getInPhrase(index, "direction");
* Set verified direction.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setDirection
* @param {int} index
* @param {Object} value
setDirection(index, value) {
return this.setInPhrase(index, "direction", value);
* Try to get a parsedNoun in the
* specified phrase in the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getParsedNoun
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
getParsedNoun(index) {
return this.getInPhrase(index, "parsedNoun");
* Set a parsedNoun in the
* specified phrase in the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setParsedNoun
* @param {int} index
* @param {Object} parsedNoun
setParsedNoun(index, parsedNoun) {
this.setInPhrase(index, "parsedNoun", parsedNoun);
* Set a parsedNoun in the
* specified phrase in the verified sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setParsedNoun
* @param {int} index
* @param {Object} parsedNoun
setParsedNounMatchesQualified(index, value) {
if (
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index] &&
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].parsedNoun
) {
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index].parsedNoun.matches.qualified =
* Ask if verified noun has been set assumed.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getAssumed
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
getAssumed(index) {
return this.getInPhrase(index, "assumed");
* Set verified noun assumed.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setAssumed
* @param {int} index
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
setAssumed(index, value) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") value = true;
this.setInPhrase(index, "assumed", value);
* Swap two phrases
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#swapPhrases
* @param {int} index1
* @param {int} index2
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
swapPhrases(index1, index2) {
if (!this.getPhrase(index1)) this[`phrase${index1}`] = {};
if (!this.getPhrase(index2)) this[`phrase${index2}`] = {};
var swap1 = A.clone.call(this.game, this.getPhrase(index1));
var swap2 = A.clone.call(this.game, this.getPhrase(index2));
this.setPhrase(index1, swap2);
this.setPhrase(index2, swap1);
* Swap two nouns
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#swapNouns
* @param {int} index1
* @param {int} index2
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
swapNouns(index1, index2) {
var noun1 = String(this.getInPhrase(index1, "noun"));
var noun2 = String(this.getInPhrase(index2, "noun"));
var parsedNoun1 = A.clone.call(
this.getInPhrase(index1, "parsedNoun"),
var parsedNoun2 = A.clone.call(
this.getInPhrase(index2, "parsedNoun"),
this.setInPhrase(index1, "noun", noun2);
this.setInPhrase(index2, "noun", noun1);
this.setInPhrase(index1, "parsedNoun", parsedNoun2);
this.setInPhrase(index2, "parsedNoun", parsedNoun1);
* Swap two prepositions
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#swapPrepositions
* @param {int} index1
* @param {int} index2
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
swapPrepositions(index1, index2) {
var swap1 = String(this.getPreposition(index1));
var swap2 = String(this.getPreposition(index2));
this.setPreposition(index1, swap2);
this.setPreposition(index2, swap1);
* Try to get a property from the specified phrase.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getInPhrase
* @param {String} position
* @param {String} property
* @returns {*}
getInPhrase(index, property) {
if (
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index] &&
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index][property]
) {
return this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index][property];
return null;
* Try to get a property from the specified phrase.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setInPhrase
* @param {String} position
* @param {String} property
* @returns {*}
setInPhrase(index, property, value) {
if (!this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index]) {
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index] = {};
this.verified_sentence["phrase" + index][property] = value;
* Does the input object have verified input?
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#hasInput
* @returns {Boolean}
hasInput() {
var bool = Object.keys(this.verified_sentence).length ? true : false;
return bool;
* Set a soft prompt for next turn.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setSoftPrompt
* @param {Object} params
setSoftPrompt(params) {
this.soft_prompt.enabled = true;
for (var key in params) {
this.soft_prompt[key] = params[key];
* Indicate that this turn parsed one word, which
* may satisfy a disambiguation prompt.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setOneWord
* @param {Object} params
setOneWord(params) {
console.warn("setOneWord", params);
this.parsed_word.enabled = true;
for (var key in params) {
this.parsed_word[key] = params[key];
* Indicate that this turn parsed one word, which
* may satisfy a disambiguation prompt.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setDisambiguate
* @param {Object} params
setDisambiguate(params) {
this.disambiguate.enabled = true;
for (var key in params) {
this.disambiguate[key] = params[key];
* Returns the parsed sentence structure.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getStructure
* @TODO replace with verified sentence structure
getStructure() {
return this.verified_sentence_structure;
* Set the parsed sentence structure.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#setStructure
* @TODO replace with verified sentence structure
setStructure(value) {
this.verified_sentence_structure = value;
* Returns the parsed sentence structure.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#getStructure
* @param {String} value
* @returns {boolean}
* @TODO replace with verified sentence structure
hasStructure(value) {
return this.verified_sentence_structure === value;
* Push a parsed word to parsed_sentence.
* @memberof adventurejs.Input
* @method adventurejs.Input#pushParsedWord
* @param {Object} params
pushParsedWord(params) {
// TEMPORARY ----------
* A bridge between the old and new input systems.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#preposition1
get preposition1() {
return this.getInPhrase(1, "preposition");
set preposition1(value) {
this.setInPhrase(1, "preposition", value);
* A temporary bridge between the old and new input systems.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#preposition2
get preposition2() {
return this.getInPhrase(2, "preposition");
set preposition2(value) {
this.setInPhrase(2, "preposition", value);
* A temporary bridge between the old and new input systems.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#preposition3
get preposition3() {
return this.getInPhrase(3, "preposition");
set preposition3(value) {
this.setInPhrase(3, "preposition", value);
* A bridge between the old and new input systems.
* A parsed noun object for the first noun found in player input.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#parsedNoun1
get parsedNoun1() {
return this.getInPhrase(1, "parsedNoun");
set parsedNoun1(value) {
this.setInPhrase(1, "parsedNoun", value);
* A bridge between the old and new input systems.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#parsedNoun2
get parsedNoun2() {
return this.getInPhrase(2, "parsedNoun");
set parsedNoun2(value) {
this.setInPhrase(2, "parsedNoun", value);
* A bridge between the old and new input systems.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#parsedNoun3
get parsedNoun3() {
return this.getInPhrase(3, "parsedNoun");
set parsedNoun3(value) {
this.setInPhrase(3, "parsedNoun", value);
* A bridge between the old and new input systems.
* Player did not input a noun, but we extrapolated one from context.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#parsedNoun1_is_assumed
get parsedNoun1_is_assumed() {
return this.getInPhrase(1, "assumed");
set parsedNoun1_is_assumed(value) {
this.setInPhrase(1, "assumed", value);
* A bridge between the old and new input systems.
* Player did not input a noun, but we extrapolated one from context.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#parsedNoun2_is_assumed
get parsedNoun2_is_assumed() {
return this.getInPhrase(2, "assumed");
set parsedNoun2_is_assumed(value) {
this.setInPhrase(2, "assumed", value);
* A bridge between the old and new input systems.
* Player did not input a noun, but we extrapolated one from context.
* @var {Getter|Setter} adventurejs.Input#parsedNoun3_is_assumed
get parsedNoun3_is_assumed() {
return this.getInPhrase(3, "assumed");
set parsedNoun3_is_assumed(value) {
this.setInPhrase(3, "assumed", value);
* A shortcut method for setting a number of properties on the instance.
* @memberOf adventurejs.Verb
* @method adventurejs.Input#set
* @param {Object} props A generic object containing properties to copy to the DisplayObject instance.
* @returns {adventurejs.Input} Returns the instance the method is called on (useful for chaining calls.)
* @chainable
set(props) {
return A.deepSet.call(this.game, props, this);
adventurejs.Input = Input;