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// IOVhasMaxConnections.js
(function() {
	/*global adventurejs A*/ 
  "use strict";
  var p = adventurejs.Asset.prototype;	
   * Get whether the IOV has maximum connections.
   * @memberOf adventurejs.Asset
	 * @method adventurejs.Asset#IOVhasMaxConnections
   * @param {String} verb The name of a verb.
   * @return {Boolean}
  p.IOVhasMaxConnections = function Asset_IOVhasMaxConnections(verb) 
    // no verb or not DOV, not max
    if( !verb || ![verb] ) return true;
    if( !this.iov[verb] ) return true;

    // no connections at all? is max
    if( !this.iov[verb].with_params.connections ) return true;

    // no max connections set? not max
    if( "undefined" === typeof this.iov[verb].with_params.max_connections ) return false;

    // max greater than actual? not max
    if( this.iov[verb].with_params.max_connections >= 
    this.iov[verb].with_params.connections.length )
      return false;

    // assume it's max
    return true;