// tie_to_and.js
(function () {
/*global adventurejs A*/
"use strict";
* @augments {adventurejs.Verb}
* @class tie_to_and
* @ajsnode game.dictionary.verbs.tie_to_and
* @ajsconstruct MyGame.createVerb({ "name": "tie_to_and", [...] });
* @ajsconstructedby adventurejs.Dictionary#createVerb
* @hideconstructor
* @ajsinstanceof Verb
* @ajsnavheading DeprecatedVerbs
* @summary Summary.
* @tutorial Scripting_VerbSubscriptions
* @tutorial Verbs_VerbAnatomy
* @tutorial Verbs_VerbProcess
* @tutorial Verbs_ModifyVerbs
* @tutorial Verbs_WriteVerbs
* @classdesc
* <pre class="display border outline">
* <span class="input">> tie rope to boat and bollard</span>
* You tie the rope to the boat and the bollard.
* </pre>
* <p>
* <strong>Tie</strong> one
* {@link adventurejs.Tangible|Tangible}
* {@link adventurejs.Asset|Asset} to two other Tangible Assets.
* Requires that the tying Asset has its
* <code class="property">asset.dov.tie.enabled</code>
* set to true and that the target Assets have their
* <code class="property">asset.iov.tie.enabled</code>
* set to true.
* </p>
A.Preverbs.tie_to_and = {
name: "tie_to_and",
prettyname: "tie",
synonyms: ["tieto"],
verb_prep_prep_noun: [],
verb_noun_prep_noun: ["tie to"],
verb_noun_prep_noun_prep_noun: ["tie to and"],
phrase1: {
accepts_noun: true,
requires_noun: true,
noun_must_be: {
known: true,
tangible: true,
present: true,
visible: true,
reachable: true,
//in_inventory: true,
* Normally we'd want direct object to be in inventory,
* but for tie to we might find a case such as a rope
* that's tied to a bollard and needs to be tied to a boat.
phrase2: {
accepts_noun: true,
requires_noun: true,
//accepts_preposition: true,
//requires_preposition: true,
//accepts_these_prepositions: [ 'to' ], /* @todo */
noun_must_be: {
known: true,
tangible: true,
present: true,
visible: true,
reachable: true,
phrase3: {
accepts_noun: true,
requires_noun: true,
//accepts_preposition: true,
//requires_preposition: true,
//accepts_these_prepositions: [ 'to' ], /* @todo */
noun_must_be: {
known: true,
tangible: true,
present: true,
visible: true,
reachable: true,
doTry: function () {
var input = this.game.getInput();
var direct_object = input.getAsset(1);
var indirect_object1 = input.getAsset(2);
var indirect_object2 = input.getAsset(3);
var player = this.game.getPlayer();
// example: tie rope to table
// rope is direct_object
// table is indirect_object1
// can't tie if not holding direct_object
if (
false === direct_object.can.tie_this_to_things_without_holding &&
false === player.$has(direct_object)
) {
var msg = "$(We)'re not holding " + direct_object.articlename + ". ";
return null;
// can't tie with direct_object
if (!direct_object.isDOV("tie")) {
var msg =
"$(We) can't tie anything with " + direct_object.articlename + ". ";
return null;
// can't tie to indirect_object1
if (false === indirect_object1.can_tie_things_to_this) {
var msg =
"$(We) can't tie anything to " + indirect_object1.articlename + ". ";
return null;
// can't tie to indirect_object2
if (indirect_object2 && !indirect_object2.can_tie_things_to_this) {
var msg =
"$(We) can't tie anything to " + indirect_object2.articlename + ". ";
return null;
// direct_object already tied to both indirectObjects
if (
indirect_object2 &&
-1 !==
) &&
-1 !==
) {
var msg =
direct_object.Articlename +
" is already tied to both " +
indirect_object1.articlename +
" and " +
indirect_object2.articlename +
". ";
return null;
// direct_object already tied to indirect_object1
if (
-1 !==
) {
var msg =
direct_object.Articlename +
" is already tied to " +
indirect_object1.articlename +
". ";
return null;
// direct_object already tied to indirect_object2
if (
indirect_object2 &&
-1 !==
) {
var msg =
direct_object.Articlename +
" is already tied to " +
indirect_object2.articlename +
". ";
return null;
// direct_object is maxed out
if (
direct_object.dov.tie?.with_params.connections.length >=
) {
var msg =
direct_object.Articlename + " can't be tied to any more things.";
return null;
// indirect_object1 is maxed out
if (
indirect_object1.iov.tie.with_params.connections.length >=
) {
var msg =
indirect_object1.Articlename +
" can't have any more things tied to it.";
return null;
// indirect_object1 is maxed out
if (
indirect_object2 &&
indirect_object2.iov.tie.with_params.connections.length >=
) {
var msg =
indirect_object2.Articlename +
" can't have any more things tied to it.";
return null;
return true;
doSuccess: function () {
var input = this.game.getInput();
var direct_object = input.getAsset(1);
var indirect_object1 = input.getAsset(2);
var indirect_object2 = input.getAsset(3);
var player = this.game.getPlayer();
var results;
results = direct_object.onTieThisToThat(indirect_object1);
if ("undefined" !== typeof results) return results;
if (indirect_object2) {
results = direct_object.onTieThisToThat(indirect_object2);
if ("undefined" !== typeof results) return results;
var msg =
"$(We) tie " +
direct_object.articlename +
" to " +
if (indirect_object2) {
msg += " and to " + indirect_object2.articlename;
* If indirect_object1 is takeable, move it into player's
* inventory. This may lead to undesired side effects.
* If you find that to be the case, set
* game.settings.on_tie_rope_to_takeable_object_take_object
* to false.
/*if( this.game.settings.on_tie_rope_to_takeable_object_take_object*/
if (
false === indirect_object1.isIn(player) &&
indirect_object1.isDOV("take") &&
) {
results = player.onMoveThatToThis(indirect_object1, "in");
if ("undefined" !== typeof results) return results;
msg += ", and take " + indirect_object1.articlename;
if (
indirect_object2 &&
!indirect_object2.isIn(player) &&
indirect_object2.isDOV("take") &&
) {
/*&& this.game.settings.on_tie_rope_to_takeable_object_take_object*/
results = player.onMoveThatToThis(indirect_object2, "in");
if ("undefined" !== typeof results) return results;
msg += ", and take " + indirect_object2.articlename;
* If tying rope to its max number of items, and
* the items are not in player's inventory, remove
* rope from inventory. This may lead to undesired side
* effects. If you find that to be the case, set
* game.settings.onTieRopeToMaxPointsRemoveFromInventory
* to false.
var tiedObjectsNotInInventory = 0;
var ropeIsTiedToMaxObjects =
direct_object.dov.tie?.with_params.connections.length ===
if (ropeIsTiedToMaxObjects) {
for (
var i = 0;
i < direct_object.dov.tie?.with_params.connections.length;
) {
var tiedObject = this.game.getAsset(
if (false === tiedObject.isIn(player)) {
var noTiedObjectsInInventory =
tiedObjectsNotInInventory ===
if (
this.game.settings.on_tie_rope_to_max_objects_drop_rope &&
direct_object.isIn(player) &&
ropeIsTiedToMaxObjects &&
) {
var currentRoom = this.game.getCurrentRoom();
results = player.onRemoveThatFromThis(direct_object);
if ("undefined" !== typeof results) return results;
// set thing's new location to player's location
results = currentRoom.onMoveThatToThis(direct_object, "in");
if ("undefined" !== typeof results) return results;
msg += ", and let go of " + direct_object.articlename;
msg += ". ";
this.handleSuccess(msg, direct_object);
return true;
})(); // tie_to_and